$DSCResourceName = 'BMD_cFSRMQuotaAction' $DSCModuleName = 'cFSRM' #region HEADER if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path '.\DSCResource.Tests\')) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path '.\DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1')) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PlagueHO/DscResource.Tests.git') } Import-Module .\DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1 -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Pester Tests InModuleScope $DSCResourceName { # Create the Mock Objects that will be used for running tests # General purpose Action Mocks $Global:MockEmail = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMAction' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Type = 'Email' Subject = '[Quota Threshold]% quota threshold exceeded' Body = 'User [Source Io Owner] has exceed the [Quota Threshold]% quota threshold for quota on [Quota Path] on server [Server]. The quota limit is [Quota Limit MB] MB and the current usage is [Quota Used MB] MB ([Quota Used Percent]% of limit).' MailBCC = '' MailCC = 'fileserveradmins@contoso.com' MailTo = '[Source Io Owner Email]' } $Global:MockCommand = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMAction' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Type = 'Command' Command = 'c:\dothis.cmd' CommandParameters = '' KillTimeOut = 60 RunLimitInterval = 3600 SecurityLevel = 'LocalSystem' ShouldLogError = $true WorkingDirectory = 'c:\' } $Global:MockEvent = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMAction' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Type = 'Event' Body = 'User [Source Io Owner] has exceed the [Quota Threshold]% quota threshold for quota on [Quota Path] on server [Server]. The quota limit is [Quota Limit MB] MB and the current usage is [Quota Used MB] MB ([Quota Used Percent]% of limit).' EventType = 'Warning' } $Global:MockReport = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMAction' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Type = 'Report' ReportTypes = @('DuplicateFiles','LargeFiles','QuotaUsage') } # Quota mocks $Global:MockThreshold1 = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMQuotaThreshold' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Percentage = 85 Action = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]@( $Global:MockEmail, $Global:MockCommand ) } $Global:MockThreshold2 = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMQuotaThreshold' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Percentage = 100 Action = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]@( $Global:MockEvent, $Global:MockReport ) } # Quota mocks $Global:MockQuota = New-CimInstance ` -ClassName 'MSFT_FSRMQuota' ` -Namespace Root/Microsoft/Windows/FSRM ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{ Path = 'c:\users' Description = '5 GB Hard Limit' Ensure = 'Present' Size = 5GB SoftLimit = $False Threshold = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]@( $Global:MockThreshold1, $Global:MockThreshold2 ) Disabled = $False Template = '5 GB Limit' } $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail = [PSObject]@{ Path = $Global:MockQuota.Path Percentage = $Global:MockQuota.Threshold[0].Percentage Type = 'Email' } $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail += [PSObject]@{ Ensure = 'Present' Subject = $Global:MockEmail.Subject Body = $Global:MockEmail.Body MailBCC = $Global:MockEmail.MailBCC MailCC = $Global:MockEmail.MailCC MailTo = $Global:MockEmail.MailTo } $Global:TestQuotaActionEvent = [PSObject]@{ Path = $Global:MockQuota.Path Percentage = $Global:MockQuota.Threshold[0].Percentage Type = 'Event' } $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEvent = $Global:TestQuotaActionEvent.Clone() $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEvent += [PSObject]@{ Ensure = 'Present' Body = $Global:MockEvent.Body EventType = $Global:MockEvent.EventType } $Global:TestQuotaActionCommand = [PSObject]@{ Path = $Global:MockQuota.Path Percentage = $Global:MockQuota.Threshold[0].Percentage Type = 'Command' } $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand = $Global:TestQuotaActionCommand.Clone() $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand += [PSObject]@{ Ensure = 'Present' Command = $Global:MockCommand.Command CommandParameters = $Global:MockCommand.CommandParameters KillTimeOut = $Global:MockCommand.KillTimeOut RunLimitInterval = $Global:MockCommand.RunLimitInterval SecurityLevel = $Global:MockCommand.SecurityLevel ShouldLogError = $Global:MockCommand.ShouldLogError WorkingDirectory = $Global:MockCommand.WorkingDirectory } $Global:TestQuotaActionReport = [PSObject]@{ Path = $Global:MockQuota.Path Percentage = $Global:MockQuota.Threshold[0].Percentage Type = 'Report' } $Global:TestQuotaActionSetReport = $Global:TestQuotaActionReport.Clone() $Global:TestQuotaActionSetReport += [PSObject]@{ Ensure = 'Present' ReportTypes = $Global:MockReport.ReportTypes } Describe 'BMD_cFSRMQuotaAction\Get-TargetResource' { Context 'Quota does not exist' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota { throw (New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.Cim.CimJobException) } It 'should throw QuotaNotFound exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $errorId = 'QuotaNotFound' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.QuotaNotFoundError) ` -f $Splat.Path,$Splat.Percentage,$Splat.Type $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException ` -ArgumentList $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ` -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null { $Result = Get-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Throw $errorRecord } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists but threshold does not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should throw QuotaNotFound exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $Splat.Percentage = 99 $errorId = 'QuotahresholdNotFound' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.QuotaThresholdNotFoundError) ` -f $Splat.Path,$Splat.Percentage,$Splat.Type $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException ` -ArgumentList $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ` -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null { $Result = Get-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Throw $errorRecord } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists but action does not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return absent quota action' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEvent.Clone() $Result = Get-TargetResource @Splat $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota and action exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return correct quota action' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $Result = Get-TargetResource @Splat $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' $Result.Type = 'Email' $Result.Subject = $Global:MockEmail.Subject $Result.Body = $Global:MockEmail.Body $Result.MailBCC = $Global:MockEmail.MailBCC $Result.MailCC = $Global:MockEmail.MailCC $Result.MailTo = $Global:MockEmail.MailTo } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } } Describe 'BMD_cFSRMQuotaAction\Set-TargetResource' { Context 'Quota does not exist' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { throw (New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.Cim.CimJobException) } Mock Set-FsrmQuota It 'should throw QuotaNotFound exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $errorId = 'QuotaNotFound' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.QuotaNotFoundError) ` -f $Splat.Path,$Splat.Percentage,$Splat.Type $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException ` -ArgumentList $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ` -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null { Set-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Throw $errorRecord } It 'should call expected Mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-FsrmQuota -Exactly 0 } } Context 'Quota exists but threshold does not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } Mock Set-FsrmQuota It 'should throw QuotaNotFound exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $Splat.Percentage = 99 $errorId = 'QuotaThresholdNotFound' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.QuotaThresholdNotFoundError) ` -f $Splat.Path,$Splat.Percentage,$Splat.Type $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException ` -ArgumentList $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ` -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null { Set-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Throw $errorRecord } It 'should call expected Mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-FsrmQuota -Exactly 0 } } Context 'Quota exists but action does not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } Mock Set-FsrmQuota It 'should not throw exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEvent.Clone() $Splat.Type = 'Event' { Set-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Not Throw } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } Mock Set-FsrmQuota It 'should not throw exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() { Set-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Not Throw } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action exists but should not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } Mock Set-FsrmQuota It 'should not throw exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.Ensure = 'Absent' { Set-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Not Throw } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } } Describe 'BMD_cFSRMQuotaAction\Test-TargetResource' { Context 'Quota does not exist' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { throw (New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.Cim.CimJobException) } It 'should throw QuotaNotFound exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $errorId = 'QuotaNotFound' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.QuotaNotFoundError) ` -f $Splat.Path,$Splat.Percentage,$Splat.Type $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException ` -ArgumentList $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ` -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null { Test-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Throw $errorRecord } It 'should call expected Mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists but threshold does not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should throw QuotaNotFound exception' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionEmail.Clone() $Splat.Percentage = 99 $errorId = 'QuotaThresholdNotFound' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.QuotaThresholdNotFoundError) ` -f $Splat.Path,$Splat.Percentage,$Splat.Type $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException ` -ArgumentList $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ` -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null { Test-TargetResource @Splat } | Should Throw $errorRecord } It 'should call expected Mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists but action does not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEvent.Clone() $Splat.Type = 'Event' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $False } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and matching action exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return true' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $true } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different Subject exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.Subject = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different Body exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.Body = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different Mail BCC exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.MailBCC = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different Mail CC exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.MailCC = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different Mail To exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.MailTo = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different Command exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.Command = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different CommandParameters exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.CommandParameters = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different KillTimeOut exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.KillTimeOut = $Splat.KillTimeOut+1 Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different RunLimitInterval exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.RunLimitInterval = $Splat.RunLimitInterval+1 Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different SecurityLevel exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.SecurityLevel = 'NetworkService' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different ShouldLogError exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.ShouldLogError = (-not $Splat.ShouldLogError) Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different WorkingDirectory exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetCommand.Clone() $Splat.WorkingDirectory = 'Different' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action with different ReportTypes exists' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetReport.Clone() $Splat.ReportTypes = @( 'LeastRecentlyAccessed' ) Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Quota exists and action exists but should not' { Mock Get-FsrmQuota -MockWith { return @($Global:MockQuota) } It 'should return false' { $Splat = $Global:TestQuotaActionSetEmail.Clone() $Splat.Ensure = 'Absent' Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $false } It 'should call the expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-FsrmQuota -Exactly 1 } } } } #endregion } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |