
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
GettingClassificationPropertyValueMessage=Getting FSRM Classification Property Definition "{0}" value "{1}".
ClassificationPropertyValueExistsMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" exists.
ClassificationPropertyValueNotExistMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" does not exist.
SettingClassificationPropertyValueMessage=Setting FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}".
EnsureClassificationPropertyValueExistsMessage=Ensuring FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" exists.
EnsureClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistMessage=Ensuring FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" does not exist.
ClassificationPropertyValueCreatedMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" has been created.
ClassificationPropertyValueUpdatedMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" has been updated.
ClassificationPropertyValueRemovedMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" has been removed.
ClassificationPropertyValueNoChangeMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" required no changes.
ClassificationPropertyValueWrittenMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" has been written.
TestingClassificationPropertyValueMessage=Testing FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}".
ClassificationPropertyValuePropertyNeedsUpdateMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" {2} is different. Change required.
ClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistButShouldMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" does not exist but should. Change required.
ClassificationPropertyValueExistsAndShouldNotMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" exists but should not. Change required.
ClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistAndShouldNotMessage=FSRM Classification Property Value Definition "{0}" value "{1}" does not exist and should not. Change not required.
ClassificationPropertyNotFoundError=FSRM Classification Property Definition "{0}" not found.


function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
        "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        $($LocalizedData.GettingClassificationPropertyValueMessage) `
            -f $PropertyName,$Name
        ) -join '' )

    # Lookup the existing Classification Property
    $ClassificationProperty = Get-ClassificationProperty `
        -PropertyName $PropertyName
    $ClassificationPropertyValue = $null
    foreach ($c in $ClassificationProperty.PossibleValue)
        if ($c.Name -eq $Name)
            $ClassificationPropertyValue = $C

    $returnValue = @{
        Name = $Name
        PropertyName = $PropertyName
    if ($ClassificationPropertyValue)
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
            "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueExistsMessage) `
                -f $PropertyName,$Name
            ) -join '' )
        $returnValue += @{
            Ensure = 'Present'
            DisplayName = $ClassificationPropertyValue.DisplayName
            Description = $ClassificationPropertyValue.Description
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
            "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistMessage) `
                -f $PropertyName,$Name
            ) -join '' )

        $returnValue += @{
            Ensure = 'Absent'

} # Get-TargetResource

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Ensure = 'Present',


    Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
        "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        $($LocalizedData.SettingClassificationPropertyValueMessage) `
            -f $PropertyName,$Name
        ) -join '' )

    # Remove any parameters that can't be splatted.

    # Lookup the existing Classification Property
    $ClassificationProperty = Get-ClassificationProperty `
        -PropertyName $PropertyName

    # Convert the CIMInstance array into an Array List so it can be worked with
    $ClassificationPropertyValues = [System.Collections.ArrayList]($ClassificationProperty.PossibleValue)

    # Find the index for the existing Value name (if it exists)
    $ClassificationPropertyValue = $null
    $ClassificationPropertyValueIndex = $null
    for ($c=0; $c -ilt $ClassificationPropertyValues.Count; $c++)
        if ($ClassificationPropertyValues[$c].Name -eq $Name)
            $ClassificationPropertyValue = $ClassificationPropertyValues[$c]
            $ClassificationPropertyValueIndex = $c

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present')
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
            "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($LocalizedData.EnsureClassificationPropertyValueExistsMessage) `
                -f $PropertyName,$Name
            ) -join '' )
        $NewClassificationPropertyValue = New-FSRMClassificationPropertyValue @PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction Stop

        if ($ClassificationPropertyValueIndex -eq $null)
            # Create the Classification Property Value
            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueCreatedMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )
            # The Classification Property Value exists, remove it then update it
            $null = $ClassificationPropertyValues.RemoveAt($ClassificationPropertyValueIndex)

            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueUpdatedMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )

        $null = $ClassificationPropertyValues.Add($NewClassificationPropertyValue)
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
            "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($LocalizedData.EnsureClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistMessage) `
                -f $PropertyName,$Name
            ) -join '' )

        if ($ClassificationPropertyValueIndex -eq $null)
            # The Classification Property Value doesn't exist and should not
            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueNoChangeMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )
            # The Classification Property Value exists, but shouldn't remove it
            $null = $ClassificationPropertyValues.RemoveAt($ClassificationPropertyValueIndex)

            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueRemovedMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )
        } # if
    } # if
    # Now write the actual change to the appropriate place
    Set-FSRMClassificationPropertyDefinition `
        -Name $PropertyName `
        -PossibleValue $ClassificationPropertyValues `
        -ErrorAction Stop

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
        "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueWrittenMessage) `
            -f $PropertyName,$Name
        ) -join '' )
} # Set-TargetResource

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Ensure = 'Present',

    # Flag to signal whether settings are correct
    [Boolean] $desiredConfigurationMatch = $true

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
        "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        $($LocalizedData.TestingClassificationPropertyValueMessage) `
            -f $PropertyName,$Name
        ) -join '' )

    # Lookup the existing Classification Property
    $ClassificationProperty = Get-ClassificationProperty `
        -PropertyName $PropertyName

    # Convert the CIMInstance array into an Array List so it can be worked with
    $ClassificationPropertyValues = [System.Collections.ArrayList]($ClassificationProperty.PossibleValue)

    # Find the index for the existing Value name (if it exists)
    $ClassificationPropertyValue = $null
    $ClassificationPropertyValueIndex = $null
    for ($c=0; $c -ilt $ClassificationPropertyValues.Count; $c++)
        if ($ClassificationPropertyValues[$c].Name -eq $Name)
            $ClassificationPropertyValue = $ClassificationPropertyValues[$c]
            $ClassificationPropertyValueIndex = $c

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present')
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
            "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($LocalizedData.EnsureClassificationPropertyValueExistsMessage) `
                -f $PropertyName,$Name
            ) -join '' )
        if ($ClassificationPropertyValueIndex -eq $null)
            # The Classification Property Value does not exist but should
            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistButShouldMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )
            $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false
            # The Classification Property Value exists - check it
            #region Parameter Checks
            if (($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) `
                -and ($ClassificationPropertyValue.Description -ne $Description))
                Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                    "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                    $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValuePropertyNeedsUpdateMessage) `
                        -f $PropertyName,$Name,'Description'
                    ) -join '' )
                $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false
        if ($ClassificationPropertyValueIndex -eq $null)
            # The ClassificationPropertyValue doesn't exist and should not
            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueDoesNotExistAndShouldNotMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )
            # The ClassificationPropertyValue exists, but it should be removed
            Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
                "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyValueExistsAndShouldNotMessage) `
                    -f $PropertyName,$Name
                ) -join '' )
            $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false
        } # if
    } # if

    return $desiredConfigurationMatch
} # Test-TargetResource

# Helper Functions

Function Get-ClassificationProperty {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $ClassificationProperty = Get-FSRMClassificationPropertyDefinition `
            -Name $PropertyName `
            -ErrorAction Stop
    catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.Cim.CimJobException]
        $errorId = 'ClassificationPropertyNotFoundError'
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.ClassificationPropertyNotFoundError) `
            -f $PropertyName
        $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException `
            -ArgumentList $errorMessage
        $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord `
            -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

        Throw $_
    Return $ClassificationProperty

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource