
function Set-cChocoExEnvironment {
        Initializes and configures the cChocoEx environment.
        Sets up the required environment for cChocoEx by performing the following tasks:
        - Sets global variables
        - Sets environmental variables
        - Creates necessary folder structure (requires admin)
        - Configures registry settings (requires admin)
        - Sets up event log sources (requires admin)
        If not running with administrative privileges, the function will warn
        the user about incomplete initialization.
        Initializes the cChocoEx environment. Must be run as administrator for full functionality.
        None. This function does not generate any output.
        Author: Jon Yonke
        Version: 1.0
        Created: 2024-02-11
        Required Functions:
        - Set-GlobalVariables
        - Set-EnvironmentalVariables
        - Test-IsAdmin
        - Set-cChocoExFolders
        - Set-RegistryConfiguration
        - Register-EventSource
        Required Permissions:
        - Administrative rights required for full initialization
        - Limited functionality available without admin rights
        Environment Variables:
        - Global:cChocoExDataFolder


    #Ensure cChocoEx Variables are Created

    if ((Test-IsAdmin) -eq $true) {
        #Ensure cChocoEx Data Folder Structure is Created

        #Ensure Registry Is Setup

        #Ensure EventLog Sources are Setup
    if ((Test-IsAdmin) -eq $false) {
        if ((-not(Test-Path -Path $Global:cChocoExDataFolder)) -or (-not(Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\Software\cChocoEx\"))) {
            Write-Warning "cChocoEx requires elevated access, please reopen PowerShell as an Administrator to finalize initialization"