.SYNOPSIS Creates Chocolatey Features DSC Configuration File for cChocoEx .DESCRIPTION Creates Chocolatey Features DSC Configuration File for cChocoEx as a PowerShell Data File #> function New-cChocoExFeatureFile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Path of Output File [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path, # NoClobber [Parameter()] [switch] $NoClobber ) begin { #Gather Requested Values $cChocoFeatureOptions = @( "checksumFiles" "autoUninstaller" "allowGlobalConfirmation" "failOnAutoUninstaller" "failOnStandardError" "allowEmptyChecksums" "allowEmptyChecksumsSecure" "powershellHost" "logEnvironmentValues" "virusCheck" "failOnInvalidOrMissingLicense" "ignoreInvalidOptionsSwitches" "usePackageExitCodes" "useEnhancedExitCodes" "exitOnRebootDetected" "useFipsCompliantChecksums" "showNonElevatedWarnings" "showDownloadProgress" "stopOnFirstPackageFailure" "useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades" "ignoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated" "skipPackageUpgradesWhenNotInstalled" "removePackageInformationOnUninstall" "logWithoutColor" "logValidationResultsOnWarnings" "usePackageRepositoryOptimizations" "scriptsCheckLastExitCode" ) [array]$HashTableArray = @() $ExportString = "@{`n" $Absent = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Absent' $Present = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Present' $SelectTrue = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&True' $SelectFalse = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&False' $EnsureOptions = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($Present, $Absent) $TrueFalseOptions = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($SelectTrue, $SelectFalse) $Title = 'cChocoEx - Desired State' $cChocoConfigSelections = $cChocoFeatureOptions | Sort-Object | Out-GridView -Title "cChocoConfig Options" -OutputMode Multiple } process { $cChocoConfigSelections | ForEach-Object { $FeatureName = $null $Ensure = $null Write-Host "FeatureName: $_" $FeatureName = $_ $EnsureSelection = $host.ui.PromptForChoice(($Title + " - $FeatureName - Ensure"), '', $EnsureOptions, 0) switch ($EnsureSelection) { 0 { $Ensure = 'Present' } 1 { $Ensure = 'Absent' } Default {} } $HashTableArray += @{ FeatureName = $FeatureName Ensure = $Ensure } $ExportString += @" '$FeatureName' = @{ FeatureName = '$FeatureName' Ensure = '$Ensure' }`n "@ } $ExportString += "`n}" } end { try { if ($NoClobber -and (Test-Path -Path $Path)) { Write-Warning "File Already Exists and NoClobber Specified. Requesting Alternative Path" $Path = Read-Host -Prompt "Path" $ExportString | Set-Content -Path $Path } else { $ExportString | Set-Content -Path $Path } $FullPath = (Get-Item -Path $Path).Fullname Write-Host "File Wriiten to $FullPath" } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } } |