Function New-bConnectEndpoint() { <# .Synopsis Create a new endpoint. .Parameter Type enum bConnectEndpointType. .Parameter DisplayName DisplayName of the new endpoint. This is also used as hostname for Windows-Endpoints. .Parameter GroupGuid Valid GUID of the target OU (default: "Logical Group"). .Parameter PrimaryUser Primary user of this endpoint. Mandatory for WindowsPhone-Endpoints. .Outputs NewEndpoint (see bConnect documentation for more details). #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'low')] [OutputType("System.Management.Automations.PSObject","System.Boolean")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bConnectEndpointType]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DisplayName, [string]$GroupGuid = "C1A25EC3-4207-4538-B372-8D250C5D7908", #guid of "Logical Group" as fallback [string]$PrimaryMac, [string]$PrimaryIp, [string]$HostName, [string]$Domain, [string]$Options, [string]$GuidBootEnvironment, [string]$GuidHardwareProfile, [string]$PrimaryUser = "", [string]$Comments, [bConnectEndpointOwner]$Owner, [bConnectEndpointComplianceCheckCategory]$ComplianceCheckCategory, [ValidateSet("LAN","Internet","Dynamic")][string]$Mode, [switch]$ExtendedInternetMode ) $_connectVersion = Get-bConnectVersion If($_connectVersion -ge "1.0") { $_body = @{ Type = $type; DisplayName = $displayname; GuidGroup = $groupGuid; PrimaryUser = $primaryUser } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Comments)) { $_body += @{ Comments = $Comments } } If($Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::WindowsEndpoint) { If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PrimaryMac)) { $_body += @{ PrimaryMac = $PrimaryMac } } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PrimaryIp)) { $_body += @{ PrimaryIp = $PrimaryIp } } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($HostName)) { $_body += @{ HostName = $HostName } } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Domain)) { $_body += @{ Domain = $Domain } } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Options)) { $_body += @{ Options = $Options } } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GuidBootEnvironment)) { $_body += @{ GuidBootEnvironment = $GuidBootEnvironment } } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GuidHardwareProfile)) { $_body += @{ GuidHardwareProfile = $GuidHardwareProfile } } If($Mode) { $_body += @{ Mode = $Mode } } If($ExtendedInternetMode) { $_body += @{ ExtendedInternetMode = $ExtendedInternetMode } } } If($Type -eq ([bConnectEndpointType]::AndroidEndpoint -or [bConnectEndpointType]::iOSEndpoint -or [bConnectEndpointType]::WindowsPhoneEndpoint)) { If($Owner) { $_body += @{ Owner = $Owner } } If($ComplianceCheckCategory) { $_body += @{ ComplianceCheckCategory = $ComplianceCheckCategory } } } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_body.DisplayName, "Create new endpoint.")){ return Invoke-bConnectPost -Controller "Endpoints" -Version $_connectVersion -Data $_body } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } |