
function Connect-AzTextToSpeech {
            Queries your Cognitive Services account for the first API key and uses it to find a token. Once found,
            stores the token in the module scope to be used for all API calls throughout the time the module
            is imported.

            Depends on values already being set up in the module folder's configuration.json file and also being
            authenticated to your Azure account.
            PS> Connect-AzTextToSpeech


    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    $script:config = GetConfiguration
    if (-not $script:config.APIKey) {
        if (-not (TestAzAuthenticated)) {
            throw 'You are currently not authenticated to Azure and no API key is saved. First run Connect-AzAccount to authenticate or sign up for a free API key and run Save-ApiKey.'

        $params = @{
            ResourceGroupName = $script:config.CognitiveServicesAccount.ResourceGroupName
            Name              = $script:config.CognitiveServicesAccount.Name

        $keys = Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountKey @params
        $script:config.APIKey = $keys.Key1