function Get-SSMEnabledInstances { <# .SYNOPSIS Given a list of instance IDs, find those that are SSM enabled and sort into Windows and non-Windows .PARAMETER InstanceId List of instance IDs to check .OUTPUTS [PSObject] with the following fields - Windows List of SSM enabled Windows instances - NonWindows List of SSM enabled non-Windows instances - NonSSM List of instances that aren't SSM enabled, or SSM not ready - NotReady List of instances that are not running and passed status checks #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]]$InstanceId ) $retval = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Windows = $null NonWindows = $null NonSSM = $null NotReady = $null } $instances = $InstanceId $notReadyInstances = $null $nonSsmInstances = $null $windowsInstances = $null $nonWindowsInstances = $null # Filter down to running instances that have passed status checks $readyInstances = Get-EC2InstanceStatus -InstanceId $instances | Where-Object { $_.InstanceState.Code -eq 16 -and $_.Status.Status.Value -ieq 'ok' -and $_.SystemStatus.Status.Value -ieq 'ok' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InstanceId if ($readyInstances) { $notReadyInstances = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $instances -DifferenceObject $readyInstances -PassThru } if ($notReadyInstances) { $retval.NotReady = $notReadyInstances } $instances = $readyInstances if (-not $instances) { # No instances ready - stop now return $retval } # Now filter to ones that respond to SSM $ssmInstances = Get-SSMInstanceInformation -Filter @{ Key = 'InstanceIds' Values = $instances } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InstanceId if ($ssmInstances) { $nonSsmInstances = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $instances -DifferenceObject $ssmInstances -PassThru } if ($nonSsmInstances) { $retval.NonSSM = $nonSsmInstances } $instances = $ssmInstances if (-not $instances) { # No instances SSM capable - stop now return $retval } # Now sort Windows from non-Windows $windowsInstances = (Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId $instances) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Instances | Where-Object { $_.Platform -ieq 'Windows' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InstanceId if ($windowsInstances) { $nonWindowsInstances = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $instances -DifferenceObject $windowsInstances -PassThru } else { $nonWindowsInstances = $instances } if ($windowsInstances) { $retval.Windows = $windowsInstances } if ($nonWindowsInstances) { $retval.NonWindows = $nonWindowsInstances } $retval } |