# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script GraphContext) ScriptClass LogicalGraphManager { $contexts = $null function __initialize { if ( $this.scriptclass.sessionmanager -ne $null ) { throw "Singleton LogicalGraphManager instance already exists" } $this.contexts = @{} } function NewContext($parentContext = $null, $connection, $apiversion, $name = $null, $verifyVersion = $false, [string] $schemaId = $null) { if ( ! $apiVersion -and ! $parentContext) { throw "An api version or parent context must be specified" } if ( ! $connection -and ! $parentContext ) { throw "A connection or parent context must be specified" } $version = if ( $apiVersion ) { $apiVersion } else { $parentContext.version } $graphConnection = if ( $connection ) { $connection } else { $parentContext.connection } $graphEndpoint = $graphConnection.GraphEndpoint.Graph.tostring().trimend('/') if ( $verifyVersion ) { write-verbose "Verify option was specified, will verify existence of API version '$version' on endpoint '$graphEndpoint'" $metadataStream = $null try { $graphUri = $graphEndpoint, $version, '$metadata' -join '/' write-verbose "Attempting to access '$graphUri'" $webClient = [System.Net.WebClient]::new() $metadataStream = $webClient.OpenRead($graphUri) $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($metadataStream) $reader.Read() | out-null } catch { write-verbose "Version verification failed: '$($_.exception.message)'" throw "Endpoint '$graphEndpoint' does not support an API version '$version'" } finally { if ( $metadataStream ) { $metadataStream.Close() } } write-verbose "Successfully verified existence of API version '$version' on endpoint '$graphEndpoint'" } else { write-verbose "Verify option not specified, skipping verification of API version '$version' on endpoint '$graphEndpoint'" } $uniqueName = if ( $name -and $name -ne '' ) { $name } else { $version } $uniqueName = if ( $name -and $name -ne '' ) { $name } else { $version } $contextName = if ( $this.contexts.containskey($uniqueName) ) { if ( $name ) { throw "The specified graph context name '$name' already exists" } $secondName = "{0}_{1}" -f $uniqueName, $this.contexts.count if ( $this.contexts.containskey($secondName) ) { $secondName = "{0}_{1}" -f $uniqueName, $this.ScriptClass.idGenerator.Next() if ( $this.contexts.containskey($secondName) ) { $secondName = "{0}_{1}" -f $uniqueName, (new-guid).tostring() } } $secondName } else { $uniqueName } $context = new-so GraphContext $graphConnection $version $contextName $schemaId $this.contexts.Add($contextName, [PSCustomObject]@{Context=$context}) $context } function RemoveContext($name) { if ( ! $name ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new('Cannot remove context because no context name was specified') } $contextRecord = $this.contexts[$name] if ( ! $contextRecord ) { throw "Context '$name' cannot be removed because it does not exist" } $currentContext = $::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent if ( $currentContext -and $currentContext.Name -eq $name ) { write-warning "Context '$name' cannot be removed because it is the current context" } else { $this.contexts.remove($name) } } function GetContext($name) { if ( $name -and $name -ne '' ) { $contextRecord = $this.contexts[$name] if ($contextRecord) { $contextRecord.Context } } else { $this.contexts.values | select -expandproperty Context } } function FindContext($endpoint, $version) { $this.contexts.values | foreach { if ( $_.context.connection.graphEndpoint.Graph.tostring() -eq $endpoint -and $_.context.version -eq $version ) { return $_.context } } } static { function __initialize { if ( ! $this.sessionManager ) { $this.sessionManager = new-so LogicalGraphManager } } $sessionManager = $null $idGenerator = [Random]::new([int32] ([DateTime]::now.Ticks % 0XFFFFFFFF)) function Get { $this.sessionManager } } } |