# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ScriptClass RESTResponse { $statusCode = strict-val [int] $statusDescription = strict-val [string] $content = $null $headers = strict-val [HashTable] $images = $null $inputFields = $null $links = $null $rawContent = $null $rawContentLength = strict-val [int] $contentTypeData = strict-val [HashTable] $null $RequiredContentType = $null function __initialize ( $webResponse, [string] $requiredContentType = $null, [bool] $isSyntheticResponse ) { if ( $isSyntheticResponse ) { $this.statusCode = 0 $this.content = $webResponse | convertto-json -depth 3 $this.rawcontent = $this.content $this.rawcontentlength = $this.rawcontent.length } else { $this.statusCode = $webResponse.statusCode $this.statusDescription = $webResponse.statusDescription $this.rawContent = $webResponse.rawContent $this.rawContentLength = $webResponse.rawContentLength $this.headers = $webResponse.headers $this.content = $webResponse.content $this.images = if ( $webResponse | gm images -erroraction ignore ) { $webResponse.images } else { $null } $this.inputFields = if ( $webResponse | gm inputfields -erroraction ignore ) { $webResponse.inputfields } else { $null } $this.links = if ( $webResponse | gm links -erroraction ignore ) { $webResponse.links } else { $null } $this.RequiredContentType = $requiredContentType } SetContentTypeData $isSyntheticResponse } static { function GetErrorResponseDetails($response) { if ( $response -ne $null ) { $responseType = $response.GetType() $responseStream = switch ( $responseType.FullName ) { 'System.Net.WebResponse' { $response.getresponsestream() } 'System.Net.HttpWebResponse' { $response.getresponsestream() } 'System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage' { # No need to read the stream for this type, so # we won't return it } default { # Unknown error type, don't attempt to process it write-verbose "Http request returned as instance of unexpected type '$responseType'" } } if ( $responseStream -ne $null ) { $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($responseStream) $errorMessage = $reader.ReadToEnd() $errorMessage } } } } function SetContentTypeData($isSyntheticResponse) { $this.contentTypeData = @{} if ( $isSyntheticResponse ) { $this.contentTypeData['application/json'] = $true return } if ( $this.headers -ne $null ) { $contentType = $this.headers['Content-Type'] if ( $contentType -ne $null ) { $elements = $contentType -split ';' $elements | foreach { $elementValue = $_ -split '=' if ($elementValue -eq $null) { $elementValue = $_ } $this.contentTypeData[$_] = $elementValue } } } } function HasJsonContent { if ( $this.contentTypeData ) { ($this.contentTypeData['application/json'] -ne $null) } else { $false } } function HasXmlContent { if ( $this.contentTypeData ) { ($this.contentTypeData['application/xml'] -ne $null) } else { $false } } function GetDeserializedContent([boolean] $includeCorrectedInput = $false) { if ( $this.RequiredContentType -ne $null -and $this.RequiredContentType.length -gt 0 ) { if ( $this.contentTypeData[$this.RequiredContentType] -eq $null ) { $contentTypeHeader = $this.headers['Content-Type'] throw "Expected content of type '$($this.RequiredContentType)' but content was not actually found in Content-Type Header '$contentTypeHeader'" } } if ( (HasJsonContent) ) { $this.content | convertfrom-json } elseif ( (HasXmlContent) ) { $deserializedContent = DeserializeXml $this.content $deserializedContent.deserializedContent } else { $null } } function DeserializeXml($xmlContent) { # Try to deserialize -- this may fail due to # the presence of a unicode byte order marker $deserializedXml = try { [Xml] $xmlContent } catch { $null } if ( $deserializedXml -ne $null ) { @{ deserializedContent = $deserializedXml correctedXmlContent = $xmlContent } } else { # Remove Byte Order Mark (BOM) that breaks the # XML parser during deserialization. # We asssume the file is Unicode, i.e UTF16LE with # the corresponding BOM. $utf8NoBOMEncoding = new-object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $false $unicodeBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($response.content) $bomOffset = 6 $utf8NoBOMBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Convert( [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode, $utf8NoBOMEncoding, $unicodeBytes, $bomOffset, $unicodeBytes.length - $bomOffset ) $utf8NoBOMContent = $utf8NoBOMEncoding.GetString($utf8NoBOMBytes) $deserializedCorrectedXml = [Xml] $utf8NoBOMContent @{ deserializedContent = $deserializedCorrectedXml correctedXmlContent = $utf8NoBOMContent } } } } |