# Copyright 2023, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ScriptClass GraphResponse { $RestResponse = strict-val [PSCustomObject] $Entities = $null $ODataContext = strict-val [Uri] $NextLink = strict-val [Uri] $DeltaLink = strict-val [Uri] $Metadata = strict-val [HashTable] @{} $HasNonEmptyValueData = strict-val [bool] function __initialize ( $restResponse ) { $this.RestResponse = $restResponse $deserializedContent = $this.RestResponse |=> GetDeserializedContent $normalizedResponse = $this |=> __GetNormalizedResponse $deserializedContent $this.Metadata = $normalizedResponse.metadata $this.Entities = $normalizedResponse.entities $this.HasNonEmptyValueData = $normalizedResponse.hasNonEmptyValueData $this.ODataContext = $this.metadata['@odata.context'] $this.NextLink = $this.metadata['@odata.nextLink'] $this.DeltaLink = $this.metadata['@odata.deltaLink'] } function Content { $this.restResponse.content } function __GetNormalizedResponse($deserializedContent) { $metadata = @{} $responseData = NormalizePSObject $deserializedContent $valueData = $null $hasNonEmptyValueData = $false $responseData.keys | foreach { if ( $_ -eq 'value' ) { $hasNonEmptyValueData = $hasNonEmptyValueData -or ( $valueData -ne $null ) $valueData = $responseData[$_] } elseif ($_.startswith('@')) { try { $metadata[$_] = $responseData[$_] } catch { } } else { $hasNonEmptyValueData = $true } } $entityData = if ( $valueData -ne $null -and $metadata.keys.count -gt 0 ) { $valueData } else { $responseData } $normalizedEntityData = if ( $entityData -isnot [Object[]] ) { @($entityData) } else { $entityData } @{ entities=$entityData metadata=$metadata hasNonEmptyValueData = $hasNonEmptyValueData } } function NormalizePSObject([PSObject] $psobject) { $result = @{} if ( $psobject -ne $null ) { $psobject | gm -membertype properties | select -expandproperty name | foreach { $memberName = $_ $memberValue = $psobject | select -expandproperty $memberName $normalizedValue = $memberValue $result[$memberName] = $normalizedValue } } $result } } |