# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script ColorScheme) . (import-script ColorString) ScriptClass GraphFormatter { static { function __initialize { $::.ColorScheme.RegisterColorNames( @( 'Success' 'Warning' 'Error1' 'Error2' 'REST-Method-POST' 'REST-Method-PUT' 'REST-Method-GET' 'REST-Method-DELETE' 'REST-Method-PATCH' 'Time-Elapsed-Normal' 'Time-Elapsed-Slow' 'Time-Elapsed-ExtraSlow', 'Resource-TimeWindow-Expired', 'Resource-TimeWindow-NotYetActive', 'Resource-TimeWindow-Valid' ), 'autographps-sdk' ) $colorInfo = [PSCustomObject] @{ colorMode = '4bit' colors = [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Success' = 10 'Warning' = 11 'Error1' = 1 'Error2' = 9 'REST-Method-POST' = 13 'REST-Method-PUT' = 5 'REST-Method-GET' = 12 'REST-Method-DELETE' = 11 'REST-Method-PATCH' = 14 'Time-Elapsed-Normal' = 10 'Time-Elapsed-Slow' = 11 'Time-Elapsed-ExtraSlow' = 9 'Resource-TimeWindow-Expired' = 9 'Resource-TimeWindow-NotYetActive' = 1 'Resource-TimeWindow-Valid' = 10 } } $::.ColorString.UpdateColorScheme(@($colorInfo)) } function StatusCode($statusValue) { $foreGround = $null $background = $null $status = try { [int] $statusValue } catch { break } $coloring = if ( $status -ne $null ) { if ( $status -ge 200 -and $status -lt 300 ) { 'Success' } elseif ($status -eq 401 -or $status -eq 403 ) { 'Error3' } elseif( $status -ge 300 -and $status -lt 500 ) { 'Error2' } else { 'Error1' } } $colors = $::.ColorString.GetStandardColors($coloring, $null, $null, $null) $::.ColorString.ToColorString($statusValue, $colors[0], $colors[1]) } function RestMethod($method) { $foreGround = $null $background = $null $colorName = switch ( $method ) { 'POST' { 'REST-Method-POST' } 'PUT' { 'REST-Method-PUT' } 'GET' { 'REST-Method-GET' } 'DELETE' { 'REST-Method-DELETE' } 'PATCH' { 'REST-Method-PATCH' } default {} } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($method, 'Scheme', $colorName, $null, $null) } function ResponseElapsedTime([TimeSpan] $elapsed, $timeField, $noApi) { # Add additional time for the comparison if this is a non-API request # as there should be very little overhead $interval = if ( ! $noApi ) { $elapsed.TotalSeconds } else { $elapsed.TotalSeconds + 0.95 # 50ms } # Comparison is as if this were an API request $colorName = if ( $interval -lt 1.0 ) { 'Time-Elapsed-Normal' } elseif ( $interval -lt 2.0 ) { 'Time-Elapsed-Slow' } else { 'Time-Elapsed-ExtraSlow' } $timeOutput = if ( $timeField ) { $elapsed.$timeField } else { $elapsed } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($timeOutput.ToString(), 'Scheme', $colorName, $null, $null) } function ServerTimestamp( $clientRequestTimeStamp, $serverTimeStamp ) { $secondsDelta = [Math]::Abs( ( $serverTimeStamp - $clientRequestTimeStamp ).TotalSeconds ) # This value is from a single response, so we can only make gross characterizations # such as a very large difference (minutes) betweeh clocks on the client and server $colorName = if ( $secondsDelta -lt 150 ) { 'Time-Elapsed-Normal' } elseif ( $skewMsSize -lt 300 ) { 'Time-Elapsed-Slow' } else { 'Time-Elapsed-ExtraSlow' } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($serverTimestamp, 'Scheme', $colorName, $null, $null) } function ResourceInTimeWindow($resourceTime, $windowStart, $windowEnd) { $colorName = if ( $windowStart -and $resourceTime -lt $windowStart ) { 'Resource-TimeWindow-NotYetActive' } elseif ( $windowEnd -and $resourceTime -gt $windowEnd ) { 'Resource-TimeWindow-Expired' } else { 'Resource-TimeWindow-Valid' } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($resourceTime.ToString(), 'Scheme', $colorName, $null, $null) } function PermissionType($permissionType) { $coloring = if ( $permissionType -eq 'Delegated' ) { 'Emphasis2' } else { 'Emphasis1' } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($permissionType, $coloring, $null, $null, $null) } function ConnectionName($connection) { $colors = $::.ColorString.GetStandardColors('Emphasis1') $currentConnection = $::.GraphContext.GetCurrentConnection() if ( $currentConnection -and $ -eq $ ) { $colors[1] = $colors[0] $colors[0] = 0 } $output = if ( $connection.Name ) { $connection.Name } else { '(Unnamed)' } $::.ColorString.ToColorString($output, $colors[0], $colors[1]) } function ConnectionUser($connection) { $userInfo = $connection.identity.GetUserInformation() if ( $userInfo ) { $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($userInfo.UserId, 'Emphasis2', $null, $null, $null) } } function ToStandardTimeString($timeString) { $parsedTime = [DateTimeOffset]::new(0, [TimeSpan]::new(0)) if ( [DateTimeOffset]::tryparse($timeString, [ref] $parsedTime) ) { $parsedTime.ToString('G') } else { $timeString } } } } $::.GraphFormatter |=> __initialize |