
# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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. (import-script ../REST/RequestLog)

Retrieves a log of the all of the REST requests to the Graph and associated responses issued by this module in the PowerShell session.

When a command such as Get-GraphResource or Invoke-GraphApiRequest issues a request to the Graph, the details of that request, including the
URI, http method, headers, along with details of the response are recorded as entries in a log. The Get-GraphLog command returns a collection
of log entries, where each request is a log entry. This command is useful for troubleshooting / diagnosis, analyzing performance, or
simply exploring and understanding the Graph protocol.

Entries are returned by this command in reverse chronological order. The results of the command may be piped to other PowerShell commands such as Sort-Object to provide other sort orders, filtering, projected properties, or formatting of the log entries.

The Clear-GraphLog command may be used to remove all entries from the log. The Set-GraphLogOption command may also be used
to disable logging altogether.

The Newest parameter specifies the maximum number of log entries to return from the command, and that those entries must be
the newest such entries. This parameter may be specified as the first parameter without an explicit name, and its default
value is 20.

This parameter is similar to Newest, except that the oldest set of entries of the size specified by this parameter are returned.

This specifies the number of entries to skip.

The 0-based index of the entry to retrieve depending. If Newest is specified, this is the 0-based offset from the newest entry. Otherwise if Oldest is specified, it is the offset from the Oldest entry.

.PARAMETER StatusFilter
Filters the kinds of requests emitted by their status:
  * None (default): there is no filter; requests of any status are emitted
  * Error: only failed requests (e.g. 400s, 500s, etc.) are emitted
  * Success: only successful requests are emitted

To retrieve all of the entries in the log without needing to know how many entries exist, specify the parameter.

A collection of log entries sorted chronologically where each entry contains request and response details.

The request log is currently implemented as a circular, in-memory log. The log is configured with a maximum log size that determines the
maximum number of log entries (one per request) stored in the log. This setting may be managed via the Get-GraphLogOption and
Set-GraphLogOption commands.

When the log has reached its maximum capacity, the next request that is logged will overwrite the earliest request in the log.


RequestTimestamp Status Method Version Size ResourceUri ErrorResponse
---------------- ------ ------ ------- ---- ----------- -------------
10/21/2019 11:50:11 PM 200 GET 163 ping
10/21/2019 11:51:33 PM 200 GET v1.0 415 me
10/21/2019 11:54:18 PM 201 POST beta 30009 applications
10/21/2019 11:54:25 PM 204 PATCH beta 4988 applications/4b44df3-824...
10/21/2019 11:54:29 PM 200 GET beta 562 servicePrincipals?$selec...
10/21/2019 10:14:31 PM 200 GET beta 80971 me/messages
10/21/2019 10:14:54 PM 404 GET v1.0 user {...Not found

This shows a sequence of the 20 most recent calls issued from AutoGraphPS. To see more than just the 20 most recent, use
the Oldest, Newest, or All options.

Get-GraphLog -Oldest 3

RequestTimestamp Status Method Version Size ResourceUri ErrorResponse
---------------- ------ ------ ------- ---- ----------- -------------
10/21/2019 10:14:54 PM 200 GET beta 80971 me/messages
10/21/2019 10:14:24 PM 404 GET v1.0 user {... Not foun
10/21/2019 9:27:04 PM 200 GET v1.0 163 ping

This shows the newest 3 messages in the log.

Get-GraphLog -Oldest 3 | Select Status, Method, ResourceUri

Status Method ResourceUri
------ ------ -----------
   200 GET ping
   404 GET me/messages
   200 GET users

This shows the oldest 3 entries, and pipes the output to select to project specific fields

Get-GraphLog -StatusFilter Error

2019.11.04 21:59:54> get-graphlog -StatusFilter Error

RequestTimestamp Status Method Version Size ResourceUri ErrorResponse
---------------- ------ ------ ------- ---- ----------- -------------
11/4/2019 9:59:11 PM 403 GET v1.0 me/applications {...
11/4/2019 9:59:47 PM 404 GET v1.0 me2 {... "Not fou

In this example, the StatusFilter parameter is specified with the value Error so that only failed requests are returned by the command.


function Get-GraphLog {
    [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false, defaultparametersetname='newest')]
        [parameter(position=0, parametersetname='newest')]
        $Newest = 20,

        [parameter(parametersetname='oldest', mandatory=$true)]

        $Skip = 0,


        [ValidateSet('None', 'Error', 'Success')]
        [string] $StatusFilter = 'None',

        [parameter(parametersetname='all', mandatory=$true)]
        [switch] $All
    $fromOldest = $Oldest -ne $null
    $skipCount = $Skip

    $count = if ( $Index -ne $null ) {
        $skipCount = $Index
    } elseif ( $fromOldest ) {
        [int] $Oldest
    } else {

    $filterFlag = if ( $StatusFilter -ne 'None' ) { $StatusFilter -eq 'Error' }
    $results = ($::.RequestLog |=> GetDefault) |=> GetLogEntries $skipCount $count $fromOldest $All.IsPresent $filterFlag

    # Results are sorted in reverse chronological order if enumerating from newest, but the reverse
    # is true for sorting from oldest. To ensure that for oldest the newest retrieved record is first,
    # reverse this so that we always return results in chronological order as part of a standard ux convention
    if ( $results ) {
        if ( $fromOldest -and ( $results -is [object[]] ) ) {
            $start = 0
            $end = $results.length - 1
            while ( $start -lt $end ) {
                $current = $results[$start]
                $results[$start++] = $results[$end]
                $results[$end--] = $current

        $results | foreach {
            $_ |=> ToDisplayableObject