
# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

. (import-script ../cmdlets/Invoke-GraphApiRequest)
. (import-script ../common/LocalCertificate)
. (import-script ../common/ScopeHelper)

enum AppTenancy {

ScriptClass ApplicationAPI {
    static {
        const DefaultApplicationApiVersion 'v1.0'
        $TenantToGraphServicePrincipal = @{}

    $version = $null
    $connection = $null

    function __initialize($connection, $version) {
        $this.connection = $connection
        $this.version = if ( $version ) {
        } else {

    function CreateApp($appObject) {
         Invoke-GraphApiRequest /applications -method POST -body $appObject -version $this.version -connection $this.connection -ConsistencyLevel Session

    function AddKeyCredentials($appObjectId, $existingKeyCredentials, [object[]] $appCertificates, [bool] $preserveExisting, [bool] $isServicePrincipal) {
        if ( ! $appCertificates -and $preserveExisting -and ( $existingKeyCredentials -eq $null ) ) {
            throw "No certificates were specified"

        # This should be additive, but methods to add to the collection
        # don't seem to work.
        $keyCredentials = @()

        if ( $preserveExisting -and ($existingkeyCredentials | measure-object).count ) {
            $existingkeyCredentials | foreach {
                $keyCredentials += $_

        foreach ( $appCertificate in $appCertificates ) {
            $encodedCertificate = if ( $appCertificate -is [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 ] ) {
                $::.LocalCertificate |=> GetEncodedPublicCertificateData $appCertificate
            } else {
                $appCertificate |=> GetEncodedPublicCertificateData

            $keyCredentials += [PSCustomObject] @{
                type = 'AsymmetricX509Cert'
                usage = 'Verify'
                key = $encodedCertificate

        $appPatch = (
            [PSCustomObject] @{
                keyCredentials = $keyCredentials
        ) | convertto-json -depth 6

        $targetClass = if ( $isServicePrincipal ) {
        } else {

        # Note that we always write, even if no credentials were specified at all. So a case where a user
        # somehow specifies no credentials to write and the object has no existing credentials will still
        # result in a write -- optimizations to avoid this should be performed outside the function.
        Invoke-GraphApiRequest "/$targetClass/$appObjectId" -method PATCH -Body $appPatch -version $this.version -connection $this.connection -ConsistencyLevel Session | out-null

    function GetKeyCredentials($appObjectId, [bool] $isServicePrincipal) {
        $targetClass = if ( $isServicePrincipal ) {
        } else {

        $targetUri = "/$targetClass/$appObjectId/keyCredentials"

        Invoke-GraphApiRequest "/$targetUri" -method GET -version $this.version -connection $this.connection -ConsistencyLevel Session

    function SetKeyCredentials($appObjectId, $keyCredentials, [bool] $isServicePrincipal) {
        # Instruct the method to treat the credentials passed here as if they are the existing credentials,
        # and to preserve them. This is the same as replacing them with this exact set.
        AddKeyCredentials $appObjectId $keyCredentials $null $true $isServicePrincipal

    function RegisterApplication($appId, $isExternal) {
        write-verbose "Attempting to register existing application '$appId', isExternalTenant: '$isExternal'"
        if ( ! $isExternal ) {
            # For user experience reasons, when the user believes they are registering an app from their own tenant,
            # we explicitly check for this. We only skip this check if they specify that they are OK with registering
            # an application owned by another tenant.
            write-verbose "Looking for existing application '$appId' in this tenant"
            $existingApp = $null
            $retryCount = 3
            $waitTime = 5

            # The directory does not guarantee read after write, and this method is often invoked after an app is created.
            # If we need to find the app, it's possible that a newly created app is not accessible by read operations
            # for some amount of time, so add a reasonable retry just in case.
            do {
                $existingApp = GetApplicationByAppId $appId
                if ( ! $existingApp ) {
                    start-sleep $waitTime
                $waitTime += 10
            } while ( ! $existingApp -and --$retryCount )

            if ( ! $existingApp ) {
                throw "An application with AppId '$AppId' could not be found in this tenant -- the application may have just been created but not fully replicated or it may be from a different tenant."
            write-verbose "Found existing application '$appId' in this tenant"

        write-verbose "Looking for existing service principal for application '$appId' in this tenant"
        $appSP = GetAppServicePrincipal $appId

        if ( $appSP ) {
            throw "Application with Application Id '$appID' is already registered with service principal id = '$($'"

        write-verbose "No existing service principal found for application '$appId', registering it"
        $newSP = NewAppServicePrincipal $appId

        write-verbose "Registered application '$appId' with service principal '$($'"

    function NewAppServicePrincipal($appId) {
        Invoke-GraphApiRequest /servicePrincipals -method POST -body @{appId=$appId} -Version $this.version -connection $this.connection -erroraction stop -ConsistencyLevel Session

    function GetAppServicePrincipal($appId, $properties, $errorAction = 'stop') {
        $selectArguments = @{}
        if ( $properties ) {
            $selectArguments['select'] = $properties
        $result = Invoke-GraphApiRequest /servicePrincipals -method GET -Filter "appId eq '$appId'" -Version $this.version -connection $this.connection -erroraction $errorAction @selectArguments -ConsistencyLevel Session
        __NormalizeSearchResult $result

    function GetApplicationByAppId($appId, $getServicePrincipal, $errorAction = 'stop') {
        $targetClass = if ( $getServicePrincipal ) {
        } else {

        $result = Invoke-GraphApiRequest "/$targetClass" -method GET -Filter "appId eq '$appId'" -Version $this.version -connection $this.connection -erroraction $errorAction -ConsistencyLevel Session
        __NormalizeSearchResult $result

    function GetApplicationByObjectId($objectId, $getServicePrincipal, $errorAction = 'stop') {
        $targetClass = if ( $getServicePrincipal ) {
        } else {

        Invoke-GraphApiRequest "/$targetClass/$objectId" -method GET -Version $this.version -connection $this.connection -erroraction $errorAction -ConsistencyLevel Session

    function GetApplicationByObjectIdOrAppId($objectId, $appId, $getServicePrincipal, $errorAction = 'stop') {
        if ( $objectId ) {
            GetApplicationByObjectId $objectId $getServicePrincipal $errorAction
        } else {
            GetApplicationByAppId $appId $getServicePrincipal $errorAction

    function RemoveApplicationByObjectId($objectId, $errorAction = 'stop') {
        Invoke-GraphApiRequest "/applications/$objectId" -method DELETE -Version $this.version -connection $this.connection -erroraction $erroraction -ConsistencyLevel Session | out-null

    function GetReducedPermissionsString($permissionsString, $permissionsToRemove) {
        $permissions = $permissionsString -split ' '

        $newPermissions = $permissions | where { $permissionsToRemove -notcontains $_ }

        $reducedPermissionsString = $newPermissions -join ' '

        if ( $permissionsString -ne $reducedPermissionsString ) {

    function SetConsent (
        [string[]] $delegatedPermissions,
        [string[]] $appOnlyPermissions,
    ) {
        $isUserConsentNeeded = $false
        $consentUserId = if ( $userIdToConsent ) {
            write-verbose "User '$userIdToConsent' specified for consent"
            $isUserConsentNeeded = $true
        } elseif ( ! $consentAllUsers ) {
            write-verbose "No user was specified for consent, but all user consent was not specified, so consent will be made for the user making this Graph API call"
            $userObjectId = $this.connection.Identity.GetUserInformation().userObjectId
            if ( $userObjectId ) {
                $isUserConsentNeeded = $true
                write-verbose "Attempting to grant consent to app '$appId' for current user '$userObjectId'"
            } else {
                write-verbose "Unable to determine current user and all users consent not specified, so no consent for the user will be attempted; the current user is likely an app-only identity"
                if ( $delegatedPermissions -and $errorIfNoDelegatedUserTarget ) {
                    throw 'Delegated permissions were specified for consent, but no target user was specified and the target user could not be inferred from the signed in account. Explicitly specify that all principals should get consent, provide a particular user consent target, or sign in with a delegated user identity.'
        } else {
            write-verbose "User consent was not specified, and consent for required delegated permissions was specified, will attempt to consent those permissions for all users in the tenant"
            $isUserConsentNeeded = $true

        if ( ! $isUserConsentNeeded -and ! $ConsentAllUsers -and ! $appOnlyPermissions ) {
            write-verbose "Consent for all users was not required and no specific user consent was required and no app only permissions were specified, so skipping consent completely"

        if ( $isUserConsentNeeded ) {
            write-verbose 'Processing user consent...'
            $grant = GetConsentGrantForApp $appId $consentUserId $DelegatedPermissions $consentRequiredPermissions $appWithRequiredResource
            if ( $grant ) {
                Invoke-GraphApiRequest /oauth2PermissionGrants -method POST -body $grant -version $this.version -connection $this.connection -ConsistencyLevel Session | out-null
            } else {
                write-verbose 'Skipping consent because no consent was specified'

        if ( $AppOnlyPermissions -or $consentRequiredPermissions ) {
            $targetServicePrincipalId = if ( $appServicePrincipalId ) {
            } else {
                $servicePrincipal = GetAppServicePrincipal $appId
                if ( ! $servicePrincipal -or ! ($servicePrincipal | gm id -erroraction ignore) ) {
                    throw "Application '$AppId' was not found"

            write-verbose ( 'Processing app-only consent: SpecificPermissionsSpecified: {0}; ConsentRequiredPermissionsSpecified: {1}' -f ($AppOnlyPermissions -ne $null -and $AppOnlyPermissions.length -gt 0), $consentRequiredPermissions )
            ConsentAppOnlyRolesForTenant $appId $AppOnlyPermissions $consentRequiredPermissions $appWithRequiredResource $targetServicePrincipalId
        } else {
            write-verbose 'Skipping consent for app only permissions because no permissions are specified'

    function GetConsentGrantForApp(
        $scopes = @(),
    ) {
        $targetPermissions = if ( ! $ConsentRequiredPermissions ) {
            foreach ( $scopeName in $scopes ) {
                $scopeId = try {
                    $::.ScopeHelper |=> GraphPermissionNameToId $scopeName Scope
                } catch {
                $canonicalScopeName = if ( $scopeId ) {
                    $::.ScopeHelper |=> GraphPermissionIdToName $scopeId Scope $null $true
                if ( $canonicalScopeName ) {
                } else {
        } else {
            $permissions = @()
            if ( $appWithRequiredResource -and ( $appWithRequiredResource | gm requiredResourceAccess -erroraction ignore ) ) {
                $graphResourceAccess = $appWithRequiredResource.requiredResourceAccess | where resourceAppid -eq 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
                $graphResourceAccess.resourceAccess | foreach {
                    if ( $_.type -eq 'Scope') {
                        $permissionId = $
                        $permissionName = $::.ScopeHelper |=> GraphPermissionIdToName $permissionId $null $this.connection
                        $permissions += $permissionName


        if ( $targetPermissions -and $targetPermissions.length -gt 0 ) {
            __NewOauth2Grant $appId ($targetPermissions -join ' ') $consentUser

    function ConsentAppOnlyRolesForTenant(
    ) {
        $targetPermissions = if ( ! $ConsentRequiredPermissions ) {
            foreach ( $roleName in $appPermissions ) {
                $::.ScopeHelper |=> GraphPermissionNameToId $roleName 'Role' $this.connection $true
        } else {
            $permissions = @()
            if ( $appWithRequiredResource -and ( $appWithRequiredResource | gm requiredResourceAccess ) ) {
                $graphResourceAccess = $appWithRequiredResource.requiredResourceAccess | where resourceAppid -eq 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000

                $graphResourceAccess.resourceAccess | foreach {
                    if ( $_.type -eq 'Role') {
                        $permissions += $


        $appRoleAssignments = foreach ( $roleId in $targetPermissions ) {
            __NewAppRoleAssignment $appServicePrincipalId $roleId

        foreach ( $assignment in $appRoleAssignments ) {
            Invoke-GraphApiRequest /servicePrincipals/$appServicePrincipalId/appRoleAssignments -method POST -body $assignment -version $this.version -connection $this.connection -ConsistencyLevel Session | out-null

    function GetGraphServicePrincipalId($connection) {
        $tenantId = $connection.identity.TenantDisplayId.tostring()
        $spId = $this.scriptclass.TenantToGraphServicePrincipal[$tenantId]

        if ( ! $spId ) {
            $spResult = GetAppServicePrincipal $::.ScopeHelper.GraphApplicationId @('id')
            if ( ! $spResult ) {
                throw 'Unable to find service principal for Microsoft Graph in the tenant'
            $spId = $
            $this.scriptclass.TenantToGraphServicePrincipal[$tenantId] = $spId
            write-verbose "Retrieved Graph service principal id '$spId' for tenant '$tenantId' from Graph"
        } else {
            write-verbose "Found Graph service principal id '$spId' for tenant '$tenantId' in cache"


    function __NewOauth2Grant($appId, [string] $permissionName, $consentUserId) {
        $appSP = GetAppServicePrincipal $appId

        if ( ! $appSP -or ! ($appSP | gm id -erroraction ignore) ) {
            throw "Application '$AppId' was not found"

        $consentType = if ( $consentUserId ) {
        } else {

            clientId = $
            consentType = $consentType
            resourceId = GetGraphServicePrincipalId $this.connection
            principalId = $consentUserId
            scope = $permissionName
            startTime = (([DateTime]::UtcNow) - ([TimeSpan]::FromDays(1))).tostring('s')
            expiryTime = (([DateTime]::UtcNow) + ([TimeSpan]::FromDays(365))).tostring('s')

    function __NewAppRoleAssignment($appServicePrincipalId, [string] $roleId) {
            principalId = $appServicePrincipalId
            resourceId = GetGraphServicePrincipalId $this.connection
            principalType = 'ServicePrincipal'
            appRoleId = $roleId
            resourceDisplayName = 'Microsoft Graph'

    function __NormalizeSearchResult($result) {
        # Search results can return empty sets, but the search result itself
        # is non-empty, so make sure we convert a search result with no items
        # into a null result to simplify processing for callers -- they won't
        # need to inspect the payload itself for empty results
        if ( $result -and ( $result | gm -erroraction ignore id ) ) {