
Tool that archive then update output test files to the format required by the npm Azure Stream Analyics CICD package from a folder of tests following the asa.unittest syntax
It can be run on files already in the new format without issues.
Start-AutRun can handle both formats equally.
See documentation for more information :
.PARAMETER solutionPath
Path to the solution (folder) containing both the Azure Stream Analytics folder and the unittest folder
.PARAMETER asaProjectName
Name of the Azure Stream Analytics project, usually the name of the project folder
.PARAMETER unittestFolder
Name of the folder containing the test fixture (folders 1_arrange, 2_act, 3_assert), usually "asaProjectName.Tests"
.PARAMETER archivePath
Path where the existing files will be archived. If missing will generate a new one timestamped for each execution
Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles -solutionPath $solutionPath -asaProjectName $asaProjectName -unittestFolder $unittestFolder

Function Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles{

    param (
        [string]$solutionPath = $(Throw "-solutionPath is required"),
        [string]$unittestFolder = "$asaProjectName.Tests",

    BEGIN {
        write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::101 - Set and check variables"

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $solutionPath)) {Throw "Invalid -solutionPath"}

        $arrangePath = "$solutionPath\$unittestFolder\1_arrange"
        if (-not (Test-Path($arrangePath))) {throw "$arrangePath is not a valid path"}

        if (-not (($archivePath.Length -ge 1))){
                $archivePath = $arrangePath + "\archive_$(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss")"
                write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::No archivePath provided, will default to $archivePath"
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $archivePath
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $archivePath)) {throw "$archivePath is not a valid path"}

        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Starting a format conversion for output files of $asaProjectName at $arrangePath. Existing files archived at $archivePath"))
            # Output files inventory
            write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::201 - Getting the list of output files to be processed in the 1_arrange folder"

            $filesToBeProcessed = Get-ChildItem -Path $arrangePath `
                | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*~Output~*~*.json"}

            # Convert files to the new format
            write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::301 - Converting content"

            foreach ($file in $filesToBeProcessed){
                write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::302 - Converting $($file.Name) content"

                $fileName = $file.FullName

                ## This extract only the content of {...} and all other syntax
                ## Thanks to
                $fileContent = (Invoke-ReadAllText -path $fileName).split("`n") `
                | Select-String -pattern "\{([^}]+)\}" `
                | ForEach-Object Matches `
                | ForEach-Object Value

                ## Generating a single string out of the array, adding back CRLF as the separator
                $newContent = $fileContent -join "`r`n"

                write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::302 - Archiving $($file.Name)"
                $destination = $archivePath + "\" + $file.Name
                Copy-Item -Path $fileName  -Destination $destination -Force
                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $destination)) {throw "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::302 - $($file.Name) was not archived, not found in archive, it will not be processed, no data was lost"}

                ## Using WriteAllText to avoid the final empty line that pops up with Out-File
                write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::303 - Generating new $($file.Name)"
                Invoke-WriteAllText -f $fileName -c $newContent

            write-verbose "Set-AutNewFormatOutputFiles::301 - Conversion finished"
    } #PROCESS
    END {}