
Controller script that start a job on a given executable
Potential to be upgraded to tool

See documentation for more information :

.PARAMETER solutionPath
Path to the solution (folder) containing both the Azure Stream Analytics folder and the unittest folder

.PARAMETER asaProjectName
Name of the Azure Stream Analytics project = name of the project folder = name of the query in that folder (.asaql) = name of the project description file (.asaproj)

.PARAMETER unittestFolder
Name of the folder containing the test fixture (folders 1_arrange, 2_act, 3_assert), usually "asaProjectName.Tests"

Timestamp of the test run (yyyyMMddHHmmss), will be used in the folder structure

Current test to be run (001, 002, 003...)

Path to sa.exe, usually $exePath = "$solutionPath\$unittestFolder\2_act\Microsoft.Azure.StreamAnalytics.CICD.$asaNugetVersion\tools\sa.exe"

New-AutRunJob -solutionPath $solutionPath -asaProjectName $asaProjectName -unittestFolder $unittestFolder -testID $testID -testCase $testCase -exePath $exePath

Function New-AutRunJob{

    param (
        [string]$solutionPath = $(Throw "-solutionPath is required"),
        [string]$asaProjectName = $(Throw "-asaProjectName is required"),
        [string]$unittestFolder = $(Throw "-unittestFolder is required"),
        [string]$testID = $(Throw "-testID is required"),
        [string]$testCase = $(Throw "-testCase is required"),
        [string]$exePath = $(Throw "-exePath is required")

    BEGIN {

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $exePath -PathType Leaf)) {throw "No file found at $exePath"}

        $testPath = "$solutionPath\$unittestFolder\3_assert\$testID"
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $testPath)) {throw "$testPath is not a valid path"}



        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Running $exePath"))
            Start-Job -ArgumentList $exePath,$testPath,$testCase,$asaProjectName -ScriptBlock{
                #Can't do that since Start-Job is invoked in a separate scope with no context
                #Invoke-External -l $exePath localrun -Project "$testPath\$testCase\$asaProjectName\$asaProjectName.asaproj" -OutputPath "$testPath\$testCase"
                & $exePath localrun -Project $testPath\$testCase\$asaProjectName\$asaProjectName.asaproj -OutputPath $testPath\$testCase
    } #PROCESS
    END {}