
Controller script used to generate the fixture required for a test run
See documentation for more information :
.PARAMETER solutionPath
Path to the solution (folder) containing both the Azure Stream Analytics folder and the unittest folder
.PARAMETER asaProjectName
Name of the Azure Stream Analytics project = name of the project folder = name of the query in that folder (.asaql) = name of the project description file (.asaproj)
.PARAMETER unittestFolder
Name of the folder containing the test fixture (folders 1_arrange, 2_act, 3_assert), usually "asaProjectName.Tests"
Timestamp of the test run (yyyyMMddHHmmss), will be used in the folder structure
New-AutRunFixture -solutionPath $solutionPath -asaProjectName $asaProjectName -unittestFolder $unittestFolder -testID $testID

Function New-AutRunFixture{

    param (
        [string]$solutionPath = $(Throw "-solutionPath is required"),
        [string]$asaProjectName = $(Throw "-asaProjectName is required"),
        [string]$unittestFolder = $(Throw "-unittestFolder is required"),
        [string]$testID = $(Throw "-testID is required")

    BEGIN {
        if (-not (Test-Path($solutionPath))) {throw "$solutionPath is not a valid path"}

        $asaProjectPath = "$solutionPath\$asaProjectName"
        if (-not (Test-Path($asaProjectPath))) {throw "$asaProjectPath is not a valid path"}

        $arrangePath = "$solutionPath\$unittestFolder\1_arrange"
        if (-not (Test-Path($arrangePath))) {throw "$arrangePath is not a valid path"}

        $testPath = "$solutionPath\$unittestFolder\3_assert\$testID"
        if (-not (Test-Path("$solutionPath\$unittestFolder\3_assert\"))) {throw "$testPath is not a valid path"}


        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Generating a fixture for $asaProjectPath at $testPath"))
            $testDetails = (Get-ChildItem -Path $arrangePath -File) |
                Get-AutFieldFromFileInfo -s "~" -n 4 |
                Select-Object `
                    FullName, `
                    FilePath, `
                    Basename, `
                    @{Name = "TestCase"; Expression = {$_.Basename0}}, `
                    @{Name = "FileType"; Expression = {$_.Basename1}}, `
                    @{Name = "SourceName"; Expression = {$_.Basename2}}, `
                    @{Name = "TestLabel"; Expression = {$_.Basename3}}

            write-verbose "201 - Create and populate test folders"

            $testFolders = `
                $testDetails |
                Select-Object @{Name = "Path"; Expression = {"$testPath\$($_.TestCase)"}} |
                Sort-Object -Property Path -Unique

            ## Create 1 folder for each test case
            $testFolders | New-Item -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

            ## Create an ASA project folder in test case folder
            $testFolders |
                Select-Object @{Name = "Path"; Expression = {"$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\Inputs\"}} |
                New-Item -ItemType Directory |

            ## Copy .asaql, .asaql.cs, .asaproj (XML) and JobConfig, asaproj (JSON) required for run in each test case folder
            $testFolders |
                Select-Object @{Name="Destination"; Expression = {"$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\"}} |
                Copy-Item -Path "$asaProjectPath\*.as*","$asaProjectPath\*.cs","$asaProjectPath\*.json" -recurse |

            ## If there isn't a XML asaproj, generate it from the JSON one
            $testFolders |
                ForEach-Object -Process {
                    if (-not(Test-Path "$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\$asaProjectName.asaproj" -PathType leaf)) {
                        Get-Content "$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\asaproj.json" | ConvertFrom-JSON | New-AUTAsaprojXML -Verbose:$false  | Out-File "$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\$asaProjectName.asaproj"

            ## Copy the local input mock file required for run in each test case folder
            $testFolders |
                Select-Object @{Name="Destination"; Expression = {"$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\Inputs\"}} |
                Copy-Item -Path "$asaProjectPath\Inputs\Local*.json" -recurse |

            ## Copy test files from 1_arrange to each test case folder
            $testDetails |
                Select-Object `
                    @{Name = "Destination"; Expression = {"$testPath\$($_.TestCase)\$asaProjectName\Inputs\"}},
                    @{Name = "Path"; Expression = {$_.FilePath}} |
                Copy-Item |

            if (Test-Path("$asaProjectPath\Functions\")) {
                         ## Create an ASA function folder in test case folder
                        $testFolders |
                        Select-Object @{Name = "Path"; Expression = {"$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\Functions\"}} |
                        New-Item -ItemType Directory |

                        ## Copy the local JS function files required for run in each test case folder
                        $testFolders |
                        Select-Object @{Name="Destination"; Expression = {"$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\Functions\"}} |
                        Copy-Item -Path "$asaProjectPath\Functions\*.js" -recurse |

                        ## Copy the local JS function definition files (JSON) required for run in each test case folder
                        $testFolders |
                        Select-Object @{Name="Destination"; Expression = {"$($_.Path)\$asaProjectName\Functions\"}} |
                        Copy-Item -Path "$asaProjectPath\Functions\*.js.json" -recurse |

            # 3xx - Updating config files
            write-verbose "301 - Update each conf file"

            ## For each Input test file, edit the corresponding Local config file in the test case Input folder to point to it
            $testDetails |
                Where-Object { $_.FileType -eq"Input" } |
                Select-Object `
                    @{Name = "confFilePath"; Expression = {"$testPath\$($_.TestCase)\$asaProjectName\Inputs\Local_$($_.SourceName).json"}} |
                Foreach-Object -process {
                    $localInputData = Get-Content $_.confFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json;
                    $localInputData.FilePath = $_.FullName;
                    $localInputData | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $_.confFilePath
                } |

            ## Output Pipeline
            $testDetails.TestCase | Sort-Object -Unique
    } #PROCESS
    END {}