
Companion script used to install the dependencies required for the main package
In case of issues with PowerShell Execution Policies, see
PS: VSCode has a weird behavior on that topic, use Terminal :
See documentation for more information :
This script will first download nuget.exe, the Nuget CLI tool for Windows. See
After that nuget.exe will be invoked to install the required packages from nuget.
Finally the script will invoke npm to install the npm packages.
These packages will be installed globally (npm install -g).
If npm is not available, please download node.js. See
.PARAMETER installPath
Path to the folder in the fixture that will contain the dependencies, usually (solutionPath\asaProjectName.Tests\2_act)
.PARAMETER npmPackages
List of npm packages to install
.PARAMETER nugetPackages
List of nuget packages to install
Install-AutToolset -installPath C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\examples\ASAHelloWorld.Tests\2_act -npmpackages jsondiffpatch -nugetpackages Microsoft.Azure.StreamAnalytics.CICD

Function Install-AutToolset{

    param (
        [string]$installPath = $(Throw "-installPath is required"),
        [string[]]$npmPackages, # = @("jsondiffpatch"),
        [string[]]$nugetPackages # = @("Microsoft.Azure.StreamAnalytics.CICD")

    BEGIN {
        if (-not (Test-Path $installPath)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $installPath | Out-Null}


        if ($nugetPackages.Count -gt 0){

            if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$installPath\nuget.exe" -PathType Leaf)){
                # Windows - get nuget.exe from
                Write-Verbose "001 - Download nuget.exe"
                Invoke-WebRequest `
                    -Uri `
                    -OutFile (Join-Path $installPath "nuget.exe") |

            foreach ($nugetPackage in $nugetPackages){
                Write-Verbose "002 - Installing nuget package : $nugetPackage"
                #Hotfix for release 1.0.10
                #Invoke-External -l "$installPath\nuget.exe" install $nugetPackage -OutputDirectory $installPath |
                Invoke-External -l "$installPath\nuget.exe" install "Microsoft.Azure.StreamAnalytics.CICD" -version "2.4.1" -OutputDirectory $installPath |

        } #IF nuget

        if ($npmPackages.Count -gt 0){
            foreach ($npmPackage in $npmPackages){
                Write-Verbose "003 - Installing npm package : $npmPackage"
                Invoke-External -l "npm" install -g $npmPackage | Out-Null
        } #IF npm

    } # PROCESS
    END {}