
Deploys DataBricks job from configuration json file to a workspace
Deploys DataBricks job from configuration json file to a workspace
.PARAMETER jobConfig
The name path of the job configuration files.
.PARAMETER removeSchedule
Determine whether or nto to exclude the schedule when publishing the job to the workspace.
Publish-DatabricksJobToWorkspaceByName '<path-to-file>'
Author: Sabin IO
Function Publish-DatabricksJobToWorkspaceByName {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$jobConfig,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][bool]$removeSchedule
    try {

        $job = Get-Content -Raw -Path $jobConfig | ConvertFrom-Json
        $results = @{
            ClusterFound = 0
            ScheduleRemoved = 0
            NotebookJob = 0

        <# If key existing_cluster_name is present we need to replace it with existing_cluster_id for the workspace being deployed to #>
        if ($job.PSObject.Properties.Item('existing_cluster_name')) {
            $ClusterId = Get-CachedDatabricksClusterId -ClusterName $job.existing_cluster_name
            if ($ClusterId) {
                $job | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'existing_cluster_id' -NotePropertyValue $ClusterId
                $results.ClusterFound = 1
            else {
                throw "No cluster name of `"$($job.existing_cluster_name)`" found. Please check the cluster exists on the target workspace before trying again"
        if ($removeSchedule -eq $true) {
            if ($job.PSObject.Properties.Item('schedule')) {
                $results.ScheduleRemoved = 1
        $InputObject = $job | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
        Add-DatabricksNotebookJob -JobName $ -InputObject $InputObject
        $results.NotebookJob = 1
    catch {
        #uh oh
        throw $_.Exception
    return $results