
Deploys DataBricks Files from configuration json file to a workspace
Deploys DataBricks Files from configuration json file to a workspace
Configuration json file from the environment used to workout whether to deploy a clusters from a folder or file(s)
Publish-DatabricksFilesToWorkspaceByName -config $config -bearerToken 'dapi1234567890' -localInputPath '</path/to/file>'
Author: Sabin IO
Function Publish-DatabricksFilesToWorkspaceByName {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$config,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$localInputPath
    try {
        if ($config.dbfsFiles) {
            Write-Output "dbfsFiles config key supplied"
            if ($config.dbfsFiles.Length -ge 1) {               
                # Check if fils exist in the first place
                foreach ($file in $config.dbfsFiles) {
                    Add-DatabricksDBFSFile `
                        -LocalRootFolder $localInputPath `
                        -FilePattern $file.filePattern `
                        -TargetLocation $file.targetLocation
        else {
            Write-Warning "dbfsFiles config key not supplied, but the switch has been supplied to the pipeline."
    catch {
        #uh oh
        throw $_.Exception