function New-ZorusQuery { param ( $body, $URI, $method ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($script:BaseURL)){ throw "BaseURL value not configured. Use 'Set-ZorusBaseURL `"`"' to configure." } if ($null -eq $script:Headers){ throw "Headers value not configured. See to configure." } if (($body.gettype()).name -eq 'HashTable'){ $body=$body | ConvertTo-Json -depth 6 } $retry=$false $retrycount=0 do{ try{ $response=Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Headers $script:headers -body $Body -Uri $URI $Errorcode=$response.statuscode } catch { $Errorcode=$_.Exception.Response.statuscode.Value__ } switch ($Errorcode) { 200 { # Everything successful. Exit Loop. $retry=$false } 401 { throw "401 : Unauthorized. Check API key." } 406 { throw "406 : Invalid Query. Check request body." } 409 { # This is a conflict status returned when creating deployment tokens with name already used. throw "409 : Conflict. An existing entry with that name already exists." } default { write-host "StatusCode $Errorcode recieved. Waiting 5 seconds and retrying request." -ForegroundColor Yellow $retry=$true start-sleep 5 } } if ($retry){ $retrycount++ } if ($retrycount -gt 3){ write-host "Max retry count reached. Aborting." $retry=$false } } until ($retry -eq $false) $Response.content | ConvertFrom-Json } |