$TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH = ('{0}/zertoDriverLogs/' -f $TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH) function Enable-HostSecurity($HostName, $DatastoreName, $BiosUuid) { Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." $datastoreUuid = Get-DatastoreUUID($DatastoreName) $scriptPath = ('{0}/' -f $ZERTO_FOLDER_ON_HOST) $fileRemoteDir = ("/vmfs/volumes/{0}/zagentid/{$BiosUuid}", $datastoreUuid); $Commands = ('chmod a+x {0}' -f $scriptPath), ('OUT=`{0} enable {1}`; EXIT_STATUS=$?; echo $OUT >> /etc/vmware/zloadmod.txt; echo $EXIT_STATUS;' -f $scriptPath, $fileRemoteDir) $sshResult = Invoke-SSHCommands -HostName $HostName -Commands $Commands Write-Host "SSH result: $($sshResult["1_output"])" $exitStatus = $sshResult["1_output"] $exitStatus = if ($exitStatus) { $exitStatus } else { "" } $hasErrors = ($exitStatus.Trim() -ne "0") if ($hasErrors) { throw "Failed to enable host security for $HostName" } } function Get-HostSecureBootStatus($HostName) { Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." $Command = ('esxcli system settings encryption get') $Res = Invoke-SSHCommands -HostName $HostName -Commands $Command Write-Host "Host $HostName secure boot status: $($Res["0_output"])" } function Copy-FilesFromDatastoreToHost { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Host Name to connect with SSH")] [string]$HostName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Datastore Name")] [string]$DatastoreName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Host Bios Uuid || mob-> Property Path: host.hardware.systemInfo.uuid")] [string]$BiosUuid ) Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." Initialize-ZertoTempFolder # Both functions below require the TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH Get-FilesFromDatastoreToPSEngine -DatastoreName $DatastoreName -BiosUuid $BiosUuid Validate-AndUploadFilesFromPSEngineToHost -HostName $HostName } function Get-FilesFromDatastoreToPSEngine { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Datastore Name")] [string]$DatastoreName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Host Bios Uuid || mob-> Property Path: host.hardware.systemInfo.uuid")] [string]$BiosUuid ) Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." $psDriverName = "ds" $FullRemoteFileLocation = ('{0}:\zagentid\{1}\*' -f $psDriverName, $BiosUuid) $datastore = Get-Datastore $DatastoreName Write-Host "Attempting to download files from $datastore ($FullRemoteFileLocation) to PS engine ($TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH)." New-PSDrive -Location $datastore -Name $psDriverName -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-DatastoreItem -Item $FullRemoteFileLocation -Destination $TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH -Force -ErrorAction Stop $files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH -Name) -join ";" Write-Host "ZertoFiles: {$files} were copied from datastore $DatastoreName ($FullRemoteFileLocation) to PS engine ($TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH)" Remove-PSDrive -Name $psDriverName } function Validate-AndUploadFilesFromPSEngineToHost { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Host Name to connect with SSH")] [string]$HostName ) Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." New-ZertoFolderOnHost -HostName $HostName # Temp directory must not contain subdirectories foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem $TEMP_ZERTO_DOWNLOAD_PATH -Recurse -Include *.sh, *.o) { $signature = ("{0}_signature" -f $file) if ((Validate-FileBySignature -FilePath $file -SignatureFilePath $signature)) { Set-SFTPItem -SessionId ($SFTP_Sessions[$HostName]).Value.SessionId -Destination $ZERTO_FOLDER_ON_HOST -Path $file -Force } else { throw "Error! host $HostName failed to verify $file with $signature, openSSL output: $isVerified" } } } function Test-ZertoDriverLoaded { <# .DESCRIPTION Return true if Zerto driver is loaded, otherwise return false. .PARAMETER HostName Host Name to connect with SSH .EXAMPLE Test-ZertoDriverLoaded -HostName <HostName> #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Host Name to connect with SSH")] [string]$HostName ) process { Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." $vmkload = '/tmp/vmklod_output' $ZertoDriver = '/tmp/zertoDriver' $Command = ('vmkload_mod -l > {0}' -f $vmkload) $Res = Invoke-SSHCommands -HostName $HostName -Commands $Command $Command = ('grep "zdriver" {0} > {1}' -f $vmkload, $ZertoDriver) $Res = Invoke-SSHCommands -HostName $HostName -Commands $Command -ExitStatusAction "Skip" $ExitStatus = $Res["0_exitStatus"] if ($ExitStatus -eq '0') { Write-Host "Zerto driver is loaded" return $true; } if ($ExitStatus -eq '1') { Write-Host "Zerto driver is not loaded" return $false; } } } function Get-DriverLogsFromHost { <# .DESCRIPTION Copy Zerto driver logs from host to datastore .PARAMETER HostName Host Name to connect with SSH .PARAMETER DatastoreName Datastore Name #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$HostName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DatastoreName ) Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." Copy-DriverLogFilesFromHostToPSEngine -HostName $HostName Copy-DriverLogFilesFromPSEngineToDatastore -DatastoreName $DatastoreName -HostName $HostName } function Copy-DriverLogFilesFromHostToPSEngine { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$HostName ) Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." Initialize-ZertoTempFolder $sftpSessionId = ($SFTP_Sessions[$HostName]).Value.SessionId if (-not (Test-Path -path $TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH)) { Write-Host "Creating $TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH folder on PS engine" New-Item $TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH -Type Directory } $files = '/etc/vmware/zloadmod.txt', '/etc/vmware/zunloadmod.txt' foreach ($file in $files) { if (Test-SFTPPath -SessionId $sftpSessionId -Path $file) { Write-Host "$file from $HostName will be downloaded to PS engine ($TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH)" Get-SFTPItem -SessionId $sftpSessionId -Destination $TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH -Path $file -Force Write-Host "$file was copied from $HostName to PS engine" } else { Write-Host "File $file does not exist on $HostName" } } } function Copy-DriverLogFilesFromPSEngineToDatastore { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DatastoreName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$HostName ) Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." $psDriverName = "ds" $zertoDriverLogsDSPath = ('{0}:\zertoDriverLogsFromHost\{1}\' -f $psDriverName, $HostName) $zertoDriverLogsPSPath = ('{0}*' -f $TEMP_ZERTO_DRIVER_LOGS_PATH) $datastore = Get-Datastore $DatastoreName New-PSDrive -Location $datastore -Name $psDriverName -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-DatastoreItem -Item $zertoDriverLogsPSPath -Destination $zertoDriverLogsDSPath -Force -ErrorAction Stop $files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $zertoDriverLogsDSPath -Name) -join ";" Write-Host "$MyInvocation.MyCommand - ZertoDriverFiles: {$files} were copied from powerShell engine ($zertoDriverLogsPSPath) to datastore ($zertoDriverLogsDSPath)" Remove-PSDrive -Name $psDriverName } function Get-ZertoFilesListFromHost { <# .DESCRIPTION Return a list of all Zerto files on host under /var/zerto .PARAMETER HostName Host Name to connect with SSH #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$HostName ) process { Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..." $Command = ('ls -l {0}' -f $ZERTO_FOLDER_ON_HOST) return Invoke-SSHCommands -HostName $HostName -Commands $Command } } |