<# .SYNOPSIS Calculates the CA summary data from sign in logs for the overiew report and adds it to the tenant info. #> function Add-ZtOverviewCaMfa { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Database ) $activity = "Getting Conditional Access summary" Write-ZtProgress -Activity $activity -Status "Processing" $sql = @" select conditionalAccessStatus, authenticationRequirement, count(*) as cnt from SignIn where isInteractive == true and status.errorCode == 0 group by conditionalAccessStatus, authenticationRequirement "@ # Example output: # conditionalAccessStatus authenticationRequirement cnt # success singleFactorAuthentication 5 # success multiFactorAuthentication 2121 # notApplied singleFactorAuthentication 6 # notApplied multiFactorAuthentication 6 $results = Invoke-DatabaseQuery -Database $Database -Sql $sql $caSummary = Get-ZtOverviewCaMfa $results Add-ZtTenantInfo -Name "OverviewCaMfaAllUsers" -Value $caSummary } function Get-ZtOverviewCaMfa($results) { $caMfa = GetCount $results "success" "multiFactorAuthentication" $caNoMfa = GetCount $results "success" "singleFactorAuthentication" $noCaMfa = GetCount $results "notApplied" "multiFactorAuthentication" $noCaNoMfa = GetCount $results "notApplied" "singleFactorAuthentication" $nodes = @( @{ "source" = "User sign in" "target" = "No CA applied" "value" = $noCaMfa + $noCaNoMfa }, @{ "source" = "User sign in" "target" = "CA applied" "value" = $caMfa + $caNoMfa }, @{ "source" = "CA applied" "target" = "No MFA" "value" = $caNoMfa }, @{ "source" = "CA applied" "target" = "MFA" "value" = $caMfa } ) $duration = Get-ZtSignInDuration -Database $Database $total = $noCaMfa + $noCaNoMfa + $caMfa + $caNoMfa $percent = Get-ZtPercentLabel -value $caMfa -total $total $caSummaryArray = @{ "description" = "Over the past $duration, $percent of sign-ins were protected by conditional access policies enforcing multifactor." "nodes" = $nodes } return $caSummaryArray } function GetCount($results, $caStatus, $authReq) { return ($results | Where-Object { $_.conditionalAccessStatus -eq $caStatus -and $_.authenticationRequirement -eq $authReq } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty cnt) -as [int] } |