<# .SYNOPSIS Calculates auth methods registered by privileged users. #> function Add-ZtOverviewAuthMethodsPrivilegedUsers { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Database ) $activity = "Getting privileged user authentication methods summary" Write-ZtProgress -Activity $activity -Status "Processing" $caSummary = Get-ZtOverviewAuthMethodsPrivilegedUsers Add-ZtTenantInfo -Name "OverviewAuthMethodsPrivilegedUsers" -Value $caSummary } function Get-ZtOverviewAuthMethodsPrivilegedUsers() { $singleFactor = GetPrivUserAuthMethodCountSingleFactor $phone = GetPrivUserAuthMethodCount "'mobilePhone'" $authenticator = GetPrivUserAuthMethodCount "'microsoftAuthenticatorPush', 'softwareOneTimePasscode', 'microsoftAuthenticatorPasswordless'" $passkey = GetPrivUserAuthMethodCount "'passKeyDeviceBound', 'passKeyDeviceBoundAuthenticator'" $whfb = GetPrivUserAuthMethodCount "'windowsHelloForBusiness'" $nodes = @( @{ "source" = "Users" "target" = "Single factor" "value" = $singleFactor }, @{ "source" = "Users" "target" = "Phishable" "value" = $phone + $authenticator }, @{ "source" = "Phishable" "target" = "Phone" "value" = $phone }, @{ "source" = "Phishable" "target" = "Authenticator" "value" = $authenticator }, @{ "source" = "Users" "target" = "Phish resistant" "value" = $passkey + $whfb }, @{ "source" = "Phish resistant" "target" = "Passkey" "value" = $passkey }, @{ "source" = "Phish resistant" "target" = "WHfB" "value" = $whfb } ) $caSummaryArray = @{ "description" = "Strongest authentication method registered by privileged users." "nodes" = $nodes } return $caSummaryArray } function GetPrivUserAuthMethodCountSingleFactor() { $sql = @" select count(*) as 'count' from UserRegistrationDetails where len(methodsRegistered) = 0 and cast(id as varchar) in (select principalId from vwRole) "@ $results = Invoke-DatabaseQuery -Database $Database -Sql $sql return $results.count } function GetPrivUserAuthMethodCount($methodTypes) { $sql = @" select count(*) as 'count' from UserRegistrationDetails where list_has_any([$methodTypes], methodsRegistered) and cast(id as varchar) in (select principalId from vwRole) "@ $results = Invoke-DatabaseQuery -Database $Database -Sql $sql return $results.count } |