
    Runs all the Zero Trust Assessment tests.

function Invoke-ZtTests {
    param (

    # Maybe optimize in future to run tests in parallel, show better progress etc.
    # We could also run all the cmdlets in this folder that start with Test-
    # For now, just run all tests sequentially

    Test-InactiveAppDontHaveHighPrivGraphPerm -Database $Database
    Test-InactiveAppDontHaveHighPrivEntraRole -Database $Database
    Test-AppDontHaveSecrets -Database $Database
    Test-AppDontHaveCertsWithLongExpiry -Database $Database
    ## Test-PrivilegedUsersSignInPhishResistant (Blocked by lack of sign in log filter)
    ## Test-PrivilegedUsersPhishResistantMethodRegistered # Not implemented
    ## Test-GuestStrongAuthMethod # Not implemented
    ## Test-DiagnosticSettingsConfiguredEntraLogs # Not implemented
    Test-St0002AppsNotUsedInLast90Days -Database $Database