
    Creates a markdown of Graph results to be used in test results.

    Generates a list of markdown items with support for deeplinks to the Entra portal for known Graph object types.


    Get-GraphResultMarkdown -GraphObjects $policies -GraphObjectType ConditionalAccess

    Returns a markdown list of Conditional Access policies with deeplinks to the relevant CA blade in Entra portal.

Function Get-GraphObjectMarkdown {
        # Collection of Graph objects to display as markdown.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object[]] $GraphObjects,

        # The type of graph object, this will be used to show the right deeplink to the test results report.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('AuthenticationMethod', 'AuthenticationStrength', 'AuthorizationPolicy', 'ConditionalAccess', 'ConsentPolicy',
            'Devices', 'DiagnosticSettings', 'Domains', 'Groups', 'IdentityProtection', 'Users', 'UserRole'
        [string] $GraphObjectType

    $markdownLinkTemplate = @{
        AuthenticationMethod   = ""
        AuthenticationStrength = ""
        AuthorizationPolicy    = ""
        ConditionalAccess      = "{0}"
        ConsentPolicy          = ""
        Devices                = "{0}"
        DiagnosticSettings     = ""
        Domains                = ""
        Groups                 = "{0}"
        IdentityProtection     = ""
        Users                  = "{0}"
        UserRole               = "{0}"

    # This will work for now, will need to add switch as we add support for complex urls like Applications blade, etc..
    $result = ""
    foreach ($item in $GraphObjects) {
        $link = $markdownLinkTemplate[$GraphObjectType] -f $
        $displayName = $item.displayName
        $suffix = ''

        if ($GraphObjectType -eq 'ConditionalAccess') {
            switch -Exact ($item.state) {
                "disabled" {
                    $suffix = ' (Disabled)'
                "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced" {
                    $suffix = ' (Report-only)'
        $result += " - [$($displayName)]($link)$suffix`n"

    return $result