function Get-ZabbixTemplate() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [string]$TemplateId, [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [switch]$IncludeHosts, [switch]$IncludeGroups, [switch]$IncludeTags, [switch]$IncludeTemplates, [switch]$IncludeParentTemplates, [switch]$IncludeHttpTests, [switch]$IncludeItems, [switch]$IncludeDiscoveries, [switch]$IncludeTriggers, [switch]$IncludeGraphs, [switch]$IncludeMacros, [switch]$IncludeDashboards, [switch]$IncludeValueMaps, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) Begin { # if (-not $authcode) { # $authcode = Read-ZabbixConfig # } # $payload = Get-Payload # $payload.method = "template.get" $Parameters = @{ method = 'template.get' } #$payload.Add("auth", $authcode) if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } } Process { $params = @{} if ($TemplateId) { $params.add("templateIds", $TemplateId) } if ($includeHosts) { $Params.Add("selectHosts", "extend") } if ($includeGroups) { $params.Add("selectGroups", "extend") } if ($IncludeTags) { $params.Add("selectTags", "extend") } if ($includeTemplates) { $params.Add("selectTemplates", "extend") } if ($IncludeParentTemplates) { $params.Add("selectParentTemplates", "extend") } if ($IncludeHttpTests) { $params.Add("selectHttpTests", "extend") } if ($IncludeItems) { $params.Add("selectItems", "extend") } if ($IncludeDiscoveries) { $params.Add("selectDiscoveries", "extend") } if ($IncludeTriggers) { $params.Add("selectTriggers", "extend") } if ($IncludeGraphs) { $params.Add("selectGraphs", "extend") } if ($IncludeMacros) { $params.Add("selectMacros", "extend") } if ($IncludeDashboards) { $params.Add("selectDashboards". "extend") } if ($IncludeValueMaps) { $Params.Add("selectValueMaps", "extend") } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Zabbix Template(s) .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Zabbix Template(s) .PARAMETER TemplateId The ID of the Template tpo receive. If omitted all templates are returned. .PARAMETER IncludeHosts Return the hosts that are linked to the template in the hosts property. .PARAMETER IncludeGroups Return the host groups that the template belongs to in the groups property. .PARAMETER IncludeTags Return template tags in the tags property. .PARAMETER IncludeParentTemplates Return templates to which the template is a parent, in the parentTemplates property. .PARAMETER IncludeTemplates Return templates to which the template is a child, in the templates property. .PARAMETER IncludeHttpTests Return the web scenarios from the template in the httpTests property. .PARAMETER IncludeItems Return items from the template in the items property. .PARAMETER IncludeDiscoveries Return low-level discoveries from the template in the discoveries property. .PARAMETER IncludeTriggers Return triggers from the template in the triggers property. .PARAMETER IncludeGraphs Return graphs from the template in the graphs property. .PARAMETER IncludeMacros Return the macros from the template in the macros property.. .PARAMETER IncludeDashboards Return dashboards from the template in the dashboards property. .PARAMETER IncludeValueMaps Return a valuemaps property with template value maps. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Add-ZabbixTemplate() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [string]$VisibleName, [string]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PsObject[]]$Groups, [PsObject[]]$Tags, [PsObject[]]$Templates, [PsObject[]]$Macros, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "template.create" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{ host = $Name } if ($VisibleName) { $params.Add("name", $VisibleName) } if ($Description) { $params.Add("description", $Description) } if ($Groups) { $params.Add("groups", $groups) } if ($Tags) { $params.Add("tags", $Tags) } if ($Templates) { $params.Add("templates", $Templates) } if ($Macros) { $params.Add("macros", $Macros) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Zabbix Template. .DESCRIPTION Creates a Zabbix Template. .PARAMETER Name Name of the Template .PARAMETER VisibleName The visible name of the template. .PARAMETER Description The description of the template .PARAMETER Groups An array of host groups to add to the template. The only required property is GroupId. .PARAMETER Tags An array of Tag objects to add to the template. The Tag object requires the property "tag" and "value". .PARAMETER Templates An array of Template objects to add to the template. The only required property is the TemplateId. .PARAMETER Macros An array of Macros to add to the template. Macro objects must define the macro, value properties. The type and description properties are optional. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Set-ZabbixTemplate() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$TemplateId, [string]$Name, [string]$VisibleName, [string]$Description, [PsObject[]]$Groups, [PsObject[]]$Tags, [PsObject[]]$Templates, [PsObject[]]$ClearTemplates, [PsObject[]]$Macros, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "template.update" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} if ($name) { $params.Add("host", $name) } if ($VisibleName) { $params.Add("name", $VisibleName) } if ($Description) { $params.Add("description", $Description) } if ($Groups) { $params.Add("groups", $groups) } if ($Tags) { $params.Add("tags", $Tags) } if ($Templates) { $params.Add("templates", $Templates) } if ($ClearTemplates) { $param.Add("templates_clear", $ClearTemplates) } if ($Macros) { $params.Add("macros", $Macros) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Zabbix Template .DESCRIPTION Update an existing Zabbix Template. .PARAMETER TemplateId The ID of the template. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the template. .PARAMETER VisibleName The visible name. .PARAMETER Description The description. .PARAMETER Groups An array of Host group object to replace the current host groups the templates belong to. Objects must define the GroupId property. .PARAMETER Tags An array of tags objects to replace the current template tags. Tag object must define the tag and value properties. .PARAMETER Macros An array of macro objects to replace the current user macros on the given templates. Macro objects must define the macro, value properties. The type and description properties are optional. .PARAMETER Templates An array of template objects to replace the currently linked templates. Templates that are not passed are only unlinked. Objects must define the TemplateId property. .PARAMETER ClearTemplates An array of template objects to unlink and clear from the given templates. Objects must define the TemplateId property. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Remove-ZabbixTemplate() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$TemplateId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "template.delete" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $Params = @( $TemplateId ) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) $template = Get-ZabbixTemplate -TemplateId $TemplateId if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Delete", "Template: $($ ($($template.Name))")) { try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a Zabbix Template .DESCRIPTION Remove the template specified by the template ID. .PARAMETER TemplateId The ID of the template. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } |