# Media Types function Get-ZabbixMediaType() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [string]$MediaTypeId, [Alias('Type')] [MediaType]$Media, [string]$UserId, [switch]$includeUsers, [switch]$includeMessageTemplates, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method= 'mediatype.get' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} if ($includeMessageTemplates) { $params = @{ selectMessageTemplates = "extend" } } if ($MediaTypeId) { $params.Add("mediatypeids", $MediaTypeId) } if ($Media) { $params.Add("mediaids", $Media.value__) } if ($UserId) { $params.Add("userids", $UserId) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Return media types. .PARAMETER MediaTypeId Return only media types with the given ID. .PARAMETER Media Return only media types used by the given media. .PARAMETER UserId Return only media types used by the given users. .PARAMETER includeUsers Return a users property with the users that use the media type. .PARAMETER includeMessageTemplates Return a message_templates property with an array of media type messages. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) .OUTPUTS An array of media Type objects. #> } function Set-ZabbixMediaType() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [int]$mediaTypeId, [string]$name, [Alias('Type')] [MediaType]$Media, [string]$execPath, [string]$gsmModem, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter username can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email'")] [string]$username, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter password can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email'")] [string]$passwd, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpEmail is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [string]$smtpEmail, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpHelo is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [string]$smtpHelo, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpServer is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [string]$smtpServer, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpPort is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [int]$smtpPort, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpSecurity can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [SmtpSecurity]$smtpSecurity, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpVerifyHost can only be used when parameter Media is 'SSL' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [switch]$smtpVerifyHost, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpVerifyPeer can only be used when parameter Media is 'SSL' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [switch]$smtpVerifyPeer, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpAuthentication can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [switch]$smtpAuthentication, [switch]$disable, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Script}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter execParams can onlyu be used when paraeter Medai is 'Script'")] [string]$execParams, [int]$maxSessions, [int]$maxAttempts, [string]$attemptInterval, [switch]$html, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $type -eq [MediaType]::Webhooks}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter Script is only valid when parameter Media is 'Webhooks'")] [string]$script, [string]$timeout, [switch]$webhookTags, [switch]$showEventMenu, [string]$eventMenuUrl, [string]$eventMenuName, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Wenhooks}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter wenHooksParameters can only be used when parameter Media is 'Webhooks'")] [hashtable]$webhookParameters, [string]$description, [psobject]$messageTemplates, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) # if (-not $authcode) { # $authcode = Read-ZabbixConfig # } # $payload = Get-Payload # $payload.method = "mediatype.update" $Parameters = @{ method = "mediatype.update" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} $params = @{ mediatypeid = $mediaTypeId } #$payload.Add("auth", $authcode) if ($name) { $params.Add("name",$name) } if ($Media) { $params.Add("type", $Media.Value__) } if ($execPath) { $params.Add("name",$execPath) } if ($gsmModem) { $params.Add("gms_modem", $gsmModem) } if ($passwd) { $params.Add("passwd", $passwd) } if ($username) { $params.Add("username", $username) } if ($smtpEmail) { $params.Add("smtp_email", $smtpEmail) } if ($smtpHelo) { $params.Add("smtp_help", $smtpHelo) } if ($smtpServer) { $params.Add("smtp_server", $smtpServer) } if ($smtpPort) { $params.Add("smtp_port", $smtpPort) } if ($smtpSecurity) { $payload.params.add("smtp_security", $smtpSecurity.Value__) } if ($smtpVerifyHost) { $params.Add("smtp_verifu_host", 1) } if ($smtpVerifyPeer) { $params.Add("smtp_verify_peer", 1) } if ($smtpAuthentication) { $params.Add("smtp_authentication", 1) } if ($disable) { $params.Add("status", 1) } if ($execParams) { $params.Add("exec_params", $execParams) } if ($maxSessions) { $params.Add("maxsessions", $maxSessions) } if ($maxAttempts) { $params.Add("maxattempts", $maxAttempts) } if ($attemptInterval) { $params.Add("attempt_interval", $attemptInterval) } if ($html) { $params.Add("content_type", "1") } if ($script) { $params.Add("script", $script) } if ($timeout) { $params.Add("timeout", $timeout) } if ($webhookTags) { $params.Add("process_tags", 1) } if ($showEventMenu) { $params.Add("show_event_menu", 1) } if ($eventMenuUrl) { $params.Add("event_menu_url", $eventMenuUrl) } if ($eventMenuName) { $params.Add("event_menu_name", $eventMenuName) } if ($webhookParameters) { $params.Add("parameters", $webhookParameters) } if ($description) { $params.Add("description", $description) } #$body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $Uri -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters If ($response.error) { throw $ } else { return $response.result } } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Modify a media type. .DESCRIPTION Modify an existing media type. .PARAMETER mediaTypeId Media type to be modified. .PARAMETER name Name of the media type. .PARAMETER Media The type of media transport. .PARAMETER execPath For script media types exec_path contains the name of the executed script. .PARAMETER gsmModem Serial device name of the GSM modem. .PARAMETER username Username for media connection .PARAMETER passwd Password for media connections. .PARAMETER smtpEmail Email address from which notifications will be sent. .PARAMETER smtpHelo SMTP HELO .PARAMETER smtpServer SMTP Server .PARAMETER smtpPort SMTP Port .PARAMETER smtpSecurity MTP connection security level to use. .PARAMETER smtpVerifyHost SSL verify host for SMTP. .PARAMETER smtpVerifyPeer SSL verify peer for SMTP. .PARAMETER smtpAuthentication SMTP authentication method to use. .PARAMETER disable Disable this media type. .PARAMETER execParams Script parameters .PARAMETER maxSessions The maximum number of alerts that can be processed in parallel. Default = 1, MAX = 100. .PARAMETER maxAttempts The maximum number of attempts to send an alert. Default = 3, Max = 100. .PARAMETER attemptInterval The interval between retry attempts. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix. Default = 10s. .PARAMETER html Content-Type = HTML, otherwise plain text. .PARAMETER script Media type webhook script javascript body. .PARAMETER timeout The interval between retry attempts. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix. Default = 10s. .PARAMETER webhookTags Defines should the webhook script response to be interpreted as tags and these tags should be added to associated event. .PARAMETER showEventMenu Show media type entry in problem.get and event.get property urls. .PARAMETER eventMenuUrl Define url property of media type entry in urls property of problem.get and event.get. .PARAMETER eventMenuName Define name property of media type entry in urls property of problem.get and event.get. .PARAMETER webhookParameters Array of webhook input parameters. .PARAMETER description Media type description. .PARAMETER messageTemplates An array of message template properties. .PARAMETER ProfileName The named profile to use. #> } function Add-ZabbixMediaType() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [int]$mediaTypeId, [string]$name, [Alias('Type')] [MediaType]$Media, [string]$execPath, [string]$gsmModem, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter username can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email'")] [string]$username, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter password can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email'")] [string]$passwd, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpEmail is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [string]$smtpEmail, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpHelo is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [string]$smtpHelo, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpServer is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [string]$smtpServer, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpPort is required when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [int]$smtpPort, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpSecurity can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [SmtpSecurity]$smtpSecurity, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpVerifyHost can only be used when parameter Media is 'SSL' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [switch]$smtpVerifyHost, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpVerifyPeer can only be used when parameter Media is 'SSL' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [switch]$smtpVerifyPeer, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Email}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter smtpAuthentication can only be used when parameter Media is 'Email' and must be excluded for all other Media.")] [switch]$smtpAuthentication, [switch]$disable, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Script}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter execParams can onlyu be used when paraeter Medai is 'Script'")] [string]$execParams, [int]$maxSessions, [int]$maxAttempts, [string]$attemptInterval, [switch]$html, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $type -eq [MediaType]::Webhooks}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter Script is only valid when parameter Media is 'Webhooks'")] [string]$script, [string]$timeout, [switch]$webhookTags, [switch]$showEventMenu, [string]$eventMenuUrl, [string]$eventMenuName, [ValidateScript({$_ -and $Media -eq [MediaType]::Wenhooks}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter wenHooksParameters can only be used when parameter Media is 'Webhooks'")] [hashtable]$webhookParameters, [string]$description, [psobject]$messageTemplates, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "mediatype.create" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} $params = @{ mediatypeid = $mediaTypeId } #$payload.Add("auth", $authcode) $params.Add("name",$name) $params.Add("type", $Media.Value__) if ($execPath) { $params.Add("name",$execPath) } if ($gsmModem) { $params.Add("gms_modem", $gsmModem) } if ($passwd) { $params.Add("passwd", $passwd) } if ($username) { $params.Add("username", $username) } if ($smtpEmail) { $params.Add("smtp_email", $smtpEmail) } if ($smtpHelo) { $params.Add("smtp_help", $smtpHelo) } if ($smtpServer) { $params.Add("smtp_server", $smtpServer) } if ($smtpPort) { $params.Add("smtp_port", $smtpPort) } if ($smtpSecurity) { $payload.params.Add("smtp_security", $smtpSecurity.Value__) } if ($smtpVerifyHost) { $params.Add("smtp_verifu_host", 1) } if ($smtpVerifyPeer) { $params.Add("smtp_verify_peer", 1) } if ($smtpAuthentication) { $params.Add("smtp_authentication", 1) } if ($disable) { $params.Add("status", 1) } if ($execParams) { $params.Add("exec_params", $execParams) } if ($maxSessions) { $params.Add("maxsessions", $maxSessions) } if ($maxAttempts) { $params.Add("maxattempts", $maxAttempts) } if ($attemptInterval) { $params.Add("attempt_interval", $attemptInterval) } if ($html) { $params.Add("content_type", "1") } if ($script) { $params.Add("script", $script) } if ($timeout) { $params.Add("timeout", $timeout) } if ($webhookTags) { $params.Add("process_tags", 1) } if ($showEventMenu) { $params.Add("show_event_menu", 1) } if ($eventMenuUrl) { $params.Add("event_menu_url", $eventMenuUrl) } if ($eventMenuName) { $params.Add("event_menu_name", $eventMenuName) } if ($webhookParameters) { $params.Add("parameters", $webhookParameters) } if ($description) { $params.Add("description", $description) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new media type. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Zabbix media type. .PARAMETER name Name of the media type. .PARAMETER Media The type of media transport. .PARAMETER execPath For script media types exec_path contains the name of the executed script. .PARAMETER gsmModem Serial device name of the GSM modem. .PARAMETER username Username for media connection .PARAMETER passwd Password for media connections. .PARAMETER smtpEmail Email address from which notifications will be sent. .PARAMETER smtpHelo SMTP HELO .PARAMETER smtpServer SMTP Server .PARAMETER smtpPort SMTP Port .PARAMETER smtpSecurity MTP connection security level to use. .PARAMETER smtpVerifyHost SSL verify host for SMTP. .PARAMETER smtpVerifyPeer SSL verify peer for SMTP. .PARAMETER smtpAuthentication SMTP authentication method to use. .PARAMETER disable Disable this media type. .PARAMETER execParams Script parameters .PARAMETER maxSessions The maximum number of alerts that can be processed in parallel. Default = 1, MAX = 100. .PARAMETER maxAttempts The maximum number of attempts to send an alert. Default = 3, Max = 100. .PARAMETER attemptInterval The interval between retry attempts. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix. Default = 10s. .PARAMETER html Content-Type = HTML, otherwise plain text. .PARAMETER script Media type webhook script javascript body. .PARAMETER timeout The interval between retry attempts. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix. Default = 10s. .PARAMETER webhookTags Defines should the webhook script response to be interpreted as tags and these tags should be added to associated event. .PARAMETER showEventMenu Show media type entry in problem.get and event.get property urls. .PARAMETER eventMenuUrl Define url property of media type entry in urls property of problem.get and event.get. .PARAMETER eventMenuName Define name property of media type entry in urls property of problem.get and event.get. .PARAMETER webhookParameters Array of webhook input parameters. .PARAMETER description Media type description. .PARAMETER messageTemplates An array of message template properties. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Remove-ZabbixMediaType() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$MediaTypeId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ Method = "mediatype.delete" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } $params = @( $MediaTypeId ) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) $MediaType = Get-ZabbixMediaType -MediaTypeId $MediaTypeId if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Delete", "MediaType: $($MediaType.Name)") ) { try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a Media Type. .DESCRIPTION Deletes a Zabbix Media Type. .PARAMETER MediaTypeId The Id of the Media Type to delete. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } |