using namespace System.Collections.Generic function Get-ZabbixHostGroup() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string]$HostId, [string]$GroupId, [switch]$IncludeHosts, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) Begin { $Parameters = @{ method = 'hostgroup.get' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} if ($groupId) {$params.Add("groupids", $groupId)} if ($includeHosts) { $params.Add("selectHosts",@("hostid","name")) } else { $params.Add("selectHosts", "count") } } Process { if ($hostid) { $payload.params.Add("hostids", $hostId) } #$payload.Add("auth", $authcode) #$body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $Parameters.Add("params", $params) Try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Zabbix host groups. .PARAMETER hostId Returns groups the host is a member of. .PARAMETER groupId Returns the group with the group id. .PARAMETER includeHosts Return a hosts property that includes all host members of the group. .PARAMETER ProfileName Name of the saved profile to use. #> } function Add-ZabbixHostGroup() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "hostgroup.create" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{ name = $Name } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a host group. .DESCRIPTION Add a new zabbix host group. .PARAMETER Name The name of the group .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Set-ZabbixHostGroup() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$GroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "hostgroup.update" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{ groupid = $GroupId name = $Name } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a host group .DESCRIPTION Update the properties of a host group. .PARAMETER GroupId ID of the host group. .PARAMETER Name Name of the host group. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Remove-ZabbixHostGroup() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$GroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = 'hostgroup.delete' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @( $GroupId ) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) $HostGroup = Get-ZabbixHostGroup -groupId $GroupId if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Delete", "Host group: $($HostGroup.Name)")) { try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a host group. .DESCRIPTION Remove the specified host group. .PARAMETER GroupId ID of the host group. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Add-ZabbixHostGroupMembers() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$GroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'hosts')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'both')] [string[]]$HostIds, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'templates')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'both')] [string[]]$TemplateIds, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "hostgroup.massadd" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } $params = @{ groups = @( @{ groupId = $GroupId } ) } if ($HostIds) { $Hosts = [List[psobject]]::New() foreach ($HostId in $HostIds) { $HostIds.Add( @{ hostid = $HostId} ) } $params.Add( "hosts", ($Hosts.ToArray()) ) } if ($TemplateIds) { $Templates = [List[PSObject]]::New() foreach($TemplateId in $TemplateIds) { $Templates.Add( @{ templateId = $TemplateId } ) } $Params.Add( "templates", ($templates.ToArray()) ) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Add Host group members. .DESCRIPTION Add hosts or templates to a Zabbix host group. .PARAMETER GroupId The ID of the group. .PARAMETER HostIds An array of host IDs to add to the group. .PARAMETER TemplateIds An array of template IDs to add to the group. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Get-ZabbixHost() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [string]$HostId, [string]$HostName, [string]$groupid, [string]$ItemId, [string]$TemplateId, [switch]$IncludeItems, [switch]$IncludeGroups, [switch]$IncludeInterfaces, [switch]$IncludeParentTemplates, [switch]$ExcludeDisabled, [switch]$IncludeCount, [int]$Limit, [switch]$PreserveKeys, [switch]$SearchByAny, [switch]$SearchByWildCards, [switch]$sortField, [array]$Filter, [array]$Search, [ValidateSet('ASC','DESC')] [string]$SortOrder, [switch]$StartsWith, [array]$Tags, [switch]$InheritedTags, [switch]$IncludeDiscoveries, [switch]$IncludeDiscoveryRule, [switch]$includeGraphs, [switch]$includeHostDiscovery, [switch]$IncludeHTTPTests, [switch]$IncludeMacros, [switch]$includeDashboards, [switch]$IncludeTags, [switch]$IncludeInheritedTags, [switch]$IncludeInventory, [switch]$IncludeTriggers, [switch]$IncludeValueMaps, [int]$LimitIncludes, [hashtable]$SearchInventory, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) # $authcode = Read-ZabbixConfig # $payload = Get-Payload # $payload.method = 'host.get' $Parameters = @{ method = 'host.get' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} if ($hostid) { $params.Add("hostids", $hostId) } if ($groupid) { $params.Add("groupids", $groupId) } if ($itemid) { $params.Add("itemids", $itemId) } if ($templateid) { $params.Add("templateids", $templateid) } if ($excludeDisabled) { $params.Add("filter", @{ status = 0 }) } if ($includeItems) { $params.Add("selectItems", "extend") } if ($includeGroups) { $params.Add("selectGroups","extend") } if ($includeInterfaces) { $params.Add("selectInterfaces", "extend") } if ($includeParentTemplates) { $params.Add("selectParentTemplates", "extend") } if ($IncludeCount) { $params.Add("countOutput", $true) } if ($HostName) { $params.Add("search", @{ host = @($HostName) } ) } if ($Filter) { $params.Add("filter", $Filter) } if ($Search) { $params.Add("search", $search) } if ($SearchByAny) { $params.Add("searchByAny", $true) } if ($SearchByWildCards) { $params.Add("searchWildcardsEnabled") } if ($sortField) { $params.Add("sortfield", $sortField) } if ($SortOrder) { $params.Add("sortorder", $SortOrder) } if ($StartsWith) { $params.Add("startSearch", $true) } if ($Tags) { $params.Add("tags", $Tags) } if ($InheritedTags) { $params.Add("inheritedTags", $true) } if($IncludeDiscoveries) { $params.Add("selectDiscoveries", "extend") } if ($IncludeDiscoveryRule) { $Params.Add("selectDiscoveryRule", "extend") } if ($includeGraphs) { $params.Add("selectGraphs", "extend") } if ($includeHostDiscovery) { $params.Add("selectHostDiscovery", "extend") } if ($IncludeHTTPTests) { $params.Add("selectHttpTests", "extend") } if ($IncludeInventory) { $params.Add("selectInventory", "extend") } if ($IncludeMacros) { $params.Add("selectMacros", "extend") } If ($IncludeTriggers) { $params.Add("selectTriggers", "extend") } if ($IncludeValueMaps) { $params.Add("selectValueMaps", "extend") } if ($LimitIncludes) { $params.Add("limitSelects", $Limit) } if ($SearchInventory) { $params.Add("searchInventory", $SearchInventory) } if ($IncludeTags) { $params.add("selectTags", 'extend') } #$payload.Add("auth", $authcode) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) #$body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Zabbix hosts. .DESCRIPTION Returns Zabbix hosts based oin the supplied parameters. .PARAMETER hostid Return the host with this host id. .PARAMETER HostName The host name of the host. Must be the host name in ZABBIX NOT the display name. This is case sensitive. .PARAMETER groupid Return the hosts that are a member of this group. .PARAMETER itemid Returns hosts that with this item id. .PARAMETER templateid Returns hosts that have this template applied. .PARAMETER includeItems Return an items property with host items. .PARAMETER includeGroups Return a groups property with host groups data that the host belongs to. .PARAMETER includeInterfaces Return an interfaces property with host interfaces. .PARAMETER includeParentTemplates Return a parentTemplates property with templates that the host is linked to. .PARAMETER excludeDisabled Exclude disabled hosts. .PARAMETER IncludeCount Includes a count of the returned items in the response. .PARAMETER Limit Limit the response to the fiven number of items. .PARAMETER PreserveKeys Use IDs as keys in the resulting array. .PARAMETER SearchByAny Return results that match any of the criteria given in the filter or search parameter instead of all of them. .PARAMETER SearchByWildCards Enables the use of "*" as a wildcard character in the search parameter. .PARAMETER sortField Sort the result by the given properties. Possible values are: hostid, host, name, status. .PARAMETER Filter Return only those results that exactly match the given filter. Accepts an array, where the keys are property names, and the values are either a single value or an array of values to match against. .PARAMETER Search Return results that match the given pattern (case-insensitive). Accepts an array, where the keys are property names, and the values are strings to search for. If no additional options are given, this will perform a LIKE "%…%" search. Allows searching by interface properties. Works only for string and text fields. .PARAMETER SortOrder Order of sorting. If an array is passed, each value will be matched to the corresponding property given in the sortfield parameter. Possible values are: ASC - (default) ascending; DESC - descending. .PARAMETER StartsWith The search parameter will compare the beginning of fields, that is, perform a LIKE "…%" search instead. Ignored if searchWildcardsEnabled is set to true. .PARAMETER Tags Return only hosts with given tags. Exact match by tag and case-sensitive or case-insensitive search by tag value depending on operator value. Format: [{"tag": "<tag>", "value": "<value>", "operator": "<operator>"}, ...]. An empty array returns all hosts. Possible operator values: 0 - (default) Contains; 1 - Equals; 2 - Not like; 3 - Not equal 4 - Exists; 5 - Not exists. Example to crate a tag search parameter. $Tags = @( @{ tag = "component" value = "storage" operator = 1 } @{ tag = "filesystem" value = "C:" operator = 1 } ) .PARAMETER InheritedTags Return hosts that have given tags also in all of their linked templates. .PARAMETER IncludeDiscoveries Return a discoveries property with host low-level discovery rules. .PARAMETER IncludeDiscoveryRule Return a discoveryRule property with the low-level discovery rule that created the host .PARAMETER IncludeGraphs Return a graphs property with host graphs. .PARAMETER includeHostDiscovery Return a hostDiscovery property with host discovery object data. The host discovery object links a discovered host to a host prototype or a host prototypes to an LLD rule and has the following properties: host - (string) host of the host prototype; hostid - (string) ID of the discovered host or host prototype; parent_hostid - (string) ID of the host prototype from which the host has been created; parent_itemid - (string) ID of the LLD rule that created the discovered host; lastcheck - (timestamp) time when the host was last discovered; ts_delete - (timestamp) time when a host that is no longer discovered will be deleted. .PARAMETER IncludeHTTPTests Return an httpTests property with host web scenarios. .PARAMETER IncludeMacros Return a macros property with host macros. .PARAMETER inclideDashboards Return a dashboards property. .PARAMETER IncludeTags Return a tags property with host tags. .PARAMETER IncludeInheritedTags Return an inheritedTags property with tags that are on all templates which are linked to host .PARAMETER IncludeInventory Return an inventory property with host inventory data. .PARAMETER IncludeTriggers Return a triggers property with host triggers. .PARAMETER IncludeValueMaps Return a valuemaps property with host value maps. .PARAMETER LimitIncludes Limits the number of records returned by includes. .PARAMETER SearchInventory Return only hosts that have inventory data matching the given wildcard search. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Add-ZabbixHost() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword','')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias('host')] [string]$HostName, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Description, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [InventoryModes]$Inventory_Mode = -1, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [IpmiAuthTypes]$Ipmi_AuthType = -1, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$IPMI_Password, [IPMIPrivileges]$Ipmi_Privilege = 2, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Ipmi_Username, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Proxy_HostId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [HostStatus]$Status = 0, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [TlsConnections]$Tls_Connect = 1, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [TlsConnections]$Tls_Accept = 1, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Tls_Issuer, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Tls_Subject, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript({(-not $_) -and ($Tls_Connect -eq 2 -or $Tls_Accept -eq 2)}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter 'Tls_Psk_Identity is required if Parameters 'Tls_Connect' is set to PSK (2).")] [string]$Tls_Psk_Identity, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript({(-not $_) -and ($Tls_Connect -eq 2 -or $Tls_Accept -eq 2)}, ErrorMessage = "Parameter 'Tls_Psk is required if Parameters 'Tls_Connect' is set to PSK (2).")] [string]$Tls_Psk, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = 'host.create' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{ "Name" = $HostName } if ($Description) { $params.Add("description", $Description) } if ($Inventory_Mode) { $params.Add("inventory_mode", $Inventory_Mode) } if ($Ipmi_AuthType) { $params.Add("ipmi_authtype", $Ipmi_AuthType) } if ($IPMI_Password) { $params.Add("ipmi_password", $IPMI_Password) } if ($Ipmi_Username) { $params.Add("ipmi_username", $Ipmi_Username) } if ($Proxy_HostId) { $params.Add("proxy_hostid", $Proxy_HostId) } if ($Status) { $param.Add("status", $Status) } if ($Tls_Connect) { $params.Add("tls_connect", $Tls_Connect) } if ($Tls_Accept) { $params.Add("tls_accpt", $Tls_Accept) } if ($Tls_Issuer) { $params.Add("tls_issuer", $Tls_Issuer) } if ($Tls_Subject) { $params.Add("tls_subject", $tls_subject) } if ($Tls_Psk_Identity) { $params.Add("tls_psk_identity", $Tls_Psk_Identity) } if ($Tls_Psk) { $params.Add("tls_psk", $Tls_Psk) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters If ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a host. .DESCRIPTION Add a Zabbix host to the configuration. .PARAMETER HostName The name of the host .PARAMETER Name The display name of the host .PARAMETER Description A description of the host .PARAMETER Inventory_Mode Host inventory population mode. .PARAMETER Ipmi_AuthType IPMI authentication algorithm. .PARAMETER IPMI_Password IPMI password. .PARAMETER Ipmi_Privilege IPMI privilege level. .PARAMETER Ipmi_Username IPMI username. .PARAMETER Proxy_HostId ID of the proxy that is used to monitor the host. .PARAMETER Status Status and function of the host.(0 = monitored host (enabled), 1 = unmonitored host (disabled)) .PARAMETER Tls_Connect TLS connection to host .PARAMETER Tls_Accept TLS Connection from host. .PARAMETER Tls_Issuer Certificate issuer. .PARAMETER Tls_Subject Certificate subject. .PARAMETER Tls_Psk_Identity PSK identity. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. Do not put sensitive information in the PSK identity, it is transmitted unencrypted over the network to inform a receiver which PSK to use. .PARAMETER Tls_Psk The preshared key, at least 32 hex digits. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Get-ZabbixHostInterface() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$hostId, [string]$InterfaceId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) Begin { # If (-not $authcode) { # $authcode = Read-ZabbixConfig # } # $payload = Get-Payload # $payload.Method = "hostinterface.get" $Parameters = @{ method = 'hostinterface.get' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } } Process { $params = @{} If ($hostid) { $params.Add("hostids", $hostId) } if ($InterfaceId) { $params.Add("interfaceIds",$InterfaceId) } $Params.Add("params", $params) #$body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5 try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve host interface(s). .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the interfaces assigned to the host. You can also provide the Interface ID top retrieve one interface. .PARAMETER hostId The ID of the host. .PARAMETER InterfaceId The Interface Id. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Add-ZabbixHostInterface() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$hostId, [switch]$primaryInterface, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Agent','SNMP','IPMI','JMX')] [string]$interfaceType, [switch]$useIP, [string]$IPAddress, [string]$dnsName, [int]$port=10050, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) Begin { $Parameters = @{ method = 'hostinterface.create' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } } Process { $params = @{} $params.Add("hostid",$hostId) if ($interfaceType) { $types = @{ Agent = 1 SNMP = 2 IPMI = 3 JMX = 4 } #$typeIndex = $types.IndexOf($interfaceType) $params.Add("type", $types[$interfaceType]) } if ($primaryInterface.IsPresent) { $params.Add("main", "1") } else { $params.Add("main", "0") } if ($useIP.IsPresent) { $params.Add("useip", "1") } else { $params.Add("useip", "0") } if ($IPAddress) { $params.Add("ip", $IPAddress) } if ($dnsName) { $params.Add("dns", $dnsName) } $params.Add("port", $port) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) #$body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5 try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add (create) a Host interface. .DESCRIPTION Create an interface and assign it to a Host. .PARAMETER hostId The ID of the host to create the interface on. .PARAMETER primaryInterface Whether the interface is used as default on the host. Only one interface of some type can be set as default on a host. .PARAMETER interfaceType The type of Interface. .PARAMETER useIP Whether the connection should be made via IP. .PARAMETER IPAddress IP address used by the interface. (Can be empty if the connection is made via DNS) .PARAMETER dnsName DNS name used by the interface. (Can be empty if the connection is made via IP.) .PARAMETER port Port number used by the interface. Can contain user macros. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Set-ZabbixHost() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword','')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [string]$HostId, [Alias('host')] [string]$HostName, [string]$Name, [string]$Description, [InventoryModes]$Inventory_Mode, [IpmiAuthTypes]$Ipmi_AuthType, [string]$IPMI_Password, [IPMIPrivileges]$Ipmi_Privilege, [string]$Ipmi_Username, [string]$Proxy_HostId, [HostStatus]$Status, [TlsConnections]$Tls_Connect, [TlsConnections]$Tls_Accept, [string]$Tls_Issuer, [string]$Tls_Subject, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'psk' )] [string]$Tls_Psk_Identity, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'psk' )] [string]$Tls_Psk, [PsObject[]]$Macros, [PsObject[]]$Tags, [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = 'host.update' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{ hostid = $HostId } if ($Description) { $params.Add("description", $Description) } if ($Inventory_Mode) { $params.Add("inventory_mode", $Inventory_Mode) } if ($Ipmi_AuthType) { $params.Add("ipmi_authtype", $Ipmi_AuthType) } if ($IPMI_Password) { $params.Add("ipmi_password", $IPMI_Password) } if ($Ipmi_Username) { $params.Add("ipmi_username", $Ipmi_Username) } if ($Proxy_HostId) { $params.Add("proxy_hostid", $Proxy_HostId) } if ($Status) { $param.Add("status", $Status) } if ($Tls_Connect) { $params.Add("tls_connect", $Tls_Connect) } if ($Tls_Accept) { $params.Add("tls_accpt", $Tls_Accept) } if ($Tls_Issuer) { $params.Add("tls_issuer", $Tls_Issuer) } if ($Tls_Subject) { $params.Add("tls_subject", $tls_subject) } if ($Tls_Psk_Identity) { $params.Add("tls_psk_identity", $Tls_Psk_Identity) } if ($Tls_Psk) { $params.Add("tls_psk", $Tls_Psk) } if ($Macros) { # Only text macros can be imported. Therefor we will convert all Secret and Vault macros to text macros # and enter a default value. # We will also check for any descriptions are null or empty. # we will replace the null value with "<enter description>". $NewMacros = @() $Macros | ForEach-Object { $macro = @{ macro = $_.macro description = $_.description } if ($_.Type -ne 0) { $macro.Add("value", "<enter value>") } else { $macro.add("value", $_.value) } $NewMacros += $macro } $params.Add("macros", $NewMacros) } if ($Tags) { $param.Add("tags", $Tags) } $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters If ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Zabbix Host. .DESCRIPTION Update the properties of a Zabbix Host. .PARAMETER HostId The ID of the host. .PARAMETER HostName The host (DNS) name of the host. .PARAMETER Name The visible name of the host. .PARAMETER Description Description of the host. .PARAMETER Inventory_Mode Host inventory population mode. .PARAMETER Ipmi_AuthType IPMI authentication algorithm. .PARAMETER IPMI_Password IPMI password. .PARAMETER Ipmi_Privilege IPMI privilege level. .PARAMETER Ipmi_Username IPMI username. .PARAMETER Proxy_HostId ID of the proxy that is used to monitor the host. .PARAMETER Status Status and function of the host. Possible values are: 0 - (default) monitored host; 1 - unmonitored host. .PARAMETER Tls_Connect Connections to host. Possible values are: 1 - (default) No encryption; 2 - PSK; 4 - certificate. .PARAMETER Tls_Accept Connections from host. Possible bitmap values are: 1 - (default) No encryption; 2 - PSK; 4 - certificate. .PARAMETER Tls_Issuer Certificate issuer. .PARAMETER Tls_Subject Certificate subject. .PARAMETER Tls_Psk_Identity PSK identity. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. Do not put sensitive information in the PSK identity, it is transmitted unencrypted over the network to inform a receiver which PSK to use. .PARAMETER Tls_Psk The preshared key, at least 32 hex digits. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Set-ZabbixHostInterface() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$InterfaceId, [switch]$primaryInterface, [ValidateSet('Agent','SNMP','IPMI','JMX')] [string]$interfaceType, [switch]$useIP, [string]$IPAddress, [string]$dnsName, [int]$port=10050, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) Begin { $Parameters = @{ method = 'hostinterface.update' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } } Process{ $params = @{} $params.Add("interfaceid", $InterfaceId) if ($primaryInterface.IsPresent) { $params.Add("main", "1") } else { $params.Add("main". "0") } if ($interfaceType) { $types = @{ Agent = 1 SNMP = 2 IPMI = 3 JMX = 4 } #$typeIndex = $types.IndexOf($interfaceType) $params.Add("type", $types[$interfaceType]) } if ($useIP.IsPresent) { $params.Add("useip", "1") } else { $params.Add("useip", "0") } if ($IPAddress) { $params.ADD("ip", $IPAddress) } if ($dnsName) { $params.Add("dns", $dnsName) } $params.Add("port", $port) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Host interface. .DESCRIPTION Update an existing host interface. .PARAMETER InterfaceId The ID of the interface .PARAMETER primaryInterface Whether the interface is used as default on the host. Only one interface of some type can be set as default on a host. .PARAMETER interfaceType The Interface type. .PARAMETER useIP Whether the connection should be made via IP. .PARAMETER IPAddress IP address used by the interface. Can be omitted if the connection is made via DNS. .PARAMETER dnsName DNS name used by the interface. Can be omitted if the connection is made via IP. .PARAMETER port Port number used by the interface. Can contain user macros. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } function Remove-ZabbixHostInterface() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]$InterfaceId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) $Parameters = @{ method = "hostinterface.delete" } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @($InterfaceId) $Parameters.Add("params", $params) $Interface = Get-ZabbixHostInterface -InterfaceId $InterfaceId if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Delete", "Host Interface: $($Interface.Name)")) { try { Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Zabbix Host Interface .DESCRIPTION Delete an interface from a host. .PARAMETER InterfaceId The ID of the interface. .PARAMETER ProfileName Zabbix profile to use to authenticate. If omitted the default profile will be used. (Cannot be used with AuthCode and Uri) .PARAMETER AuthCode Zabbix AuthCode to use to authenticate. (Cannot be used with Profile) .PARAMETER Uri The URI of the zabbix server. (Cannot be used with Profile) #> } |