using namespace System.Collections.Generic <# This example gathers up tie statistics from Zabbix items and averages the out by host groups. #> $List = [List[psobject]]::New() # Gather up al lenabled hosts, include groups trhe host belongs to. $hosts = Get-ZabbixHosts -includeGroups -excludeDisabled # Sort and extract all the unique host names $groupNames = $hosts.groups.name | Sort-Object | Get-Unique # Gather the items for key 'system.uptime' for the hosts. Include a hosts property in tghe item object. $items = $hosts | Get-ZabbixItems -filter @{"key_" = "system.uptime"} -includeHosts | ` # The 'lastvalue' property is returned as a string. Add a new property as an integer type and sort by that property. Select-Object *, @{Name = "n_lastvalue"; Expression = {[INT64]$_.lastvalue}} | Sort-Object -Property n_lastvalue # Get average uptime for all hosts $AllHostAveUptime_seconds = ($items | Measure-Object -Property lastvalue -Average).Average $AllHostAveUptime_timespan = [timespan]::FromSeconds($AllHostAveUptime_seconds) $List.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Group = "Average All Hosts" Uptime = $AllHostAveUptime_timespan.TotalDays }) # Get longest uptime $longest = $items | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($longest.hosts.count -gt 0) { $hostnames = $longest.hosts.name -Join "," } else { $hostnames = $longest.hosts.name } $longestUptime_seconds = $longest.lastvalue $longestUptime_timespan = [timespan]::FromSeconds($longestUptime_seconds) $list.Add([pscustomObject]@{ Group = "Longest:($hostnames)" Uptime = $longestUptime_timespan.TotalDays }) # Get Shortest uptime $shortest = $items | Select-Object -First 1 if ($shortest.hosts.count -gt 0) { $hostnames = $shortest.hosts.name -join "," } else { $hostnames = $shortest.hosts.name } $shortestUptime_seconds = $shortest.lastvalue $shortestUptime_timespan = [timespan]::FromSeconds($shortestUptime_seconds) $list.Add([psCustomObject]@{ Group = "Shortest: ($hostnames)" Uptime = $shortestUptime_timespan.TotalDays }) # Get the average uptime for each host group. foreach ($groupName in ($groupNames.Where({$_ -ne "Discovered hosts" -and $_ -ne "(vm)"}))) { $hostsInGroup = $hosts.Where({$_.groups.name -eq $groupName}) $itemsInGroup = [List[psobject]]::New() foreach ($hostInGroup in $hostsInGroup) { $_Items = $items.Where({$_.hosts.hostid -eq $hostInGroup.hostid}) $_items | ForEach-Object{$itemsInGroup.Add($_)} } if ($itemsInGroup) { $groupAveUptime_Seconds = ($itemsInGroup | Measure-Object -Property lastvalue -Average).Average $groupAveUptime_timespan = [timespan]::FromSeconds($groupAveUptime_Seconds) $list.Add([psCustomObject]@{ Group = $groupName Uptime = $groupAveUptime_timespan.TotalDays }) } } $List.ToArray() | export-csv -Path /home/cwilliams.local/Documents/Uptime.csv -NoTypeInformation |