function Get-ZabbixHistory() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$hostId, [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$itemid, [datetime]$startTime, [datetime]$endTime, [ValidateSet('float','character','log','numeric','text')] [string]$historyType, [int]$limit, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'profile')] [string]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$AuthCode, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'authcode')] [string]$Uri ) Begin { # if (-not $authCode) { # $authCode = Read-ZabbixConfig # } # $payload = Get-Payload # $payload.method = "history.get" $Parameters = @{ method = 'history.get' } if ($ProfileName) { $Parameters.Add("ProfileName", $ProfileName) } elseif ($AuthCode) { if ($Uri) { $Parameters.Add("AuthCode", $AuthCode) $Parameters.Add("Uri", $Uri) } else { throw "Uri is required when providing an AuthCode." } } $params = @{} if ($historyType) { switch ($historyType) { 'float' { $params.Add("history", 0) } 'character' { $params.Add("history", 1) } 'log' { $params.Add("history", 2) } 'numeric' { $params.Add("history", 3) } 'text' { $params.Add("history", 4) } } } $params.Add("sortfield", "clock") $params.Add("sortorder", "DESC") if ($limit) {$params.Add("limit", $limit)} if ($startTime) { $nixStartTime = ([System.DateTimeOffset]$startTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds() $params.Add("time_from", $nixStartTime) } if ($endTime) { $nixEndTime = ([System.DateTimeOffset]$endTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds() $params.Add("time_till", $nixEndTime) } } Process { if ($hostId) {$params.add("hostids", $hostId)} if ($itemid) {$params.Add("itemids", $itemid)} #$payload.Add("auth", $authCode) #$body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $Parameters.Add("params", $params) try { #$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -ContentType $contentType -Body $body $response = Invoke-ZabbixAPI @Parameters if ($response.error) { throw $ } foreach ($result in $response.result) { $item = Get-ZabbixItems -itemId $itemid | Select-Object itemId, units [datetime]$_clock = ([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($result.clock).DateTime).ToLocalTime() $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "receiveDate" -NotePropertyValue $_clock switch ($item.units) { 'B' { # Bytes # display the value in KBs if ($result.value -lt 1Kb) { $_value = "{0} Bytes" -f $result.value } elseif ($result.value -lt 1Mb) { $_value = "{0} KB" -f ($result.value / 1Kb) } elseif ($result.value -lt 1GB) { $_value = "{0} MB" -f ($result.value / 1MB) } else { $_value = "{0} GB" -f ($result.value / 1GB) } } 'Bps' { # Bytes # display the value in KBs if ($result.value -lt 1Kb) { $_value = "{0} Bps" -f $result.value } elseif ($result.value -lt 1Mb) { $_value = "{0} KBps" -f ($result.value / 1Kb) } elseif ($result.value -lt 1GB) { $_value = "{0} MBps" -f ($result.value / 1MB) } else { $_value = "{0} GBps" -f ($result.value / 1GB) } } 'unixtime' { $_value = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($result.value).DateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") } 'uptime' { $_value = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($result.value).ToString() } 's' { $_value = [timespan]::FromSeconds($result.value).ToString() } } $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "receivedValue" -Value $_value } return $response.result } catch { throw $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns history for Zabbix items. .DESCRIPTION Returns the history for zabbix items. .PARAMETER hostId Returns the history for a specific host (this can be quite large). If itemId is supplied resticts hostory to that item. .PARAMETER itemid returns the history for a specific item. .PARAMETER startTime Returns only history after this date. .PARAMETER endTime REturns only history before this date. .PARAMETER historyType Return only history of this type. .PARAMETER limit limit the number of returned records. .PARAMETER authCode Authorization code to use for the API call. If omitted read the authcode from the local configuration file. #> } |