.Synopsis Checks for missing translations and translations that need work/review in an XLIFF file. .Description Iterates through the translation units of an XLIFF file and checks for missing translations and/or translations that need work/review. .Parameter targetPath Specifies the path to the target XLIFF file. .Parameter checkForMissing Specifies whether to check for missing translations. .Parameter checkForProblems Specifies whether to check for problems in the translations. .Parameter developerNoteDesignation Specifies the name that is used to designate a developer note. .Parameter xliffGeneratorNoteDesignation Specifies the name that is used to designate an XLIFF generator note. .Parameter translationRules Specifies which technical validation rules should be used. .Parameter translationRulesEnableAll Specifies whether to apply all technical validation rules. .Parameter AzureDevOps Specifies whether to generate Azure DevOps Pipeline compatible output. This setting determines the severity of errors. .Parameter reportProgress Specifies whether the command should report progress. .Parameter printProblems Specifies whether the command should print all detected problems. .Parameter FormatTranslationUnit A scriptblock that determines how translation units are represented in warning/error messages. By default, the ID of the translation unit is returned. #> function Test-XliffTranslations { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $targetPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $checkForMissing, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $checkForProblems, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $developerNoteDesignation = "Developer", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $xliffGeneratorNoteDesignation = "Xliff Generator", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $missingTranslation = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("ConsecutiveSpacesConsistent", "ConsecutiveSpacesExist", "OptionMemberCount", "OptionLeadingSpaces", "Placeholders", "PlaceholdersDevNote")] [string[]] $translationRules, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $translationRulesEnableAll, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('no', 'error', 'warning')] [string] $AzureDevOps = 'no', [switch] $reportProgress, [switch] $printProblems, [ValidateNotNull()] [ScriptBlock]$FormatTranslationUnit = { param($TranslationUnit) $ } ) Write-Verbose "Passed parameters:`n$($PsBoundParameters | Out-String)" # Abort if both $checkForMissing and $checkForProblems are missing. if (-not $checkForMissing -and -not $checkForProblems) { throw "You need to use at least one of the following parameters: -checkForMissing, -checkForProblems"; } if ($translationRulesEnableAll) { $translationRules = (Get-Variable "translationRules").Attributes.ValidValues; } Write-Host "Loading target document $targetPath"; [XlfDocument] $targetDocument = [XlfDocument]::LoadFromPath($targetPath); $targetDocument.developerNoteDesignation = $developerNoteDesignation; $targetDocument.xliffGeneratorNoteDesignation = $xliffGeneratorNoteDesignation; Write-Host "Retrieving translation units from target document"; [int] $unitCount = $targetDocument.TranslationUnitNodes().Count; [int] $i = 0; [int] $onePercentCount = $unitCount / 100; if ($onePercentCount -eq 0) { $onePercentCount = 1; } $missingTranslationUnits = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Xml.XmlNode]' $needWorkTranslationUnits = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Xml.XmlNode]' [bool] $problemResolvedInFile = $false; Write-Host "Processing unit nodes... (Please be patient)"; [string] $progressMessage = "Checking translation units." if ($reportProgress) { if ($AzureDevOps -ne 'no') { Write-Host "##vso[task.setprogress value=0;]$progressMessage"; } else { Write-Progress -Activity $progressMessage -PercentComplete 0; } } $targetDocument.TranslationUnitNodes() | ForEach-Object { [System.Xml.XmlNode] $unit = $_; if ($reportProgress) { $i++; if ($i % $onePercentCount -eq 0) { $percentage = ($i / $unitCount) * 100; if ($AzureDevOps -ne 'no') { Write-Host "##vso[task.setprogress value=$percentage;]$progressMessage"; } else { Write-Progress -Activity $progressMessage -PercentComplete $percentage; } } } if ($checkForMissing) { if (HasMissingTranslation -targetDocument $targetDocument -unit $unit -missingTranslationText $missingTranslation) { $targetDocument.SetState($unit, [XlfTranslationState]::MissingTranslation); $missingTranslationUnits.Add($unit); } } if ($checkForProblems -and $translationRules) { if (HasProblem -targetDocument $targetDocument -unit $unit -enabledRules $translationRules) { $targetDocument.SetState($unit, [XlfTranslationState]::NeedsWorkTranslation); $needWorkTranslationUnits.Add($unit); } # Check for resolved problem (to delete XLIFF Sync note) if ($targetDocument.GetState($unit) -ne [XlfTranslationState]::NeedsWorkTranslation) { if ($targetDocument.TryDeleteXLIFFSyncNote($unit)) { $problemResolvedInFile = $true; } } } } [int] $missingCount = $missingTranslationUnits.Count; if ($checkForMissing) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Detected: $missingCount missing translation(s)."; if ($printProblems -and $missingTranslationUnits) { [string] $detectedMessage = "Missing translation in unit '{0}'."; if ($AzureDevOps -ne 'no') { $detectedMessage = "##vso[task.logissue type=$AzureDevOps]$detectedMessage"; } $missingTranslationUnits | ForEach-Object { Write-Host ($detectedMessage -f (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $FormatTranslationUnit -ArgumentList $_)); } } } [int] $needWorkCount = $needWorkTranslationUnits.Count; if ($checkForProblems) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Detected: $needWorkCount translation(s) that need work."; if ($printProblems -and $needWorkTranslationUnits) { [string] $detectedMessage = "Translation issue in unit '{0}'."; if ($AzureDevOps -ne 'no') { $detectedMessage = "##vso[task.logissue type=$AzureDevOps]$detectedMessage"; } $needWorkTranslationUnits | ForEach-Object { Write-Host ($detectedMessage -f (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $FormatTranslationUnit -ArgumentList $_)); } } } [bool] $issueDetectedInFile = ($missingCount -gt 0) -or ($needWorkCount -gt 0); if ($issueDetectedInFile -or $problemResolvedInFile) { Write-Host "Saving document to $targetPath"; $targetDocument.SaveToFilePath($targetPath); } $missingTranslationUnits $needWorkTranslationUnits; } function HasMissingTranslation { Param ( [XlfDocument] $targetDocument, [System.Xml.XmlNode] $unit, [string] $missingTranslationText ) [bool] $needsTranslation = $targetDocument.GetUnitNeedsTranslation($unit); if ($needsTranslation) { [string] $translation = $targetDocument.GetUnitTranslation($unit); if ((-not $translation) -or ($translation -eq $missingTranslationText)) { return $true; } } return $false; } function HasProblem { Param ( [XlfDocument] $targetDocument, [System.Xml.XmlNode] $unit, [string[]] $enabledRules ) [string] $sourceText = $targetDocument.GetUnitSourceText($unit); [string] $translText = $targetDocument.GetUnitTranslation($unit); [string] $devNoteText = $targetDocument.GetUnitDeveloperNote($unit); if ((-not $sourceText) -or (-not $translText)) { return $false; } if ($enabledRules.Contains('Placeholders') -and (IsPlaceholdersMismatch -sourceText $sourceText -translationText $translText)) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: The number of placeholders in the source and translation text do not match.'); return $true; } if ($enabledRules.Contains('PlaceholdersDevNote') -and (IsPlaceholdersMismatch -sourceText $sourceText -translationText $devNoteText)) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: One or more placeholders are missing an explanation in the Developer note.'); return $true; } if (IsOptionCaptionUnit -targetDocument $targetDocument -unit $unit) { [string[]] $sourceMembers = $sourceText -split ","; [string[]] $translMembers = $translText -split ","; if ($enabledRules.Contains('OptionMemberCount') -and (IsOptionMemberCountMismatch -sourceMembers $sourceMembers -translMembers $translMembers)) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: The number of option members in the source and translation text do not match.'); return $true; } if ($enabledRules.Contains('OptionLeadingSpaces') -and (IsOptionMemberLeadingSpacesMismatch -sourceMembers $sourceMembers -translMembers $translMembers)) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: The leading spaces in the option values of the source and translation text do not match.'); return $true; } } if ($enabledRules.Contains('ConsecutiveSpacesExist')) { if (GetConsecutiveSpacesInText -textToCheck $sourceText) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: Consecutive spaces exist in the source text.'); return $true; } if (GetConsecutiveSpacesInText -textToCheck $translText) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: Consecutive spaces exist in the translation text.'); return $true; } } if ($enabledRules.Contains('ConsecutiveSpacesConsistent') -and (IsConsecutiveSpacesMismatch -sourceText $sourceText -translText $translText)) { $targetDocument.SetXliffSyncNote($unit, 'Problem detected: The "consecutive space"-occurrences in source and translation text do not match.'); return $true; } if ($targetDocument.GetState($unit) -eq [XlfTranslationState]::NeedsWorkTranslation) { return $true; } return $false; } function IsPlaceholdersMismatch { Param ( [string] $sourceText, [string] $translationText ) return (HasMissingPlaceholders -textWithPlaceholders $sourceText -textToCheck $translationText) -or (HasMissingPlaceholders -textWithPlaceholders $translationText -textToCheck $sourceText); } function HasMissingPlaceholders { Param ( [string] $textWithPlaceholders, [string] $textToCheck ) $placeHolderMatches = ([regex]'%[0-9]+|\{[0-9]+\}').Matches($textWithPlaceholders); if ($placeHolderMatches) { $missingPlaceHolder = $placeHolderMatches | Where-Object { $textToCheck.IndexOf($_.Value) -lt 0 } | Select-Object -First 1; if ($missingPlaceHolder) { return $true; } } return $false; } function IsOptionCaptionUnit { Param ( [XlfDocument] $targetDocument, [System.Xml.XmlNode] $unit ) [string] $xliffGenNote = $targetDocument.GetUnitXliffGeneratorNote($unit); if (-not $xliffGenNote) { return $false; } [string[]] $optionKeywords = @('Property OptionCaption', 'Property PromotedActionCategories'); [string] $keyWordFound = $optionKeywords | Where-Object { $xliffGenNote.IndexOf($_) -ge 0 } | Select-Object -First 1; if ($keyWordFound) { return $true; } return $false; } function IsOptionMemberCountMismatch { Param ( [string[]] $sourceMembers, [string[]] $translMembers ) return $sourceMembers.Count -ne $translMembers.Count; } function IsOptionMemberLeadingSpacesMismatch { Param ( [string[]] $sourceMembers, [string[]] $translMembers ) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $sourceMembers.Length; $i++) { [string] $sourceMember = $sourceMembers[$i]; [string] $translMember = $translMembers[$i]; [int] $sourceLeadingSpaces = ($sourceMember.Length - ($sourceMember.TrimStart().Length)); [int] $translLeadingSpaces = ($translMember.Length - ($translMember.TrimStart().Length)); if ($sourceLeadingSpaces -ne $translLeadingSpaces) { return $true; } } return $false; } function GetConsecutiveSpacesInText { Param ( [string] $textToCheck ) return ([regex]'\s\s+').Matches($textToCheck); } function IsConsecutiveSpacesMismatch { Param ( [string] $sourceText, [string] $translText ) $sourceTextConsecutiveSpaces = GetConsecutiveSpacesInText -textToCheck $sourceText; $translTextConsecutiveSpaces = GetConsecutiveSpacesInText -textToCheck $translText; if ($sourceTextConsecutiveSpaces.Count -ne $translTextConsecutiveSpaces.Count) { return $true; } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $sourceTextConsecutiveSpaces.Length; $i++) { if (($sourceTextConsecutiveSpaces[$i].Value.Length) -ne ($translTextConsecutiveSpaces[$i].Value.Length)) { return $true; } } return $false; } Set-Alias -Name Check-XliffTranslations -Value Test-XliffTranslations Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-XliffTranslations -Alias Check-XliffTranslations |