#region Namespaces/Modules using module ..\Classes\XiaomiSession.psm1; using module ..\Classes\XiaomiGateway.psm1; using module ..\Classes\XiaomiSensor.psm1; using module ..\Classes\XiaomiTemperatureSensor.psm1; #endregion <# .SYNOPSIS Returns data from temperature sensors .DESCRIPTION The function queries the provided temperature sensors to get the temperature (both C and F) and humidity information. .PARAMETER Sensor The list on sensors that we would like to get the temperature data from .INPUTS [XiaomiSensor[]]. The list of Xiaomi sensors .OUTPUTS [XiaomiTemperatureSensor[]]. Temperature data from each thermometer sensor .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Connect-XiaomiSession | Get-XiaomiGateway | Get-XiaomiSensor | Get-XiaomiTemperature | FT SID ShortID TemperatureC TemperatureF Humidity Gateway --- ------- ------------ ------------ -------- ------- 158d0001178e6b 55693 22.65 72.77 37.45 XiaomiGateway 158d00010f7446 21438 -3.18 26.276 68.56 XiaomiGateway #> Function Get-XiaomiTemperature { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([XiaomiTemperatureSensor[]])] #region Parameters PARAM( # Sensor(s): [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $TRUE, ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE )] [XiaomiSensor[]] $Sensor ) #endregion BEGIN { # Init some variables: [XiaomiTemperatureSensor[]]$thermometers = @(); } PROCESS { # Make sure we look only into temperature sensors instead of all the devices passed: $Sensor = $Sensor | Where-Object { $_.Model -EQ 'sensor_ht'}; # Loop through all the thermometers: ForEach($_sensor in $Sensor) { # Try getting the temperature data: Try { # Set the endpoints: $endpoint = [XiaomiSession]::CreateEndpoint($_sensor.Gateway.IP, $_sensor.Gateway.Port); $_sensor.Gateway.Connection.Send($endpoint, @{cmd = 'read'; sid = $_sensor.SID}); $data = $_sensor.Gateway.Connection.Receive(); $thermometers += [XiaomiTemperatureSensor]::New($_sensor.Gateway, $data.sid, $data.model, $data.short_id, $sensor.Token, $; # Couldn't get information from the temperature sensor; moving to the next one: } Catch { Write-Warning -Message ("Cannot get temperature data from '$($_sensor.SID)' sensor, connected to "` + "'$($_sensor.Gateway.SID)' gateway"); Continue; } } } END { # In case ther is no data: If ($thermometers.Length -EQ 0) { Write-Error ` -Category ProtocolError ` -Message "No temperature data was found" ` -RecommendedAction "Make sure you have temperature sensors connected to the gateway(s)"; Return; # Otherwise, return the temperature data: } Else { Return ($thermometers | Select-Object SID, ShortID, TemperatureC, TemperatureF, Humidity, Gateway); } } } |