
function Uninstall-OldModuleVersion 
    Uninstalls older versions of installed PowerShell modules.
    This function iterates through all installed PowerShell modules and uninstalls versions that are older than the current installed version.
    This function requires PowerShellGet to be installed.

    # Checks if current session is elevated
    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    if (!($currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)))
        Write-Warning "Must be run as Administrator"

    # Get all installed modules
    $installedModule = Get-InstalledModule
    # Iterate over each installed module
    foreach ($module in $installedModule) 
        # Get the current version of the module
        $currentVersion = $module.Version
        # Display the module name and current version
        Write-Host "Checking " -NoNewline
        Write-Host $module.Name -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        Write-Host " version " -NoNewline
        Write-Host $currentVersion -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        # Get all installed versions of the module that are older than the current version
        $removeable = Get-InstalledModule -Name $module.Name -AllVersions | Where-Object -Property "Version" -lt -Value $currentVersion
        # Check if there are any older versions to uninstall
        if ($removeable) 
            # If there are older versions, display the version being uninstalled and uninstall it
            Write-Host " [uninstalling]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $removeable | Uninstall-Module -Confirm -Verbose
            # If no older versions, indicate that the module passed the check
            Write-Host " [passed]" -ForegroundColor Green