
function Copy-TeamsUserTeamsAndChannels
    Copies Microsoft Teams and channels from one user to another user, with optional settings.
    This function allows you to copy Microsoft Teams memberships and channels from a source user to a new user.
    You can choose to set the new user as an owner or member of the teams, and optionally copy the channels as well.
    .PARAMETER SourceUserEmail
    The email address of the source user whose Teams and channels will be copied.
    .PARAMETER NewUserEmail
    The email address of the new user who will be added to the Teams and channels.
    .PARAMETER Owner
    Switch parameter. If provided, the new user will be added as an owner of the Teams (default role is member).
    .PARAMETER Channel
    Switch parameter. If provided, the function will prompt the user to choose Channels for each Team to add.
    Author: Eric Meinders
    Version: 1.0

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
        [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)][string]$SourceUserEmail,
        [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2)][string]$NewUserEmail,
        [switch]$Owner, #switch for setting the Teams role to owner, default is member
        [switch]$Channel #switch for prompting the user to choose Channels for each Team to add

    BEGIN #verify MicrosoftTeams module is installed and connected
        $Role = "member"
        try #checks if MicrosoftTeams module installed
            Get-InstalledModule -Name MicrosoftTeams -ErrorAction Stop > $null
        catch #if MicrosoftTeams is not found, prompts user to install
            Write-Warning "MicrosoftTeams module not found."
            if ($PScmdlet.ShouldProcess("MicrosoftTeams","Install-Module"))
                Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force 
                throw "MicrosoftTeams module required for function. Exiting."

        try #checks if connection exists to MicrosoftTeams
            Get-CsTenant > $null 
        catch #prompts for connection if not connected
            Write-Verbose "Connecting to Microsoft 365"
        if ($Owner) #validates if -Owner switch discovered, sets role to owner
            $Role = "owner"

        if ($Owner -and $Channels) #throws if both -Owner and -Channels switches provided, cannot set channels to owner
            throw "Cannot add Owner role with Channels argument."

    PROCESS #process the teams and channels query/addition
        $userTeams = Get-Team -User $SourceUserEmail #get all teams the source user belongs to
        foreach ($team in $userTeams)
                Write-Verbose "Current working Team: $($team.DisplayName)"
                if ($PScmdlet.ShouldProcess($NewUserEmail,"Adding to $($team.DisplayName)"))
                    Add-TeamUser -GroupId $team.GroupId -User $NewUserEmail -Role $Role -Verbose
                    if ($Channels)
                        #get teams groupid, iterates through and adds new user
                        Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $team.GroupId | ForEach-Object {
                            Write-Verbose "Current working Channel: $($_.DisplayName)"
                            if ($PScmdlet.ShouldProcess($NewUserEmail,"Adding to channel: $($_.DisplayName)"))
                                    $parameters = 
                                        GroupId = $team.GroupId
                                        DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                                        User = $NewUserEmail
                                        Verbose = $true
                                    Add-TeamChannelUser @parameters
                                    Write-Warning $_.exception.message 
                                Write-Output "Skipping $($_.DisplayName) for user ${NewUserEmail}"
                    Write-Output "Skipping $($team.DisplayName) for user ${NewUserEmail}" 
                Write-Warning $_.exception.message