using namespace System.IO; using module .\Wsl-RootFS.psm1 Update-TypeData -PrependPath .\Wsl-Manager.Types.ps1xml Update-FormatData -PrependPath .\Wsl-Manager.Format.ps1xml Describe "WslRootFileSystem" { BeforeAll { [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath = [DirectoryInfo]::new($(Join-Path $TestDrive "WslRootFS")) [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.Create() } InModuleScope "Wsl-RootFS" { BeforeEach { Mock Sync-File { Write-Host "####> Mock download to $($File.FullName)..."; New-Item -Path $File.FullName -ItemType File } } It "should split LXD names" { $rootFs = [WslRootFileSystem]::new("lxd:almalinux:9", $false) $rootFs.Os | Should -Be "almalinux" $rootFs.Release | Should -Be "9" $rootFs.Type -eq [WslRootFileSystemType]::LXD | Should -BeTrue } It "Should fail on bad LXD names" { { [WslRootFileSystem]::new("lxd:badlinux:9") } | Should -Throw "Unknown LXD distribution with OS badlinux and Release 9. Check" } It "Should Recognize Builitn distributions" { $rootFs = [WslRootFileSystem]::new("alpine") $rootFs.Os | Should -Be "Alpine" $rootFs.Release | Should -Be "3.17" $rootFs.AlreadyConfigured | Should -BeFalse $rootFs.Type -eq [WslRootFileSystemType]::Builtin | Should -BeTrue $rootFs.Url | Should -Be $([WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions['Alpine']['Url']) $rootFs = [WslRootFileSystem]::new("alpine", $true) $rootFs.AlreadyConfigured | Should -BeTrue $rootFs.Url | Should -Be $([WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions['Alpine']['ConfiguredUrl']) } It "Should split properly external URL" { $url = "" $rootFs = [WslRootFileSystem]::new($url) $rootFs.Os | Should -Be "Kalifs" $rootFs.Release | Should -Be "unknown" $rootFs.AlreadyConfigured | Should -BeFalse $rootFs.Type -eq [WslRootFileSystemType]::Uri | Should -BeTrue $rootFs.Url | Should -Be $url } It "Should download distribution" { try { $rootFs = [WslRootFileSystem]::new("alpine", $true) $rootFs.Os | Should -Be "Alpine" $rootFs.Release | Should -Be "3.17" $rootFs.AlreadyConfigured | Should -BeTrue $rootFs.Type -eq [WslRootFileSystemType]::Builtin | Should -BeTrue $rootFs.IsAvailableLocally | Should -BeFalse $rootFs | Sync-WslRootFileSystem $rootFs.IsAvailableLocally | Should -BeTrue $rootFs.LocalFileName | Should -Be "miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz" $rootFs.File.Exists | Should -BeTrue Should -Invoke -CommandName Sync-File -Times 1 } finally { $path = [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.FullName Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Remove-Item } } It "Shouldn't download already present file" { $path = [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.FullName New-Item -Path $path -Name 'miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz' -ItemType File try { $rootFs = [WslRootFileSystem]::new("alpine", $true) $rootFs.IsAvailableLocally | Should -BeTrue $rootFs | Sync-WslRootFileSystem Should -Invoke -CommandName Sync-File -Times 0 } finally { Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Remove-Item } } It "Should return local distributions" { $path = [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.FullName New-Item -Path $path -Name 'miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz' -ItemType File New-Item -Path $path -Name 'lxd.alpine_3.17.rootfs.tar.gz' -ItemType File try { $distributions = Get-WslRootFileSystem $distributions.Length | Should -Be 11 (($distributions | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IsAvailableLocally) -contains $true) | Should -BeTrue $distributions = Get-WslRootFileSystem -State Synced $distributions.Length | Should -Be 2 $distributions = Get-WslRootFileSystem -Type Builtin $distributions.Length | Should -Be 10 $distributions = Get-WslRootFileSystem -Os Alpine $distributions.Length | Should -Be 3 Get-WslRootFileSystem $distributions = @(Get-WslRootFileSystem -Type LXD) $distributions.Length | Should -Be 1 $distributions = Get-WslRootFileSystem -Configured $distributions.Length | Should -Be 5 } finally { Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Remove-Item } } It "Should delete distributions" { $path = [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.FullName New-Item -Path $path -Name 'miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz' -ItemType File New-Item -Path $path -Name 'lxd.alpine_3.17.rootfs.tar.gz' -ItemType File try { $deleted = Remove-WslRootFileSystem alpine -Configured $deleted | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $deleted.IsAvailableLocally | Should -BeFalse $deleted.State -eq [WslRootFileSystemState]::NotDownloaded | Should -BeTrue $nondeleted = Remove-WslRootFileSystem alpine -Configured $nondeleted | Should -BeNullOrEmpty $deleted = New-WslRootFileSystem "lxd:alpine:3.17" | Remove-WslRootFileSystem $deleted | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $deleted.IsAvailableLocally | Should -BeFalse } finally { Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Remove-Item } } } } |