
# Module: Write-UMN
function Write-UMN {
        This function will send a message to a splunk HEC endpoint
    .PARAMETER msg
        string of the message to send
    .PARAMETER splunkIndex
        integer of the splunk index to send the message to
        This function requires the UMN-Common module if splunk is enabled.
        It uses [string]$script:uriSplunk, [string]$script:headerSplunk, [string]$script:ScriptFileName, [switch]$script:Email, [switch]$script:Slack, [string]$script:Body.
        Those will all need to be defined in the script that calls this function.

    param (
        [String]$ErrorAction = 'Stop'

    if ($Splunk -and $AzureKeyName) {
        $Script:splunkIndex += 1
        #region Init
        if ($PSPrivateMetadata.JobId.Guid) { $JobID = $PSPrivateMetadata.JobId.Guid }
        else { $JobID = (New-Guid).Guid }
        $RbHost = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
        ## Splunk Prep
        $ScriptFileName = $script:ScriptFileName
        $BodySplunkBase = @{'host' = $RbHost; 'source' = $ScriptFileName; 'sourcetype' = 'HEC:AzureRunbook' }

        $Null = Send-SplunkHEC -uri $Script:uriSplunk -metadata $BodySplunkBase -header $Script:headerSplunk -eventData @{'jobID' = $JobID; 'msg' = $Msg; 'Index' = $Script:splunkIndex }
    #write outputs to the console and stop if it's an error
    if ($IsError) {
        Write-Error $Msg -ErrorAction $ErrorAction
    else {
        Write-Warning -Message $Msg
    if ($Script:Email -or $Script:Slack) {
        $Script:Body += $Msg + "`n"
    return $Msg

function Send-Slack {
        This function will send a message to a slack channel
    .PARAMETER Message
        string of the message to send
    .PARAMETER SlackChannel
        string of the slack channel to send the message to
    .PARAMETER Title
        string of the title of the message
        string of the URI to send the message to
        Send-Slack -Title "Test Message" -Message "This is a test message" -SlackChannel "#t3-virt-info" -URI (Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName 'HEAT-Automation-KV' -Name 'virt-slack-runbook-alerts' -AsPlainText)"

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]
    $ContentType = 'application/json'
    $SlackBody = @"
        "text": "$Title",
        "channel": "$slackChannel",
        "attachments": [
                "text": "$Message"

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Post -Body $SlackBody -ContentType $ContentType