
function Get-ShortPath {
Shortens a file path based on the width of the PowerShell host window.
The Get-ShortPath function takes a file path and shortens it if necessary, based on the current width of the PowerShell host window. It ensures that the path is displayed in a more readable format, especially useful in environments with limited screen space.
Specifies the file path to shorten. If not provided, the function uses the current working directory. The path must be a valid file system path.
Get-ShortPath -Path 'C:\Users\Username\Documents\PowerShell\Scripts\MyVeryLongScriptName.ps1'
Shortens the specified file path based on the current PowerShell window width.
'C:\Users\Username\Documents\PowerShell\Scripts\MyVeryLongScriptName.ps1' | Get-ShortPath
Demonstrates how to use the function with pipeline input.
You can pipe a string representing the file path to Get-ShortPath.
Outputs the shortened file path.
The function is particularly useful for displaying paths in a concise manner in scenarios like custom PowerShell prompts or logging where screen real estate is limited.

                if (-not ($_ | Test-Path -IsValid)) {
                    throw 'Path is not valid.'
                return $true
        [string]$Path = $PWD.Path
    process {
        if (-not ($null -eq $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width)) {
            $DirChar = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
            $WindowSizeFactor = 3  # Determines how much of the window width the path should fill
            $MaxPromptPath = [int]($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width / $WindowSizeFactor)
            $CurrPath = $Path -replace '^[^:]+::'

            if ($CurrPath.Length -ge $MaxPromptPath) {
                $PathParts = $CurrPath.Split($DirChar)
                $MyPath = $PathParts[0], '...', $PathParts[$PathParts.Length - 1] -join $DirChar
                $Counter = $PathParts.Length - 2

                while (($MyPath.Replace('...', ('...', $PathParts[$Counter] -join $DirChar)).Length -lt $MaxPromptPath) -and ($Counter -ne 0)) {
                    $MyPath = $MyPath.Replace('...', ('...', $PathParts[$Counter] -join $DirChar))
            else {
                $MyPath = $CurrPath

            return $MyPath