$nsname = "WmiNamespaceTest" $nspath = "root\$nsname" $testuser = "WmiNamespaceUser" $testuserPassword = "Pa55w0rd!!" $principal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList ([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) if (!$principal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { throw "These tests require an elevated PowerShell session" } # used to access the type until types export is supported Import-Module WmiNamespaceSecurityResource . (Get-module WmiNamespaceSecurityResource) { set-variable -name wminsclass -value ([type]"WmiNamespaceSecurity") -scope 1 } . (Get-module WmiNamespaceSecurityResource) { set-variable -name wmiperms -value ([type]"WmiPermission") -scope 1 } Describe "Set WMI Namespace Security" { BeforeAll { net user $testuser /delete 2> $null net user $testuser $testuserPassword /add 2> $null $ns = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root -ClassName __namespace -Filter "Name='$nsname'" if ($ns -ne $Null) { $ns | Remove-CimInstance } New-CimInstance -Namespace "root" -ClassName __namespace -Property @{Name=$nsname} } AfterAll { net user $testuser /delete 2> $null Get-CimInstance -Namespace root -ClassName __namespace -Filter "Name='$nsname'" | Remove-CimInstance } It "Add user to namespace ACL" { Configuration SetTest { Import-DscResource -Module WmiNamespaceSecurity WMINamespaceSecurity namespacetest { Path = "$nspath" AppliesTo = "self" Principal = "$testuser" AccessType = "Allow" Permission = "Enable", "MethodExecute", "ProviderWrite" Ensure = "Present" } } SetTest -OutputPath TestDrive:\dsc "TestDrive:\dsc\localhost.mof" | Should Exist Start-DscConfiguration -Path "TestDrive:\dsc" -Force -Wait $sd = $wminsclass::GetSecurityDescriptor($nspath) $ace = $wminsclass::FindAce($sd.DACL, $testuser, "Allow") $ace | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $ace.AccessMask | Should BeExactly ([uint32]($wmiperms::Enable + $wmiperms::MethodExecute + $wmiperms::ProviderWrite)) } It "Change user permission in namespace ACL" { Configuration SetTest { Import-DscResource -Module WmiNamespaceSecurity WMINamespaceSecurity namespacetest { Path = "$nspath" AppliesTo = "self" Principal = "$testuser" AccessType = "Allow" Permission = "Enable", "ProviderWrite" Ensure = "Present" } } SetTest -OutputPath TestDrive:\dsc "TestDrive:\dsc\localhost.mof" | Should Exist Start-DscConfiguration -Path "TestDrive:\dsc" -Force -Wait $sd = $wminsclass::GetSecurityDescriptor($nspath) $ace = $wminsclass::FindAce($sd.DACL, $testuser, "Allow") $ace | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $ace.AccessMask | Should BeExactly ([uint32]($wmiperms::Enable + $wmiperms::ProviderWrite)) } It "Remove user from namespace ACL" { Configuration SetTest { Import-DscResource -Module WmiNamespaceSecurity WMINamespaceSecurity namespacetest { Path = "$nspath" Principal = "$testuser" AccessType = "Allow" Ensure = "Absent" } } SetTest -OutputPath TestDrive:\dsc "TestDrive:\dsc\localhost.mof" | Should Exist Start-DscConfiguration -Path "TestDrive:\dsc" -Force -Wait $sd = $wminsclass::GetSecurityDescriptor($nspath) $ace, $index = $wminsclass::FindAce($sd.DACL, $testuser, "Allow") $ace | Should BeNullOrEmpty $index | Should BeExactly -1 } } |