Function Get-NestedFolderPermission { <# .SYNOPSIS Finds the permissions of nested folders. .DESCRIPTION Finds the permissions of nested folders. This will search through all folders recursively and enumerate the permissions with output to console or CSV. .PARAMETER Export If this switch is enabled, output will be directed to a CSV file. .EXAMPLE Get-NestedFolderPermission .EXAMPLE Get-NestedFolderPermission -Export #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0,HelpMessage="Enter the path to check nested folder permissions.")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [String] $FolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1,HelpMessage="If used this will export to file instead of console.")] [Switch] $Export ) #Get a list of the paths Try { $Folders = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $FolderPath -Recurse -Force } Catch { Throw "An error retrieving the folders has occured. Please verify that you have access to the folder path being checked." } #Create an empty array to store data. $Output = @() #Loop through folders and obtain permisisons, store permissions in Output array ForEach ($Folder in $Folders) { Try { $Acl = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullName ForEach ($AclAccess in $Acl.Access) { Try { $Properties = [Ordered]@{'Folder Name'=$Folder.FullName;'Group/User'=$Access.IdentityReference;'Permissions'=$Access.FileSystemRights;'Inherited'=$Access.IsInherited} $Output += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties } Catch { Write-Error "Could not add ACL to Output variable for $($Folder.FullName)" } } } Catch { Write-Error "Could not obtain ACL for folder $($Folder.Fullname)" } } #Write Output to console or CSV If($Export) { $Output | Export-CSV NestedFolderPermissions.csv -NoTypeInformation Write-Output "NestedFolderPermissions.csv exported to current directory" } Else { $Output | Out-GridView } } |