
        Install OpenSSH-Win64 and the associated ssh-agent service. Optionally install SSHD server and associated
        sshd service. Optionally install the latest PowerShell Core.
        See .SYNOPSIS
    .PARAMETER ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost
        This parameter is OPTIONAL.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, the SSHD Server and associated sshd service will be installedm
        configured, and enabled on the local host.
    .PARAMETER RemoveHostPrivateKeys
        This parameter is OPTIONAL.
        This parameter is a switch. Use it to remove the Host Private Keys after they are added to the ssh-agent during
        sshd setup/config. Default is NOT to remove the host private keys.
        This parameter should only be used in combination with the -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost switch.
    .PARAMETER DefaultShell
        This parameter is OPTIONAL.
        This parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "powershell","pwsh"
        If set to "powershell", when a Remote User connects to the local host via ssh, they will enter a
        Windows PowerShell 5.1 shell.
        If set to "pwsh", when a Remote User connects to the local host via ssh, the will enter a
        PowerShell Core 6 shell.
        If this parameter is NOT used, the Default shell will be cmd.exe.
        This parameter should only be used in combination with the -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost switch.
    .PARAMETER GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority
        This parameter is OPTIONAL, but highly recommended.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, ssh binaries installed as part of OpenSSH-Win64 installation will get
        priority in your $env:Path. This is especially useful if you have ssh binaries in your path from other
        program installs (like git).
    .PARAMETER GitHubInstall
        This parameter is OPTIONAL.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, OpenSSH binaries will be installed by downloading the .zip
        from, expanding the archive, moving
        the files to the approproiate location(s), and setting permissions appropriately.
    .PARAMETER SkipWinCapabilityAttempt
        This parameter is OPTIONAL.
        This parameter is a switch.
        In more recent versions of Windows (Spring 2018), OpenSSH Client and SSHD Server can be installed as
        Windows Features using the Dism Module 'Add-WindowsCapability' cmdlet. If you run this function on
        a more recent version of Windows, it will attempt to use 'Add-WindowsCapability' UNLESS you use
        this switch.
        As of May 2018, there are reliability issues with the 'Add-WindowsCapability' cmdlet.
        Using this switch is highly recommend in order to avoid using 'Add-WindowsCapability'.
    .PARAMETER Force
        This parameter is a OPTIONAL.
        This parameter is a switch.
        If you are already running the latest version of OpenSSH, but would like to reinstall it and the
        associated ssh-agent service, use this switch.
        # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and -
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Install-WinSSH -GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost -DefaultShell powershell -GitHubInstall

function Install-WinSSH {



        # For situations where there may be more than one ssh.exe available on the system that are already part of $env:Path
        # or System PATH - for example, the ssh.exe that comes with Git




    ##### BEGIN Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep #####

    if (!$(GetElevation)) {
        Write-Verbose "You must run PowerShell as Administrator before using this function! Halting!"
        Write-Error "You must run PowerShell as Administrator before using this function! Halting!"
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    if ($DefaultShell -and !$ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost) {
        Write-Error "The -DefaultShell parameter is meant to set the configure the default shell for the SSHD Server. Please also use the -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost switch. Halting!"
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    $OpenSSHWinPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64"

    ##### END Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep #####

    ##### BEGIN Main Body #####
    $InstallSSHAgentSplatParams = @{
        ErrorAction         = "SilentlyContinue"
        ErrorVariable       = "ISAErr"
    if ($GitHubInstall) {
    if ($SkipWinCapabilityAttempt) {
    if ($Force) {

    try {
        $InstallSSHAgentResult = Install-SSHAgentService @InstallSSHAgentSplatParams
        if (!$InstallSSHAgentResult) {throw "The Install-SSHAgentService function failed!"}
    catch {
        Write-Error $_
        Write-Host "Errors for the Install-SSHAgentService function are as follows:"
        Write-Error $($ISAErr | Out-String)
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    Write-Host "Finished installing ssh-agent..." -ForegroundColor Green

    if ($ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost) {
        $NewSSHDServerSplatParams = @{
            ErrorAction         = "SilentlyContinue"
            ErrorVariable       = "SSHDErr"
        if ($RemoveHostPrivateKeys) {
        if ($DefaultShell) {
        if ($SkipWinCapabilityAttempt) {
        try {
            $NewSSHDServerResult = New-SSHDServer @NewSSHDServerSplatParams
            if (!$NewSSHDServerResult) {throw "There was a problem with the New-SSHDServer function! Halting!"}
        catch {
            Write-Error $_
            Write-Host "Errors for the New-SSHDServer function are as follows:"
            Write-Error $($SSHDErr | Out-String)
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    # Update $env:Path to give the ssh.exe binary we just installed priority
    if ($GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority) {
        if ($($env:Path -split ";") -notcontains $OpenSSHWinPath) {
            if ($env:Path[-1] -eq ";") {
                $env:Path = "$OpenSSHWinPath;$env:Path"
            else {
                $env:Path = "$OpenSSHWinPath;$env:Path"
    else {
        if ($($env:Path -split ";") -notcontains $OpenSSHWinPath) {
            if ($env:Path[-1] -eq ";") {
                $env:Path = "$env:Path$OpenSSHWinPath"
            else {
                $env:Path = "$env:Path;$OpenSSHWinPath"

    $Output = [ordered]@{
        SSHAgentInstallInfo     = $InstallSSHAgentResult
    if ($NewSSHDServerResult) {

    if ($Output.Count -eq 1) {
    else {