# The below ConfigureGlobalKnownHosts shouldn't be necesary with Public Key Authentication and # dissemination of the CA public keys for both host and user signing function ConfigureGlobalKnownHosts { [CmdletBinding()] Param( # Each Remote Host key should be in format like: # ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyPF3ERQhbKKt+BwQ ... [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$RemoteHostKeys ) if (Test-Path "$env:ProgramData\ssh") { $sshdir = "$env:ProgramData\ssh" } elseif (Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64") { $sshdir = "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64" } if (!$sshdir) { Write-Error "Unable to find either direcotry '$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64' or directory '$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $SSHClientGlobalKnownHostsPath = "$sshdir\ssh_known_hosts" $sshClientGlobalConfigPath = "$sshdir\ssh_config" $GlobalKnownHostsOptionLine = "GlobalKnownHostsFile $SSHCLientGlobalKnownHostsPath" if (!(Test-Path "$sshdir\ssh_config")) { Set-Content -Value $GlobalKnownHostsOptionLine -Path $sshClientGlobalConfigPath #$SSHClientConfigContentChanged = $True } else { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshClientGlobalConfigContent = Get-Content $sshClientGlobalConfigPath # Determine if sshd_config already has the 'TrustedUserCAKeys' option active $ExistingGlobalKnownHostsFileOption = $sshClientGlobalConfigContent -match "GlobalKnownHostsFile" | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "#"} if (!$ExistingGlobalKnownHostsFileOption) { try { Add-Content -Value $GlobalKnownHostsOptionLine -Path $sshClientGlobalConfigPath #$SSHClientConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshClientGlobalConfigContent = Get-Content $sshClientGlobalConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } else { if ($ExistingGlobalKnownHostsFileOption -ne $GlobalKnownHostsOptionLine) { $UpdatedSSHClientConfig = $sshClientGlobalConfigContent -replace [regex]::Escape($ExistingGlobalKnownHostsFileOption),"$GlobalKnownHostsOptionLine" try { Set-Content -Value $UpdatedSSHClientConfig -Path $sshClientGlobalConfigPath #$SSHClientConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshClientGlobalConfigContent = Get-Content $sshClientGlobalConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } else { Write-Warning "The specified 'GlobalKnownHostsFile' option is already active in the the ssh_config file. No changes made." } } } if (!(Test-Path $SSHClientGlobalKnownHostsPath)) { if ($RemoteHostKeys) { foreach ($PubKeyString in $RemoteHostKeys) { Add-Content -Value $PubKeyString.Trim() -Path $SSHClientGlobalKnownHostsPath } } } else { $CurrentGlobalKnownHostHeys = Get-Content $SSHClientGlobalKnownHostsPath if ($RemoteHostKeys) { foreach ($PubKeyString in $RemoteHostKeys) { if ($CurrentGlobalKnownHostHeys -notcontains $PubKeyString) { Add-Content -Value $PubKeyString.Trim() -Path $SSHClientGlobalKnownHostsPath } } } } try { Restart-Service ssh-agent -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } |