using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace AwaitDriver { public class AwaitDriver { /// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the AwaitDriver class, which lets you perform /// expect-like functionality on Console applications. /// </summary> public AwaitDriver() { // Launch a new instance of PowerShell and steal its console input / output handles ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", "-NoProfile"); startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; driverHost = Process.Start(startInfo); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); NativeMethods.FreeConsole(); bool result = NativeMethods.AttachConsole(driverHost.Id); const UInt32 STD_INPUT_HANDLE = 0xFFFFFFF6; const UInt32 STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = 0xFFFFFFF5; hInput = NativeMethods.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); hOutput = NativeMethods.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); } // Handles from the driver process Process driverHost = null; IntPtr hInput = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hOutput = IntPtr.Zero; // State to remember information between Read() calls so // that we don't have to scan the full buffer each time. int lastReadPosition = 0; List<string> lastRawContent = new List<string>(); /// <summary> /// /// Sends the specified input to the driver process. Does not /// include a newline at the end of the input. /// /// Input can be basic characters, or can use the same set of metacharacters /// that the SendKeys() API supports, such as {ESC}. /// /// /// /// While the syntax is the same as the SendKeys() API, the approach is not /// based on SendKeys() at all - to ensure that applications can be automated while /// you use your keyboard and mouse for other things. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text to send</param> public void Send(string text) { List<NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD> inputs = new List<NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD>(); foreach (string inputElement in SendKeysParser.Parse(text)) { foreach (NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD mappedInput in SendKeysParser.MapInput(inputElement)) { inputs.Add(mappedInput); } } uint eventsWritten = 0; NativeMethods.WriteConsoleInput(hInput, inputs.ToArray(), (uint)inputs.Count, out eventsWritten); } /// <summary> /// Sends the specified input to the driver process, including a trailing newline. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text to send</param> public void SendLine(string input) { Send(input + "{ENTER}"); } /// <summary> /// Waits for the given string to be available as a command response, and /// returns the result of that reponse. /// /// This method is stateful. Once output has been returned from an AwaitOutput() /// call, it will not be output again. Further AwaitOutput() calls will operate /// against output produced after preceeding AwaitOutput() calls complete. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="expected">The string to search for in the command response.</param> public string AwaitOutput(string expected) { return AwaitOutput(expected, false); } /// <summary> /// Waits for the given string to be available as a command response, and /// returns the result of that reponse. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="expected">The string to search for in the command response.</param> /// <param name="all"> /// If 'All' is specified, this method acts against the entire content of the /// console buffer, and the output of this method is the entire content of the /// console buffer. /// </param> public string AwaitOutput(string expected, bool all) { // Save the internal buffer position state so that we can restore // it if the content doesn't match. int savedStartPosition = lastReadPosition; List<string> savedLastRawContent = new List<string>(lastRawContent); string output = null; // Should be able to replace this with a WinEventHook for console changes: // while (true) { output = ReadOutput(all); if (output.Contains(expected)) { break; } else { lastReadPosition = savedStartPosition; lastRawContent = new List<string>(savedLastRawContent); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } return output; } /// <summary> /// Closes the AwaitDriver class, which lets you perform /// expect-like functionality on Console applications. /// </summary> public void Close() { driverHost.Kill(); } public string ReadOutput() { return ReadOutput(false); } // Can scrape 650 lines of output at 11ms per scrape. public string ReadOutput(bool all) { // Check the current console screen buffer dimensions, cursor coordinates / etc. NativeMethods.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; NativeMethods.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOutput, out csbi); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); // If the cursor has gone before where we last scanned, then the screen // has been cleared and we should reset our state. if (lastReadPosition > csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y + 1) { ResetLastScanInfo(); } // If the cursor is at the end of the buffer, then we no longer have a // quick way to determine if new content has been written. To address this, // every ReadOutput() call retains the last 10 lines of output that it read. // // As we scan through the buffer, we fill the 'currentHeuristicContent' list // with the output lines we see. Once we have 10 matching lines of output, we // know we're at the end of the previous scan. // // Additionally, we only do this heuristic scan if they haven't specified the // 'All' flag. bool inHeuristicContentScan = false; List<string> currentHeuristicContent = new List<string>(); if ((!all) && (lastReadPosition == csbi.dwSize.Y)) { inHeuristicContentScan = true; lastReadPosition = 0; } // Figure out where to start and stop scanning int startReadPosition = lastReadPosition; int endReadPosition = csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y; if (all) { startReadPosition = 0; endReadPosition = csbi.dwSize.Y - 1; } // Go through each line in the buffer for (int row = startReadPosition; row <= endReadPosition; row++) { int width = csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.X; StringBuilder lpCharacter = new StringBuilder(width - 1); // Read the current line from the buffer NativeMethods.COORD dwReadCoord; dwReadCoord.X = 0; dwReadCoord.Y = (short)row; uint lpNumberOfCharsRead = 0; NativeMethods.ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(hOutput, lpCharacter, (uint)width, dwReadCoord, out lpNumberOfCharsRead); // If we're in a heuristic scan, and the current line to the heuristic scan buffer if (inHeuristicContentScan) { currentHeuristicContent.Add(lpCharacter.ToString()); // Ensure the two lists remain the same size if (currentHeuristicContent.Count > lastRawContent.Count) { currentHeuristicContent.RemoveAt(0); } // If the heuristic scan buffer is the same size as the trailing buffer from the last ReadOutput() // call, we can see if they match. if (currentHeuristicContent.Count == lastRawContent.Count) { bool foundContentMatch = true; // Only scan to the second-last line of the saved content buffer, as the last line // is frequently different. For example, a prompt in the last scan, and now a prompt // that includes the user's command. for (int contentIndex = 0; contentIndex < currentHeuristicContent.Count - 1; contentIndex++) { if (lastRawContent[contentIndex] != currentHeuristicContent[contentIndex]) { foundContentMatch = false; break; } } // All 10 lines matched if (foundContentMatch) { inHeuristicContentScan = false; continue; } } } // If we're not just scanning through the buffer heuristically, then capture the content. if (!inHeuristicContentScan) { lastRawContent.Add(lpCharacter.ToString()); if (lastRawContent.Count > 10) { lastRawContent.RemoveAt(0); } output.AppendLine(lpCharacter.ToString().Substring(0, width).TrimEnd()); } } // Update our state to remember where to start scanning the buffer next. lastReadPosition = endReadPosition + 1; // If we were at the end of the buffer and made it all the way here without matching, // then our heuristics (i.e.: detecting clearing the screen) got broken. // This can happen with repetitive commands when the buffer is full, such as: // Get-Date // cls // Get-Date // Reset them. if (inHeuristicContentScan) { ResetLastScanInfo(); return ReadOutput(all); } else { // We got content - return it. return output.ToString().TrimEnd(); } } private void ResetLastScanInfo() { lastReadPosition = 0; lastRawContent.Clear(); } } class SendKeysParser { public static List<string> Parse(string input) { List<string> output = new List<string>(); bool scanningKeyName = false; StringBuilder keyNameBuffer = new StringBuilder(); // Iterate through the string for (int index = 0; index < input.Length; index++) { // Save the current item char currentChar = input[index]; // We may have the start of a command if (currentChar == '{') { if (scanningKeyName) { throw new Exception("The character '{' is not a valid in a key name. " + "To include the '{' character in your text, escape it with another: {{."); } // If it's escaped, then add it to output. if ((index < (input.Length - 1)) && (input[index + 1] == '{')) { output.Add(currentChar.ToString()); index++; } else { // Otherwise, we found the start of a key name. scanningKeyName = true; } } else if (currentChar == '}') { // We may have the end of a key name // If it's escaped, then add it to output. if ((index < (input.Length - 1)) && (input[index + 1] == '}')) { // But not if we're scanning a key name if (scanningKeyName) { throw new Exception("The character '}' is not a valid in a key name. " + "To include the '}' character in your text, escape it with another: }}."); } output.Add(currentChar.ToString()); index++; } else { // Not escaped // If we're scanning a key name, record it. if (scanningKeyName) { string keyName = keyNameBuffer.ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyName)) { throw new Exception("Key names may not be empty."); } output.Add(keyNameBuffer.ToString()); scanningKeyName = false; } else { throw new Exception("The character '}' is not a valid by itself. " + "To include the '}' character in your text, escape it with another: }}."); } } } else { // Just a letter if (scanningKeyName) { keyNameBuffer.Append(currentChar); } else { output.Add(currentChar.ToString()); } } } // We got to the end of the string. if (scanningKeyName) { throw new Exception("The character '{' (representing the start of a key name) did not have a matching '}' " + "character. To include the '{' character in your text, escape it with another: {{."); } return output; } internal static List<NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD> MapInput(string inputElement) { List<NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD> inputs = new List<NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD>(); NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD input = new NativeMethods.INPUT_RECORD(); input.EventType = 0x0001; NativeMethods.KEY_EVENT_RECORD keypress = new NativeMethods.KEY_EVENT_RECORD(); keypress.dwControlKeyState = 0; keypress.wRepeatCount = 1; // Just a regular character if (inputElement.Length == 1) { keypress.UnicodeChar = inputElement[0]; } else { switch (inputElement.ToUpperInvariant()) { case "BACKSPACE": case "BS": case "BKSP": keypress = GetKeyPressForSimpleKey(keypress, 0x08); break; case "BREAK": keypress = GetKeyPressForSimpleKey(keypress, 0x03); keypress.dwControlKeyState = (uint) NativeMethods.ControlKeyStates.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED; keypress.UnicodeChar = (char) 0; break; case "ENTER": keypress = GetKeyPressForSimpleKey(keypress, 0x0D); break; case "ESC": keypress = GetKeyPressForSimpleKey(keypress, 0x1B); break; } } keypress.bKeyDown = true; input.KeyEvent = keypress; inputs.Add(input); keypress.bKeyDown = false; keypress.dwControlKeyState = 0; input.KeyEvent = keypress; inputs.Add(input); return inputs; } private static NativeMethods.KEY_EVENT_RECORD GetKeyPressForSimpleKey(NativeMethods.KEY_EVENT_RECORD keypress, uint uCode) { keypress.UnicodeChar = (char)uCode; keypress.wVirtualKeyCode = (ushort)uCode; keypress.wVirtualScanCode = (ushort)NativeMethods.MapVirtualKey(uCode, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); return keypress; } const ushort MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC = 0x00; } class NativeMethods { [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern bool AttachConsole(int pid); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern bool FreeConsole(); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern bool WriteConsoleInput(IntPtr hConsoleInput, INPUT_RECORD[] lpBuffer, uint nLength, out uint lpNumberOfEventsWritten); [DllImport("user32.dll")] internal static extern uint MapVirtualKey(uint uCode, uint uMapType); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(uint nStdHandle); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern bool FlushConsoleInputBuffer(IntPtr hConsoleInput); [DllImport("Kernel32")] internal static extern bool ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, StringBuilder lpCharacter, uint nLength, COORD dwReadCoord, out uint lpNumberOfCharsRead); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern bool GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, out CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct COORD { internal short X; internal short Y; } internal struct SMALL_RECT { internal short Left; internal short Top; internal short Right; internal short Bottom; } internal struct CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO { internal COORD dwSize; internal COORD dwCursorPosition; internal short wAttributes; internal SMALL_RECT srWindow; internal COORD dwMaximumWindowSize; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct INPUT_RECORD { [FieldOffset(0)] internal ushort EventType; [FieldOffset(4)] internal KEY_EVENT_RECORD KeyEvent; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] internal struct KEY_EVENT_RECORD { [FieldOffset(0), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal bool bKeyDown; [FieldOffset(4), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2)] internal ushort wRepeatCount; [FieldOffset(6), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2)] internal ushort wVirtualKeyCode; [FieldOffset(8), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2)] internal ushort wVirtualScanCode; [FieldOffset(10)] internal char UnicodeChar; [FieldOffset(12), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] internal uint dwControlKeyState; } internal enum ControlKeyStates { RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED = 0x1, LEFT_ALT_PRESSED = 0x2, RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED = 0x4, LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED = 0x8, SHIFT_PRESSED = 0x10, NUMLOCK_ON = 0x20, SCROLLLOCK_ON = 0x40, CAPSLOCK_ON = 0x80, ENHANCED_KEY = 0x100 } } } |