<# .SYNOPSIS This function is used to determine the most efficient ssh.exe command that should work on the Remote Host (assuming the sshd server on the remote host is configured properly). By providing this function ONE of the following parameters... SSHKeyFilePath SSHPublicKeyFilePath SSHPrivateKeyFilePath SSHPublicCertFilePath ...this function will find all related files (as long as they're in the "$HOME\.ssh" directory or in the ssh-agent). Then, depending on the type of authentication you would like to use (which you sould specify using the -AuthMethod parameter), this function will output a PSCustomObject with properties similar to: PublicKeyAuthShouldWork (Boolean) PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork (Boolean) SSHClientProblemDescription (String) FinalSSHExeCommand (String) The property 'PublicKeyAuthShouldWork' will appear only if -AuthMethod is "PublicKey". The property 'PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork' will appear only if -AuthMethod is "PublicKeyCertificate". The property 'SSHClientProblemDescription' will appear only if an SSH Command cannot be determined. The property 'FinalSSHExeCommand' will always appear. It might be $null if a command cannot be determined. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER SSHKeyFilePath This parameter is MANDATORY for its given Parameter Set. This parameter takes a string that represents a full path to an SSH Key/Cert file. This parameter should be used if you are certain that the specified file is related to SSH Authentication, but you are not sure if the file is a Public Key, Private Key, or Public Certificate. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you use this parameter instead of -SSHPublicKeyFilePath or -SSHPrivateKeyFilePath or -SSHPublicCertFilePath. .PARAMETER SSHPublicKeyFilePath This parameter is MANDATORY for its given Parameter Set. This parameter takes a string that represents a full path to an SSH Public Key file. If the file is NOT an SSH Public Key file, the function will halt. .PARAMETER SSHPrivateKeyFilePath This parameter is MANDATORY for its given Parameter Set. This parameter takes a string that represents a full path to an SSH Private Key file. If the file is NOT an SSH Private Key file, the function will halt. .PARAMETER SSHPublicCertFilePath This parameter is MANDATORY for its given Parameter Set. This parameter takes a string that represents a full path to an SSH Public Certificate file. If the file is NOT an SSH Public Certificate file, the function will halt. .PARAMETER AuthMethod This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "PublicKey", "PublicKeyCertificate" If you would like this function to output an ssh command that uses Public Key Authentication, use "PublicKey" for this parameter. If you would like this function to ouput an ssh command that uses Public Certificate Authentication, use "PublicKeyCertificate" for this parameter. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-SSHClientAuthSanity -SSHKeyFilePath "$HOME\.ssh\id_rsa" #> function Get-SSHClientAuthSanity { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="UnknownKey")] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="UnknownKey" )] [string]$SSHKeyFilePath, [Parameter( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="PublicKey" )] [string]$SSHPublicKeyFilePath, [Parameter( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="PrivateKey" )] [string]$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath, [Parameter( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="PublicCert" )] [string]$SSHPublicCertFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("PublicKey","PublicKeyCertificate")] [string]$AuthMethod = "PublicKey" ) # Make sure we have access to ssh binaries if (![bool]$(Get-Command ssh-keygen -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "Unable to find 'ssh-keygen.exe'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $BoundParametersDictionary = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters [array]$UsedParameterNames = $($BoundParametersDictionary.GetEnumerator()).Key $SSHFilePathParameter = $UsedParameterNames | Where-Object {$_ -match "SSHKeyFilePath|SSHPublicKeyFilePath|SSHPrivateKeyFilePath|SSHPublicCertFilePath"} $SSHKeyFilePath = Get-Variable -Name $SSHFilePathParameter -ValueOnly # Make sure the SSHKeyFilePath exists if (!$(Test-Path $SSHKeyFilePath)) { Write-Error "The path '$SSHKeyFilePath' was not found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } else { $SSHKeyFilePath = $(Resolve-Path $SSHKeyFilePath).Path } if ($SSHPublicCertFilePath) { $AuthMethod = "PublicKeyCertificate" } # Inspect the SSHKeyFile try { $CheckSSHKeyFile = Get-SSHFileInfo -PathToKeyFile $SSHKeyFilePath -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq $null) { Write-Error "The file '$SSHKeyFilePath' does not appear to be an RSA Public Key, RSA Public Key Certificate, or RSA Private Key! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($SSHPublicKeyFilePath -and $CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -ne "RSAPublicKey") { if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $CorrectParameter = "SSHPublicKeyCertFilePath" } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey") { $CorrectParameter = "SSHPrivateKeyCertFilePath" } $ParamErrMsg = "The file '$SSHPublicKeyFilePath' does not appear to be an RSA Public Key! " + "Instead, it appears to be an $($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType)! Please use the -$CorrectParameter parameter instead. Halting!" Write-Error $ParamErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($SSHPublicCertFilePath -and $CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -ne "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKey") { $CorrectParameter = "SSHPublicKeyFilePath" } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey") { $CorrectParameter = "SSHPrivateKeyCertFilePath" } $ParamErrMsg = "The file '$SSHPublicKeyFilePath' does not appear to be an RSA Public Key! " + "Instead, it appears to be an $($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType)! Please use the -$CorrectParameter parameter instead. Halting!" Write-Error $ParamErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($SSHPrivateKeyFilePath -and $CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -ne "RSAPrivateKey") { if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKey") { $CorrectParameter = "SSHPublicKeyFilePath" } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $CorrectParameter = "SSHPublicKeyCertFilePath" } $ParamErrMsg = "The file '$SSHPublicKeyFilePath' does not appear to be an RSA Public Key! " + "Instead, it appears to be an $($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType)! Please use the -$CorrectParameter parameter instead. Halting!" Write-Error $ParamErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $SSHPublicCertFilePath = $CheckSSHKeyFile.File } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKey") { $SSHPublicKeyFilePath = $CheckSSHKeyFile.File } if ($CheckSSHKeyFile.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey") { $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath = $CheckSSHKeyFile.File } if ($SSHPublicCertFilePath) { if ($(Get-Item $SSHPublicCertFilePath).Name -notmatch "-cert\.pub") { $SSHKeyFilePath = $SSHPublicCertFilePath -replace "\..*?$","" Rename-Item -Path $SSHPublicCertFilePath -NewName $SSHKeyFilePath } } if ($SSHPublicKeyFilePath) { if ($(Get-Item $SSHPublicKeyFilePath).Name -notmatch "\.pub") { $SSHKeyFilePath = $SSHPublicKeyFilePath -replace "\..*?$",".pub" Rename-Item -Path $SSHPublicKeyFilePath -NewName $SSHKeyFilePath } } if ($SSHPrivateKeyFilePath) { if ($(Get-Item $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath).Name -match "\..*?$" -and $(Get-Item $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath).Name -notmatch "\.pem$") { $SSHKeyFilePath = $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath -replace "\..*?$","" Rename-Item -Path $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath -NewName $SSHKeyFilePath } } $KeyFileParentDirectory = $SSHKeyFilePath | Split-Path -Parent # Inspect all files in $SSHKeyFilePath Parent Directory (should just be '$HOME/.ssh') try { $GenSSHDirFileInfoSplatParams = @{ PathToHomeDotSSHDirectory = $KeyFileParentDirectory WarningAction = "SilentlyContinue" ErrorAction = "Stop" } $SSHDirFileInfo = Generate-SSHUserDirFileInfo @GenSSHUserDirFileInfoSplatParams } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Get all related Key Files $FingerPrintRelevantString = $($CheckSSHKeyFile.FingerPrint -split " ")[1] $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects = $SSHDirFileInfo | Where-Object {$_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($FingerPrintRelevantString)} if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -contains "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $AuthMethod = "PublicKeyCertificate" } # NOTE: Each PSCustomObject in the above $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects has the following properties: # File - [string] Absolute File Path # FileType - [string] with possible values 'RSAPublicKey', 'RSAPrivateKey', 'RSAPublicKeyCertificate', 'PuttyCombinedPublicPrivateKey', or 'SSH2_RFC4716' # Contents - Result of `Get-Content` on File. Could be [string] or [string[]] if RSAPrivateKey, PuttyCombinedPublicPrivateKey, or SSH2_RFC4716 # Info - Could be either result of `Get-Content` on File or an `ssh-keygen` command. Could be [string] or [string[]] depending # FingerPrint - Could be [string] or $null if PuttyCombinedPublicPrivateKey, or SSH2_RFC4716 # PasswordProtected - Could be [bool] or $null if PuttyCombinedPublicPrivateKey, or SSH2_RFC4716 # We're most likely going to need the fingerprints of the keys loaded in the ssh-agent, so get that info now $SSHAgentOutput = ssh-add -L $tempDirectory = [IO.Path]::Combine([IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) -replace "\..*?$","" $null = [IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($tempDirectory) [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RSAPubKeyTempFiles = @() $Counter = 0 foreach ($RSAPubKey in $SSHAgentOutput) { Set-Content -Path "$tempDirectory/RSAPubKey$Counter" -Value $RSAPubKey $null = $RSAPubKeyTempFiles.Add("$tempDirectory/RSAPubKey$Counter") $Counter++ } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent = @() foreach ($RSAPubKeyFile in $RSAPubKeyTempFiles) { $PSCustObj = [pscustomobject]@{ File = $RSAPubKeyFile FingerPrint = $(ssh-keygen -l -f $RSAPubKeyFile) Contents = $(Get-Content $RSAPubKeyFile) } $null = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Add($PSCustObj) } # Cleanup Remove-Item $tempDirectory -Recurse -Force # Check to see if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent $RelevantString = $($CheckSSHKeyFile.FingerPrint -split " ")[1] if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString)) { $PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -eq 1) { $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey = 0 } elseif ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 1) { $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.FingerPrint.IndexOf($($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString))) } } else { $PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent = $False } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions = @() # If $AuthMethod is "PublicKey" we need to track down the Public Key and the Private Key if ($AuthMethod -eq "PublicKey") { # If we were provided the path to the Public Key, then we just need to track down the Private Key # It could either be in the same directory as the Public Key or in the ssh-agent if ($SSHPublicKeyFilePath) { # If `$RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1` then we know that the Private Key is NOT in $KeyFileParentDirectory, # so we have to look for it in the ssh-agent if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1 -or $($($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPrivateKey")) ) { # If the corresponding Private Key isn't loaded in the ssh-agent, or if it's too far down in the list, then we have a problem if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -or $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is not on the filesystem under $KeyFileParentDirectory or loaded in the ssh-agent!" } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is not on the filesystem in same directory " + "as the Public Key (i.e. $KeyFileParentDirectory). The Private Key IS loaded in the ssh-agent, " + "however, it is not in the top 5 on the list, so the sshd server on the Remote Host will most " + "likely reject authentication because of too many attempts!" $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $False } $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $False } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True } } # If `$RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 2`, then one of those is the RSAPublicKey, but we need to # confirm that the other is actually the RSAPrivateKey. If not, then we need to check the ssh-agent # for the Private Key. if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -contains "RSAPrivateKey") { if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 4) { $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") } $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True } } } # If we are provided the Private Key, we should (just for organization's sake) make sure the corresponding # Public Key is in $KeyFileParentDirectory. Also, depending on if the Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent, # we may or may not need `-i <PathToPrivateKey>` in the final ssh.exe command. if ($SSHPrivateKeyFilePath) { # If `$RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1`, then we only have the Private Key on the filesystem # under $KeyFileParentDirectory. So, we should create the Public Key File alongside it. if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1 -or $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPublicKey") ) { $RSAPublicKeyString = ssh-keygen -y -f "$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath" Set-Content -Value $RSAPublicKeyString -Path "$" } if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 4) { $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") } $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $SSHPrivateKeyFilePath } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { $PubKeyAuthShouldWork = $True } } } # If $AuthMethod is "PublicKeyCertificate", we need to track down the Public Key Certificate and the Private Key if ($AuthMethod -eq "PublicKeyCertificate") { if ($SSHPublicCertFilePath) { if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1 -or $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPrivateKey") ) { # If `$RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1`, the only relevant SSH Key File we have in our $HOME\.ssh directory # is the Public Key Certificate # If the corresponding Private Key isn't loaded in the ssh-agent, then we have a problem... if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "Unable to find Private Key in ssh-agent or in same directory as the Public Key Certificate (i.e. $KeyFileParentDirectory)!" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } # If the Private Key IS Loaded in the ssh-agent, but it is too far down on the list, we have a problem... if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is not on the filesystem in same directory " + "as the Public Key (i.e. $KeyFileParentDirectory). The Private Key IS loaded in the ssh-agent, " "however, it is not in the top 5 on the list, so the sshd server on the Remote Host will most " + "likely reject authentication because of too many attempts!" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { # Even if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent and it's low enough on the list, # we need to make sure that the ssh-agent is aware of the Public Key Certificate specifically # # NOTE: In the below, we can use `$_.Contents -eq $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)` # as opposed to `$(Compare-Object $_.Contents $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)) -eq $null` because # each should be a single string (as opposed to an array of strings) $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -eq $($($(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath) -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True } else { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent and it is low enough " + "on the list of keys to present to the Remote Host, HOWEVER, the ssh-agent does not appear to be " + "aware of the Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' will not contain the output of " + "'Get-Content '$SSHPublicCertFilePath''. To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>' " $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } } if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -contains "RSAPrivateKey") { # One of these two objects is the Public Key Certificate. The other one is either the RSAPrivateKey # or the RSAPublicKey. If it's the RSAPrivateKey, we should generate the RSAPublicKey regardless # of whether or not the Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent. We should also make sure # the File Names of the RSAPrivateKey and RSAPublicKey resemble the File Name of RSAPublicKeyCertificate. # We should also note that if the Private Key isn't loaded in the ssh-agent, we'll need to use the # `-i <PathToPrivateKeyFile>` option in addition to the `-i <PathToPublicKeyCertificate>` with ssh.exe $PrivateKeyFileInfoObject = $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"} if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPublicKey") { $RSAPublicKeyString = ssh-keygen -y -f "$($PrivateKeyFileInfoObject.File)" $OutputPath = "$($PrivateKeyFileInfoObject.File)" + ".pub" Set-Content -Value $RSAPublicKeyString -Path $OutputPath } if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 4) { $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") } $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $PrivateKeyFileInfoObject.File $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPublicCert") $FinalPathToPublicCert = $SSHPublicCertFilePath } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 4) { $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") } $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $PrivateKeyFileInfoObject.File } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { # Even if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent and it's low enough on the list, # we need to make sure that the ssh-agent is aware of the Public Key Certificate specifically # # NOTE: In the below, we can use `$_.Contents -eq $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)` # as opposed to `$(Compare-Object $_.Contents $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)) -eq $null` because # each should be a single string (as opposed to an array of strings) $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -eq $($($(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath) -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True } else { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent and it is low enough " + "on the list of keys to present to the Remote Host, HOWEVER, the ssh-agent does not appear to be " + "aware of the Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' will not contain the output of " + "'Get-Content '$SSHPublicCertFilePath''. To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>' " $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } } } if ($SSHPublicKeyFilePath) { # If the corresponding Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent, then we need to make sure it reflects # a Public Key Certificate (i.e. content should not equal `Get-Content $SSHPublicKeyFile`). # If the corresponding Private Key is NOT Loaded in the ssh-agent, then it better be on the filesystem, # otherwise, we're out of luck. if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1 -or $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPrivateKey") ) { if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False $SSHClientProblemDescription = "Unable to find Private Key in ssh-agent or in same directory as the Public Key (i.e. $KeyFileParentDirectory)!" } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is not on the filesystem in same directory " + "as the Public Key (i.e. $KeyFileParentDirectory). The Private Key IS loaded in the ssh-agent, " "however, it is not in the top 5 on the list, so the sshd server on the Remote Host will most " + "likely reject authentication because of too many attempts!" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { # Even if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent and it's low enough on the list, # we need to make sure that the ssh-agent is aware of the Public Key Certificate specifically # # NOTE: In the below, we can use `$_.Contents -eq $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)` # as opposed to `$(Compare-Object $_.Contents $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)) -eq $null` because # each should be a single string (as opposed to an array of strings) $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($(Get-Content $SSHPublicKeyFilePath) -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True } else { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent and it is low enough " + "on the list of keys to present to the Remote Host, HOWEVER, the ssh-agent does not appear to be " + "aware of the Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' will not contain the output of " + "'Get-Content '$SSHPublicCertFilePath''. To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>' " $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } } if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2 -and $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -contains "RSAPrivateKey") { if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { # If the Private Key is not loaded in the ssh-agent, we need both the Private Key and the # Public Key Certificate on the filesystem. At this point we know we have the Private Key # File, so now we have to check to see if we have the Public Key Certificate File if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "We are unable to find the RSA Public Key Certificate either on the filesystem (i.e. under $KeyFileParentDirectory), or loaded in the ssh-agent!" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -contains "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 4) { $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") } $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPublicCert") $FinalPathToPublicCert = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKeyCertificate"}).File } } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { # We need to determine if the output of `ssh-add -L` references the Public Key Certificate # or just the Public Key. If it just references the Public Key, we're out of luck. $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($(Get-Content $SSHPublicKeyFilePath) -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { # Even though the Private Key corresponding to a Public Key Certificate is loaded in the ssh-agent # it's position is too high in the list. But what we can do is write the string to a file in # $KeyFileParentDirectory and use `-i` options $PublicKeyCertificateString = $PublicCertLoadedCheck.Contents Set-Content -Value $PublicKeyCertificateString -Path $($SSHPublicKeyFilePath -replace "\.pub","") $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPublicCert") $FinalPathToPublicCert = $($SSHPublicKeyFilePath -replace "\.pub","") } if (!$PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The corresponding Private Key is on the filesystem (i.e. under " + "$KeyFileParentDirectory), and that private key is loaded in the ssh-agent, however, the ssh-agent " + "does not appear to be aware of a Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' should NOT contain the " + "same output as 'Get-Content $SSHPublicKeyFilePath'). To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>'" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { # Even if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent and it's low enough on the list, # we need to make sure that the ssh-agent is aware of the Public Key Certificate specifically # # NOTE: In the below, we can use `$_.Contents -eq $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)` # as opposed to `$(Compare-Object $_.Contents $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)) -eq $null` because # each should be a single string (as opposed to an array of strings) $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($(Get-Content $SSHPublicKeyFilePath) -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True } else { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent and it is low enough " + "on the list of keys to present to the Remote Host, HOWEVER, the ssh-agent does not appear to be " + "aware of a Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' contains the output of " + "'Get-Content '$SSHPublicKeyFilePath'' instead of the Public Key Certificate string. " + "To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate " + "is in the same directory as the Private Key, ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same " + "file name as the Private Key just appended with '', and add the Private Key to the " + "ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>'" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } } } if ($SSHPrivateKeyFilePath) { if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -eq 1) { if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False $SSHClientProblemDescription = "Unable to find Public Key Certificate either under $KeyFileParentDirectory or loaded in the ssh-agent!" } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { # We need to determine if the output of `ssh-add -L` references the Public Key Certificate # or just the Public Key. If it just references the Public Key, we're out of luck. $PubKeyContent = ssh-keygen -y -f "$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath" $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($PubKeyContent -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { # Even though the Private Key corresponding to a Public Key Certificate is loaded in the ssh-agent # it's position is too high in the list. But what we can do is write the string to a file in # $KeyFileParentDirectory and use `-i` options $PublicKeyCertificateString = $PublicCertLoadedCheck.Contents Set-Content -Value $PublicKeyCertificateString -Path "$" $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPublicCert") $FinalPathToPublicCert = "$" } if (!$PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The corresponding Private Key is on the filesystem (i.e. under " + "$KeyFileParentDirectory), and that private key is loaded in the ssh-agent, however, the ssh-agent " + "does not appear to be aware of a Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' should NOT contain the " + "same output as 'ssh-keygen -y -f '$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath''). To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>'" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { # Even if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent and it's low enough on the list, # we need to make sure that the ssh-agent is aware of the Public Key Certificate specifically # # NOTE: In the below, we can use `$_.Contents -eq $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)` # as opposed to `$(Compare-Object $_.Contents $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)) -eq $null` because # each should be a single string (as opposed to an array of strings) $PubKeyContent = ssh-keygen -y -f "$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath" $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -ne $($PubKeyContent -split " ")[0..1] $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($PubKeyContent -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True } else { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent and it is low enough " + "on the list of keys to present to the Remote Host, HOWEVER, the ssh-agent does not appear to be " + "aware of a Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' will not contain the output of " + "'ssh-keygen -y -f '$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath''). To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>' " $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } } if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.Count -ge 2) { if (!$PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent) { # If the Private Key is not loaded in the ssh-agent, we need both the Private Key and the # Public Key Certificate on the filesystem. At this point we know we have the Private Key # File, so now we have to check to see if we have the Public Key Certificate File if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -notcontains "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "We are unable to find the RSA Public Key Certificate either on the filesystem (i.e. under $KeyFileParentDirectory), or loaded in the ssh-agent!" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } if ($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects.FileType -contains "RSAPublicKeyCertificate") { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True if ($SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent.Count -gt 4) { $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") } $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPublicCert") $FinalPathToPublicCert = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKeyCertificate"}).File } } if ($PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -ge 4) { # We need to determine if the output of `ssh-add -L` references the Public Key Certificate # or just the Public Key. If it just references the Public Key, we're out of luck. $PubKeyContent = ssh-keygen -y -f "$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath" $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($PubKeyContent -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { # Even though the Private Key corresponding to a Public Key Certificate is loaded in the ssh-agent # it's position is too high in the list. But what we can do is write the string to a file in # $KeyFileParentDirectory and use `-i` options $PublicKeyCertificateString = $PublicCertLoadedCheck.Contents Set-Content -Value $PublicKeyCertificateString -Path "$" $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("IdentitiesOnly") $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPrivateKey") $FinalPathToPrivateKey = $($RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"}).File $null = $NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions.Add("iPathToPublicCert") $FinalPathToPublicCert = "$" } if (!$PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The corresponding Private Key is on the filesystem (i.e. under " + "$KeyFileParentDirectory), and that private key is loaded in the ssh-agent, however, the ssh-agent " + "does not appear to be aware of a Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' should NOT contain the " + "same output as 'ssh-keygen -y -f '$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath''). To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>'" $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } if ($PrivateKeyIsLoadedInSSHAgent -and $PositionOfLoadedPrivateKey -lt 4) { # Even if the Private Key is Loaded in the ssh-agent and it's low enough on the list, # we need to make sure that the ssh-agent is aware of the Public Key Certificate specifically # # NOTE: In the below, we can use `$_.Contents -eq $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)` # as opposed to `$(Compare-Object $_.Contents $(Get-Content $SSHPublicCertFilePath)) -eq $null` because # each should be a single string (as opposed to an array of strings) $PubKeyContent = ssh-keygen -y -f "$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath" $PublicCertLoadedCheck = $SSHAgentKeyFingerPrintsInSSHAgent | Where-Object { $_.FingerPrint -match [regex]::Escape($RelevantString) -and $($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -ne $($PubKeyContent -split " ")[0..1] $($($_.Contents -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") -ne $($($PubKeyContent -split " ")[0..1] -join " ") } if ($PublicCertLoadedCheck) { $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $True } else { $SSHClientProblemDescription = "The Private Key is loaded in the ssh-agent and it is low enough " + "on the list of keys to present to the Remote Host, HOWEVER, the ssh-agent does not appear to be " + "aware of a Public Key Certificate (i.e. 'ssh-add -L' will not contain the output of " + "'ssh-keygen -y -f '$SSHPrivateKeyFilePath''). To remedy, remove the key from the ssh-agent via " + "'ssh-add -d', ensure the Public Key Certificate is in the same directory as the Private Key, " + "ensure the Public Key Certificate file has the same file name as the Private Key just appended " + "with '', and add the Private Key to the ssh-agent via 'ssh-add <PathToPrivateKeyFile>' " $PubCertAuthShouldWork = $False } } } } } if ($AuthMethod -eq "PublicKeyCertificate") { if ($PubCertAuthShouldWork) { $PublicCertificateFileInfo = $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPublicKeyCertificate"} # Finally, if we're checking Public Key Certificate Authentication, we need to figure out if we need to specify a # User Account other that the Currently Logged in user, so we need to look at the 'Principals' on the Public Key Certificate $IndexOfPrincipals = $PublicCertificateFileInfo.Info.IndexOf($($PublicCertificateFileInfo.Info -match "Principals:")) $IndexOfCriticalOptions = $PublicCertificateFileInfo.Info.IndexOf($($PublicCertificateFileInfo.Info -match "Critical Options:")) [array]$UserPrincipalsOnCert = $PublicCertificateFileInfo.Info[$($IndexOfPrincipals+1)..$($IndexOfCriticalOptions-1)] | foreach {$_.Trim()} $WhoAmIReformatted = $($(whoami) -split "\\")[1] + "@" + $($(whoami) -split "\\")[0] if ($UserPrincipalsOnCert -contains $WhoAmIReformatted) { $DomainAccount = $True } } } # Create Output PSObject $Output = [ordered]@{} if ($AuthMethod -eq "PublicKey") { $PubKeyAuthTestResult = if ($PubKeyAuthShouldWork) {$True} else {$False} $Output.Add("PublicKeyAuthShouldWork",$PubKeyAuthTestResult) } if ($AuthMethod -eq "PublicKeyCertificate") { $PubKeyCertAuthTestResult = if ($PubCertAuthShouldWork) {$True} else {$False} $Output.Add("PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork",$PubKeyCertAuthTestResult) } if ($SSHClientProblemDescription) { $Output.Add("SSHClientProblemDescription",$SSHClientProblemDescription) } if ($NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AdditionalArguments = @() if ($NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions -contains "IdentitiesOnly") { $null = $AdditionalArguments.Add('-o "IdentitiesOnly=true"') } if ($NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions -contains "iPathToPrivateKey") { #$PrivateKeyFileInfoObject = $RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects | Where-Object {$_.FileType -eq "RSAPrivateKey"} $null = $AdditionalArguments.Add("-i `"$FinalPathToPrivateKey`"") } if ($NeededAdditionalSSHExeOptions -contains "iPathToPublicCert") { $null = $AdditionalArguments.Add("-i `"$FinalPathToPublicCert`"") } } if ($AuthMethod -eq "PublicKeyCertificate") { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PossibleUserAtRemoteHostFormats = @() foreach ($UserAcct in [array]$UserPrincipalsOnCert) { if ($DomainAccount) { if ($($UserAcct -split "@")[-1] -ne $($(whoami) -split "\\")[0]) { $null = $PossibleUserAtRemoteHostFormats.Add("$($($UserAcct -split "@")[0])@<RemoteHost>") } else { $null = $PossibleUserAtRemoteHostFormats.Add("$UserAcct@<RemoteHost>") } } else { $null = $PossibleUserAtRemoteHostFormats.Add("$UserAcct@<RemoteHost>") } } $UserAtRemoteHost = $PossibleUserAtRemoteHostFormats -join " OR " } else { $UserAtRemoteHost = "<user>@<RemoteHost>" } if ($AdditionalArguments.Count -gt 0) { $SSHExeCommand = "ssh $($AdditionalArguments -join " ") $UserAtRemoteHost" } else { $SSHExeCommand = "ssh $UserAtRemoteHost" } if ($SSHExeCommand) { $Output.Add("FinalSSHExeCommand",$SSHExeCommand) } #$Output.Add("RelatedKeyFileInfo",$RelatedKeyFileInfoObjects) [pscustomobject]$Output } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIMiAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIMeTCCDHUCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUBrPEu8HXxts8UG6TCTcnsyEM # cs6gggn9MIIEJjCCAw6gAwIBAgITawAAAB/Nnq77QGja+wAAAAAAHzANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFADAwMQwwCgYDVQQGEwNMQUIxDTALBgNVBAoTBFpFUk8xETAPBgNVBAMT # CFplcm9EQzAxMB4XDTE3MDkyMDIxMDM1OFoXDTE5MDkyMDIxMTM1OFowPTETMBEG # CgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMT # B1plcm9TQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCwqv+ROc1 # bpJmKx+8rPUUfT3kPSUYeDxY8GXU2RrWcL5TSZ6AVJsvNpj+7d94OEmPZate7h4d # gJnhCSyh2/3v0BHBdgPzLcveLpxPiSWpTnqSWlLUW2NMFRRojZRscdA+e+9QotOB # aZmnLDrlePQe5W7S1CxbVu+W0H5/ukte5h6gsKa0ktNJ6X9nOPiGBMn1LcZV/Ksl # lUyuTc7KKYydYjbSSv2rQ4qmZCQHqxyNWVub1IiEP7ClqCYqeCdsTtfw4Y3WKxDI # JaPmWzlHNs0nkEjvnAJhsRdLFbvY5C2KJIenxR0gA79U8Xd6+cZanrBUNbUC8GCN # wYkYp4A4Jx+9AgMBAAGjggEqMIIBJjASBgkrBgEEAYI3FQEEBQIDAQABMCMGCSsG # AQQBgjcVAgQWBBQ/0jsn2LS8aZiDw0omqt9+KWpj3DAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUicLX4r2C # Kn0Zf5NYut8n7bkyhf4wGQYJKwYBBAGCNxQCBAweCgBTAHUAYgBDAEEwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgGGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUdpW6phL2RQNF # 7AZBgQV4tgr7OE0wMQYDVR0fBCowKDAmoCSgIoYgaHR0cDovL3BraS9jZXJ0ZGF0 # YS9aZXJvREMwMS5jcmwwPAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEMDAuMCwGCCsGAQUFBzAChiBodHRw # Oi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9EQzAxLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEA # tyX7aHk8vUM2WTQKINtrHKJJi29HaxhPaHrNZ0c32H70YZoFFaryM0GMowEaDbj0 # a3ShBuQWfW7bD7Z4DmNc5Q6cp7JeDKSZHwe5JWFGrl7DlSFSab/+a0GQgtG05dXW # YVQsrwgfTDRXkmpLQxvSxAbxKiGrnuS+kaYmzRVDYWSZHwHFNgxeZ/La9/8FdCir # MXdJEAGzG+9TwO9JvJSyoGTzu7n93IQp6QteRlaYVemd5/fYqBhtskk1zDiv9edk # mHHpRWf9Xo94ZPEy7BqmDuixm4LdmmzIcFWqGGMo51hvzz0EaE8K5HuNvNaUB/hq # MTOIB5145K8bFOoKHO4LkTCCBc8wggS3oAMCAQICE1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAA # AfkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmS # JomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EwHhcNMTcwOTIwMjE0MTIy # WhcNMTkwOTIwMjExMzU4WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCUEExFTAT # BgNVBAcTDFBoaWxhZGVscGhpYTEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlNYWdnaW8gSW5jMQswCQYD # VQQLEwJJVDESMBAGA1UEAxMJWmVyb0NvZGUyMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC # AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxX0+4yas6xfiaNVVVZJB2aRK+gS3iEMLx8wMF3kLJYLJyR+l # rcGF/x3gMxcvkKJQouLuChjh2+i7Ra1aO37ch3X3KDMZIoWrSzbbvqdBlwax7Gsm # BdLH9HZimSMCVgux0IfkClvnOlrc7Wpv1jqgvseRku5YKnNm1JD+91JDp/hBWRxR # 3Qg2OR667FJd1Q/5FWwAdrzoQbFUuvAyeVl7TNW0n1XUHRgq9+ZYawb+fxl1ruTj # 3MoktaLVzFKWqeHPKvgUTTnXvEbLh9RzX1eApZfTJmnUjBcl1tCQbSzLYkfJlJO6 # eRUHZwojUK+TkidfklU2SpgvyJm2DhCtssFWiQIDAQABo4ICmjCCApYwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMB0GA1UdDgQWBBS5d2bhatXq # eUDFo9KltQWHthbPKzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSJwtfivYIqfRl/k1i63yftuTKF/jCB # 6QYDVR0fBIHhMIHeMIHboIHYoIHVhoGubGRhcDovLy9DTj1aZXJvU0NBKDEpLENO # PVplcm9TQ0EsQ049Q0RQLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtleSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNl # cnZpY2VzLENOPUNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24sREM9emVybyxEQz1sYWI/Y2VydGlmaWNh # dGVSZXZvY2F0aW9uTGlzdD9iYXNlP29iamVjdENsYXNzPWNSTERpc3RyaWJ1dGlv # blBvaW50hiJodHRwOi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9TQ0EoMSkuY3JsMIHmBggr # BgEFBQcBAQSB2TCB1jCBowYIKwYBBQUHMAKGgZZsZGFwOi8vL0NOPVplcm9TQ0Es # Q049QUlBLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtleSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNlcnZpY2VzLENO # PUNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24sREM9emVybyxEQz1sYWI/Y0FDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZT9iYXNl # P29iamVjdENsYXNzPWNlcnRpZmljYXRpb25BdXRob3JpdHkwLgYIKwYBBQUHMAKG # Imh0dHA6Ly9wa2kvY2VydGRhdGEvWmVyb1NDQSgxKS5jcnQwPQYJKwYBBAGCNxUH # BDAwLgYmKwYBBAGCNxUIg7j0P4Sb8nmD8Y84g7C3MobRzXiBJ6HzzB+P2VUCAWQC # AQUwGwYJKwYBBAGCNxUKBA4wDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOC # AQEAszRRF+YTPhd9UbkJZy/pZQIqTjpXLpbhxWzs1ECTwtIbJPiI4dhAVAjrzkGj # DyXYWmpnNsyk19qE82AX75G9FLESfHbtesUXnrhbnsov4/D/qmXk/1KD9CE0lQHF # Lu2DvOsdf2mp2pjdeBgKMRuy4cZ0VCc/myO7uy7dq0CvVdXRsQC6Fqtr7yob9NbE # OdUYDBAGrt5ZAkw5YeL8H9E3JLGXtE7ir3ksT6Ki1mont2epJfHkO5JkmOI6XVtg # anuOGbo62885BOiXLu5+H2Fg+8ueTP40zFhfLh3e3Kj6Lm/NdovqqTBAsk04tFW9 # Hp4gWfVc0gTDwok3rHOrfIY35TGCAfUwggHxAgEBMFQwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixk # ARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EC # E1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAAAfkwCQYFKw4DAhoFAKB4MBgGCisGAQQBgjcCAQwx # CjAIoAKAAKECgAAwGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQwGCisGAQQBgjcCAQQwHAYKKwYBBAGC # NwIBCzEOMAwGCisGAQQBgjcCARUwIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkEMRYEFIMQhs7wF6RW27PV # PtBIGPzcIx/fMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUABIIBAExhf+VN100I885ZTcDAKpg3LjY+ # BBOWNM/+k6V1bN2c2fI9Up6t9q+JjJG2/nKPhPADT44TgKqi55YvNZKjwxsVbZSL # NIYySdRH9PVFPu63OMND1rXzFDggb5/uJJ/yvhFlQR1HIin+nio42HVzw7GbFdl2 # LvBJSLJqyBDHdLhSziEP+CRNuNEolglYJGtGZfZiqyU7Hp/QCNJ5o4Pg9grye42c # ZqILBC3DklVimCUDTkLdyiVkhXbRh0NfjRjKktufHMPOplAWOf6JHcURJnd6Sx37 # SkrqUwUHm60NNbzPOGY6hyWFCkCZTZy+xIjul89zpat0G/7tTW4/7QrcMXM= # SIG # End signature block |