
#Region './prefix.ps1' -1

# Your functions

# Check if the current user is an administrator
$windowsIdentity = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$windowsPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($windowsIdentity)
$env:WinProfileOps_IsAdmin = $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
$env:WinProfileOps_RegistryPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
$env:WinProfileOps_RegistryHive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine
$env:WinProfileOps_RegBackUpDirectory = "C:\LHStuff\RegBackUp"
$env:WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath = $env:SystemDrive + "\Users"

[scriptblock]$SB = {
    if (Test-Path Env:\WinProfileOps_IsAdmin)
        Remove-Item Env:\WinProfileOps_IsAdmin -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item Env:\WinProfileOps_RegistryPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item Env:\WinProfileOps_RegistryHive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item Env:\WinProfileOps_RegBackUpDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item Env:\WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier PowerShell.Exiting -Action {

# Define the OnRemove script block for the module
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = {
#EndRegion './prefix.ps1' 32
#Region './Classes/ProfileDeletionResult.ps1' -1

class ProfileDeletionResult

    # Constructor 1: Full constructor
    ProfileDeletionResult([string]$sid, [string]$profilePath, [bool]$deletionSuccess, [string]$deletionMessage, [string]$computerName)
        $this.SID = $sid
        $this.ProfilePath = $profilePath
        $this.DeletionSuccess = $deletionSuccess
        $this.DeletionMessage = $deletionMessage
        $this.ComputerName = $computerName

    # Constructor 2: Only SID and DeletionSuccess, with default values for others
    ProfileDeletionResult([string]$sid, [bool]$deletionSuccess)
        $this.SID = $sid
        $this.ProfilePath = $null
        $this.DeletionSuccess = $deletionSuccess
        if ($deletionSuccess)
            $this.DeletionMessage = "Operation successful"
            $this.DeletionMessage = "Operation failed"
        $this.ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Constructor 3: Minimal constructor with defaults for all except SID
        $this.SID = $sid
        $this.ProfilePath = $null
        $this.DeletionSuccess = $false
        $this.DeletionMessage = "No action performed"
        $this.ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Optional method
    [string] ToString()
        return "[$($this.SID)] DeletionSuccess: $($this.DeletionSuccess), Message: $($this.DeletionMessage)"
#EndRegion './Classes/ProfileDeletionResult.ps1' 52
#Region './Classes/UserProfile.ps1' -1

class UserProfile
    [string]$OrphanReason = $null
    [string] GetUserNameFromPath() {
        return [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($this.ProfilePath) # Extract the leaf (username) from the ProfilePath

    # Constructor to initialize the properties
    UserProfile([string]$sid, [string]$profilePath, [bool]$isOrphaned, [string]$orphanReason, [string]$computerName, [bool]$isSpecial)
        $this.SID = $sid
        $this.ProfilePath = $profilePath
        $this.IsOrphaned = $isOrphaned
        $this.OrphanReason = $orphanReason
        $this.ComputerName = $computerName
        $this.IsSpecial = $isSpecial
#EndRegion './Classes/UserProfile.ps1' 25
#Region './Private/Get-ProfilePathFromSID.ps1' -1

    Retrieves the profile path associated with a specific SID from the registry.
    The Get-ProfilePathFromSID function retrieves the "ProfileImagePath" registry value for the provided SID registry key. This path indicates the location of the user profile associated with the SID.
    The registry key representing the Security Identifier (SID) from which to retrieve the profile path.
    Get-ProfilePathFromSID -SidKey $sidKey
    Retrieves the profile path for the given SID from the registry.
    If the "ProfileImagePath" cannot be found, the function will return `$null` and a verbose message will indicate the issue.
    In case of an error during retrieval, an error message is logged and the function returns `$null`.

function Get-ProfilePathFromSID
    param (

        # Use Get-RegistryValue to retrieve the "ProfileImagePath"
        $profileImagePath = Get-RegistryValue -BaseKey $SidKey -ValueName "ProfileImagePath"

        if (-not $profileImagePath)
            Write-Verbose "ProfileImagePath not found for SID '$($SidKey.Name)'."

        return $profileImagePath
        Write-Error "Failed to retrieve ProfileImagePath for SID '$($SidKey.Name)'. Error: $_"
        return $null
#EndRegion './Private/Get-ProfilePathFromSID.ps1' 39
#Region './Private/Get-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' -1

    Retrieves the registry key associated with a specified SID from the ProfileList.
    The Get-RegistryKeyForSID function attempts to open and retrieve the registry subkey for a given Security Identifier (SID) from the ProfileList. If the SID does not exist or an error occurs while accessing the registry, the function returns `$null` and logs a warning or error message.
    The Security Identifier (SID) for which to retrieve the registry subkey.
.PARAMETER ProfileListKey
    The opened registry key representing the ProfileList, which contains the subkeys for user profiles.
    Get-RegistryKeyForSID -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfileListKey $profileListKey
    Retrieves the registry subkey associated with the specified SID from the ProfileList.
    If the registry key for the SID cannot be found or accessed, the function returns `$null` and logs an appropriate warning or error message.
    The function relies on the Open-RegistrySubKey function to retrieve the subkey.

function Get-RegistryKeyForSID
    param (

        # Use the general Open-RegistrySubKey function to get the subkey for the SID
        $sidKey = Open-RegistrySubKey -BaseKey $ProfileListKey -Name $SID -writable $false
        if ($sidKey -eq $null)
            Write-Warning "The SID '$SID' does not exist in the ProfileList registry."
            return $null
        return $sidKey
        Write-Error "Error accessing registry key for SID '$SID'. Error: $_"
        return $null
#EndRegion './Private/Get-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' 41
#Region './Private/Get-SIDProfileInfo.ps1' -1

    Retrieves profile information from the registry for all SIDs on a specified computer.

    The Get-SIDProfileInfo function queries the ProfileList registry key on the specified computer and retrieves
    profile information for each Security Identifier (SID). It validates the SID format, opens the corresponding
    registry subkeys, and fetches the ProfileImagePath for each valid SID. The function returns a list of profiles,
    including details such as the SID, profile path, and whether the profile exists in the registry.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve profile information. Defaults to the local computer.

.parameter RegistryPath
    The registry path to the ProfileList key. Defaults to "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList".

    Get-SIDProfileInfo -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves profile information for all valid SIDs stored in the registry on "Server01".

    Retrieves profile information for all valid SIDs stored in the registry on the local computer.

    An array of custom objects, where each object contains the following properties:
        - SID: [string] The Security Identifier of the profile.
        - ProfilePath: [string] The path to the user profile folder in the file system.
        - ComputerName: [string] The name of the computer from which the profile information was retrieved.
        - ExistsInRegistry: [bool] Indicates whether the profile exists in the registry.

    - If a registry subkey for an SID cannot be opened, a warning is written to the output.
    - Invalid SID formats are skipped with a warning.
    - If a ProfileImagePath is not found for a valid SID, a verbose message is logged and the profile is returned
      with a null ProfilePath.
    - The function returns an empty array if no SIDs are found or if the registry path cannot be opened.

function Get-SIDProfileInfo
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [string]$RegistryPath = $env:WinProfileOps_RegistryPath

    $ProfileListKey = Open-RegistryKey -RegistryPath $RegistryPath -ComputerName $ComputerName -Writable $false -RegistryHive $env:WinProfileOps_RegistryHive

    # Handle null or empty registry key
    if (-not $ProfileListKey)
        Write-Error "Failed to open registry path: $RegistryPath on $ComputerName."
        return @()  # Return an empty array

    $subKeyNames = $ProfileListKey.GetSubKeyNames()

    # If no SIDs are found, return an empty array
    if (-not $subKeyNames -or $subKeyNames.Count -eq 0)
        Write-Verbose "No SIDs found in the registry key on $ComputerName."
        return @()  # Return an empty array

    $ProfileRegistryItems = foreach ($sid in $subKeyNames)
        # Validate SID format (SIDs typically start with 'S-1-' and follow a specific pattern)
        if (-not (Validate-SIDFormat -SID $sid))

        # Use Open-RegistrySubKey to get the subkey for the SID
        $subKey = Open-RegistrySubKey -BaseKey $ProfileListKey -Name $sid -writable $false

        if ($subKey -eq $null)
            Write-Warning "Registry key for SID '$sid' could not be opened."

        # Use Get-ProfilePathFromSID to get the ProfileImagePath for the SID
        $profilePath = Get-ProfilePathFromSID -SidKey $subKey

        if (-not $profilePath)
            Write-Verbose "ProfileImagePath not found for SID '$sid'."
            $profilePath = $null

        # Return a PSCustomObject with SID, ProfilePath, and ComputerName
            SID              = $sid
            ProfilePath      = $profilePath
            ComputerName     = $ComputerName
            ExistsInRegistry = $true

    return $ProfileRegistryItems
#EndRegion './Private/Get-SIDProfileInfo.ps1' 104
#Region './Private/Get-UserFolders.ps1' -1

    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from a specified computer.
    The Get-UserFolders function scans the user profile directory on the specified computer
    and returns a list of folders that represent user profiles. It determines whether the
    target computer is local or remote and retrieves information such as the folder name,
    profile path, and computer name for each folder.

    If an error occurs during the folder retrieval, the function logs the error and returns
    an empty array.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profile folders. If not provided,
    defaults to the local computer.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
    This can be overridden to target a custom directory path for user profiles.
    An array of custom objects, where each object contains the following properties:
        - FolderName: [string] The name of the user profile folder.
        - ProfilePath: [string] The full path to the user profile folder.
        - ComputerName: [string] The name of the computer from which the user profile folder
          was retrieved.
    Get-UserFolders -ComputerName "Server01" -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles"
    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from the "D:\UserProfiles" directory on "Server01".
    Get-UserFolders -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME
    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from the local computer's default user directory.
    Get-UserFolders -ComputerName "RemotePC"
    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from the default user directory on the remote computer
    - If the Get-ChildItem command fails (e.g., due to access issues), the function logs an error
      and returns an empty array.
    - The ProfilePath for local computers is returned as a local path, while for remote computers,
      the folder is first accessed using a UNC path, but the returned ProfilePath is formatted as a
      local path for consistency.
    - Use the optional ProfileFolderPath parameter to target custom directories for user profiles.

function Get-UserFolders
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = $env:WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath

    $IsLocal = ($ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $FolderPath = Get-DirectoryPath -BasePath $ProfileFolderPath -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsLocal $IsLocal

        # Get list of all folders in the user profile directory
        $ProfileFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -Directory | ForEach-Object {
                FolderName   = $_.Name
                ProfilePath  = Get-DirectoryPath -BasePath $_.FullName -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsLocal $true
                ComputerName = $ComputerName

        return $ProfileFolders
        # Handle the error when Get-ChildItem fails
        Write-Error "Failed to retrieve folders from '$FolderPath' on '$ComputerName'. Error: $_"
        return @()  # Return an empty array in case of failure
#EndRegion './Private/Get-UserFolders.ps1' 76
#Region './Private/Helpers/Get-SIDFromUsername.ps1' -1

Retrieves the Security Identifier (SID) for a given username from a specified computer, defaulting to the local computer if no computer name is provided.

The `Get-SIDFromUsername` function queries the specified computer using WMI (CIM) to retrieve the SID associated with a given username. If the `ComputerName` parameter is not provided, the function defaults to the local computer. The function uses the `Get-CimInstance` cmdlet to perform the lookup on the remote or local computer. If the user exists and the SID is found, it is returned. If no SID is found or an error occurs, a warning message is displayed, and the function returns `$null`.

Specifies the username for which to retrieve the SID. This parameter is mandatory.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer where the user account exists. This parameter is optional and defaults to the local computer (`localhost`). You can specify either a local or remote computer.

Get-SIDFromUsername -Username 'JohnDoe' -ComputerName 'Server01'

This command retrieves the SID for the user 'JohnDoe' from the computer 'Server01'. If the user exists on the computer and has a SID, it will be returned; otherwise, a warning will be displayed.

Get-SIDFromUsername -Username 'LocalAdmin'

This command retrieves the SID for the user 'LocalAdmin' from the local computer (localhost) since no `ComputerName` is provided. If the user exists on the local computer and has a SID, it will be returned; otherwise, a warning will be displayed.

Get-SIDFromUsername -Username 'DomainUser' -ComputerName 'DomainController'

This command retrieves the SID for the user 'DomainUser' from the remote computer 'DomainController'. If the user exists on the specified computer and has a SID, it will be returned; otherwise, a warning will be displayed.

If the `ComputerName` is not provided, it defaults to the local computer.

function Get-SIDFromUsername
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Query WMI to get the SID for the given username
        $userAccount = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_UserAccount -ComputerName $ComputerName -Filter "Name = '$Username'"

        if ($userAccount -and $userAccount.SID)
            return $userAccount.SID
            Write-Warning "Could not find SID for username $Username on $ComputerName."
            return $null
        Write-Warning "An error occurred while trying to resolve SID for username $Username on $ComputerName. Error: $_"
        return $null
#EndRegion './Private/Helpers/Get-SIDFromUsername.ps1' 68
#Region './Private/Helpers/New-DirectoryIfNeeded.ps1' -1

Creates a directory if it does not already exist.

The `New-DirectoryIfNeeded` function checks if the specified directory exists. If it doesn't, the function will create the directory and return the created directory object. If the directory already exists, the function returns `$true`. In case of any errors during directory creation, the function returns `$false` and logs the error.

.PARAMETER Directory
Specifies the full path of the directory to check or create. This parameter is mandatory. If the directory path is `null`, empty, or contains only whitespace, the function throws an error.

New-DirectoryIfNeeded -Directory 'C:\Temp\NewFolder'

This command checks if the directory 'C:\Temp\NewFolder' exists. If it doesn't, the directory will be created. If the directory already exists, the function will return `$true`.

New-DirectoryIfNeeded -Directory 'D:\Logs'

This command checks if the directory 'D:\Logs' exists. If it does not, the function will create the directory. If the directory already exists, it returns `$true`.

$directory = New-DirectoryIfNeeded -Directory 'C:\Data\Reports'

This command attempts to create the directory 'C:\Data\Reports' if it doesn't exist and assigns the result to `$directory`. If successful, `$directory` will contain the created directory object. If the directory already exists, `$true` will be assigned to `$directory`.

If the directory path is invalid or if an error occurs during the creation process, the function writes an error message and returns `$false`.

function New-DirectoryIfNeeded
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Check if the Directory parameter is null or an empty string
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Directory))
            throw [System.ArgumentException]::new("The 'Directory' parameter cannot be null or empty.")

        # If the directory does not exist, attempt to create it
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Directory))
            $newDirectory = New-Item -Path $Directory -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            return $newDirectory

        # If the directory exists, return $true
        return $true
        Write-Error "Failed to create directory: $Directory. Error: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Helpers/New-DirectoryIfNeeded.ps1' 64
#Region './Private/Helpers/ShouldContinueWrapper.ps1' -1

Handles user confirmation prompts using the `ShouldContinue` method.

The `ShouldContinueWrapper` function prompts the user to confirm whether they want to proceed with an operation. It uses the `ShouldContinue` method from the execution context to display a message to the user. The function logs whether the user chose to continue or not and returns the result.

Specifies the execution context, typically used to invoke the `ShouldContinue` method.

.PARAMETER QueryMessage
Specifies the message to display to the user asking if they are sure they want to proceed.

.PARAMETER CaptionMessage
Specifies the caption of the confirmation prompt, providing additional context about the operation.

$context = Get-ExecutionContext
ShouldContinueWrapper -Context $context -QueryMessage "Are you sure you want to delete these items?" -CaptionMessage "Confirm Deletion"

Prompts the user with the message "Are you sure you want to delete these items?" and the caption "Confirm Deletion". The function returns `$true` if the user chooses to continue, otherwise it returns `$false`.

This function assumes that it is called within an appropriate execution context where `ShouldContinue` can be invoked.

function ShouldContinueWrapper
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $result = $Context.ShouldContinue($QueryMessage, $CaptionMessage)

    Write-Verbose "User chose to continue: $result"

    return $result
#EndRegion './Private/Helpers/ShouldContinueWrapper.ps1' 45
#Region './Private/Helpers/ShouldProcessWrapper.ps1' -1

Handles the user confirmation for actions using the `ShouldProcess` method.

The `ShouldProcessWrapper` function prompts the user to confirm whether they want to proceed with a specified action on a specified target. It uses the `ShouldProcess` method from the execution context, logging the action and the target for verbose output. The function returns the result of the user's decision, allowing the calling function to proceed or halt based on the confirmation.

Specifies the execution context, typically used to invoke the `ShouldProcess` method.

Specifies the target of the action, such as a computer, file, or registry path, that the user is being asked to confirm.

.PARAMETER ActionMessage
Specifies the action that will be performed on the target, such as "Deleting", "Modifying", or "Stopping a service."

$context = Get-ExecutionContext
ShouldProcessWrapper -Context $context -Target "Server01" -ActionMessage "Delete profiles"

Prompts the user to confirm if they want to proceed with deleting profiles from "Server01". The function logs the action and the target, then returns `$true` if the user agrees, otherwise returns `$false`.

ShouldProcessWrapper -Context $context -Target "C:\Temp\File.txt" -ActionMessage "Remove the file"

Prompts the user with the message "Remove the file" for the target file "C:\Temp\File.txt". It logs the action and returns the user's response.

This function is typically used in cmdlets or scripts that support the `ShouldProcess` functionality to allow confirmation before destructive or critical actions.

function ShouldProcessWrapper
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Log the action message for verbose output
    Write-Verbose "About to perform action: $ActionMessage on $Target"

    # Use the ShouldProcess method from the context
    $result = $Context.ShouldProcess($Target, $ActionMessage)

    Write-Verbose "User chose to process: $result"

    return $result
#EndRegion './Private/Helpers/ShouldProcessWrapper.ps1' 57
#Region './Private/Helpers/Test-EnvironmentVariable.ps1' -1

Validates the presence of a specific environment variable.

The Test-EnvironmentVariable function checks if the specified environment variable exists.
If the variable is found, it returns its value. If not, an error is thrown.

The name of the environment variable to check.

Test-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'Path'

This command checks if the 'Path' environment variable is present and returns its value if found.

String (Value of the environment variable)

This function will throw an error if the environment variable is missing from sesion.

function Test-EnvironmentVariable
    param ([string]$Name)

    # Dynamically retrieve the environment variable
    $value = Get-Item -Path "Env:$Name" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if (-not $value)
        throw "Missing required environment variable: $Name"

    return $value.Value
#EndRegion './Private/Helpers/Test-EnvironmentVariable.ps1' 37
#Region './Private/Helpers/Update-JsonFile.ps1' -1

Updates an existing JSON file with new registry data or creates a new file if one doesn't exist.

The `Update-JsonFile` function checks if a specified JSON file exists and either updates it with new registry data or creates a new file. If the file exists, it reads the current data, appends the new registry data, and writes it back to the file. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file with the provided data. The function handles registry data in a generic array format.

Specifies the path to the JSON file that should be updated or created. This parameter is mandatory.

.PARAMETER RegistryData
Specifies the new registry data to add to the JSON file. This should be passed as an array. The function will append this data to any existing data in the file, or it will create a new file with this data if the file doesn't exist.

$registryData = @(
    @{ Name = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\TestKey'; Value = 'TestValue1' },
    @{ Name = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\AnotherKey'; Value = 'TestValue2' }
Update-JsonFile -OutputFile 'C:\Temp\RegistryData.json' -RegistryData $registryData

This example updates the file `RegistryData.json` in `C:\Temp` with the provided `$registryData`. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.

Update-JsonFile -OutputFile 'C:\Config\Settings.json' -RegistryData @(@{ Name = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp'; Value = 'UserSetting' })

This command appends the new registry data to the `Settings.json` file located in `C:\Config`. If the file doesn't exist, a new file is created with the registry data.

None. This function writes updated data back to the file specified in the `OutputFile` parameter.

- The function automatically handles appending new data to existing arrays in the JSON file.
- JSON files are written with a depth of 10 to ensure nested objects are properly serialized.


function Update-JsonFile
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [array]$RegistryData  # Generic data for registry keys

    if (Test-Path $OutputFile)
        # Get the existing data and convert it from JSON
        $existingData = Get-Content -Path $OutputFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        # Ensure existing data is an array, wrap in an array if necessary
        if (-not ($existingData -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable]))
            $existingData = @($existingData)

        # Ensure the existing data is an array of objects
        if ($existingData -isnot [array])
            $existingData = @($existingData)

        # Concatenate the existing data and the new data
        $combinedData = @($existingData + $RegistryData)

        # Write the updated data back to the file
        $combinedData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path $OutputFile -Confirm:$false
        # Create a new JSON file with the provided registry data
        $RegistryData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile
#EndRegion './Private/Helpers/Update-JsonFile.ps1' 77
#Region './Private/New-UserProfileObject.ps1' -1

    Creates a new UserProfile object.
    The New-UserProfileObject function creates and returns an instance of the UserProfile class. The function takes in various parameters such as SID, profile path, and whether the profile is orphaned or special, and returns a UserProfile object with these details.
    The Security Identifier (SID) of the user profile.
.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path to the user profile folder.
    A boolean value indicating whether the profile is orphaned (i.e., exists in the registry but not on disk, or vice versa).
.PARAMETER OrphanReason
    A description of why the profile is considered orphaned, if applicable.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile is located.
    A boolean value indicating whether the profile is for a special account (e.g., system or default accounts).
    New-UserProfileObject -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -IsOrphaned $true -OrphanReason "MissingRegistryEntry" -ComputerName "Server01" -IsSpecial $false
    Creates a new UserProfile object for the profile associated with the given SID, marking it as orphaned with a reason.
    This function returns an instance of the UserProfile class, which is used for managing and reporting on user profiles across different systems.

function New-UserProfileObject
    param (
        [string]$OrphanReason = $null,

    return [UserProfile]::new(
#EndRegion './Private/New-UserProfileObject.ps1' 46
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Backup-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' -1

Backs up a registry key associated with a specific SID to a specified directory.

The `Backup-RegistryKeyForSID` function creates a backup of the registry key associated with the provided SID from a remote or local machine. It ensures that the backup directory exists before proceeding, creates a JSON representation of the registry data, and appends the backup to an existing JSON file.

Specifies the Security Identifier (SID) for which the registry key backup is created.

Specifies the base registry key under which the SID subkey exists.

.PARAMETER RegBackUpDirectory
Specifies the directory where the registry backup will be saved.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer from which the registry key is being backed up.

Backup-RegistryKeyForSID -SID 'S-1-5-21-...' -BaseKey $RegistryKey -RegBackUpDirectory 'C:\Backups' -ComputerName 'Server01'

Backs up the registry key for the specified SID from Server01 to the 'C:\Backups' directory.

Boolean indicating success or failure.

This function relies on helper functions like `New-DirectoryIfNeeded` and `New-RegistryKeyValuesObject` to handle registry operations.

function Backup-RegistryKeyForSID
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Ensure the backup directory exists
        $directoryCreated = New-DirectoryIfNeeded -Directory $RegBackUpDirectory

        # Check if directory creation failed
        if (-not $directoryCreated)
            Write-Error "Error creating or accessing backup directory: $RegBackUpDirectory"
            return $false

        # Backup the registry key associated with the SID
        $RegBackUpObject = New-RegistryKeyValuesObject -RegistryKey $BaseKey -ComputerName $ComputerName -SubKeyName $SID
        $RegBackUpObjectJson = $RegBackUpObject.psobject.copy()
        $RegBackUpObjectJson.BackUpDate = $RegBackUpObject.BackUpDate.tostring("o")

        # Update the backup JSON file with the registry data
        Update-JsonFile -OutputFile "$RegBackUpDirectory\RegBackUp.json" -RegistryData $RegBackUpObjectJson

        return $true
        Write-Error "Error backing up registry for SID $SID`: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Backup-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' 77
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Confirm-ProfileRemoval.ps1' -1

Verifies whether a registry key for a specific SID has been successfully removed.

The `Confirm-ProfileRemoval` function checks whether the registry key associated with the specified SID still exists. If the key no longer exists, the function returns `$true`; otherwise, it returns `$false`.

Specifies the Security Identifier (SID) whose registry key removal is being confirmed.

Specifies the base registry key under which the SID subkey exists.

Confirm-ProfileRemoval -SID 'S-1-5-21-...' -BaseKey $RegistryKey

Checks if the registry key for the specified SID has been successfully removed.

Boolean indicating whether the registry key was removed.

function Confirm-ProfileRemoval
    param (

        return ($BaseKey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains $SID)
        Write-Error "Error verifying profile removal for SID $SID`: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Confirm-ProfileRemoval.ps1' 41
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval.ps1' -1

Removes user profile registry entries from local or remote computers, with optional confirmation.

The `Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval` function processes user profiles for removal based on Security Identifiers (SIDs). It retrieves profiles from a specified registry path and profile folder, performs an audit, and optionally prompts for confirmation before removal. The `Force` switch can bypass the confirmation prompt, and the `AuditOnly` switch allows auditing without any removal action.

If the registry key cannot be opened or the audit fails, the function terminates early to prevent further processing.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer where the profile removal is executed. This can be a local or remote machine.

Specifies the Security Identifier (SID) of the user profile to remove. This parameter accepts pipeline input, allowing multiple SIDs to be processed sequentially.

.PARAMETER RegistryPath
Specifies the registry path where user profile information is stored. For example, `SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList`.

.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
Specifies the folder path where user profile data is stored. For example, `C:\Users`.

.PARAMETER RegistryHive
Specifies the registry hive (e.g., HKLM for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKCU for HKEY_CURRENT_USER) under which the profile keys are located.

Forces the removal of profiles without prompting for confirmation. When this switch is used, profiles are removed without any user interaction.

Performs an audit without removing any profiles. The audit results are output to the pipeline, and no changes are made to the registry.

If specified, the user is prompted for confirmation before removing each profile. The prompt is skipped if `Force` or `AuditOnly` switches are used.

Get-UserProfiles | Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval -ComputerName 'Server01' -RegistryPath 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' -ProfileFolderPath 'C:\Users' -RegistryHive 'LocalMachine' -Force

Removes all user profiles from the registry on Server01 without prompting for confirmation, as the `Force` switch is used.

Get-UserProfiles | Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval -ComputerName 'Server02' -RegistryPath 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' -ProfileFolderPath 'C:\Users' -RegistryHive 'LocalMachine' -AuditOnly

Performs an audit of the user profiles on Server02, but does not remove any profiles. The audit results are output to the pipeline.

'S-1-5-21-12345' | Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval -ComputerName 'Server03' -RegistryPath 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' -ProfileFolderPath 'C:\Users' -RegistryHive 'LocalMachine'

Processes the specified SID ('S-1-5-21-12345') for removal on Server03. If `Confirm` is specified, the user is prompted before the profile is removed.

- This function uses pipeline input to process multiple SIDs.
- The function handles both local and remote computers.
- Errors during registry key access or audit failure result in early termination.
- If special system profiles are detected during the audit, they can be skipped based on the implementation of the audit function.

function Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval
    param (

        # Accept pipeline input for each SID
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        # Initialize a flag to determine if processing should continue
        $continueProcessing = $true

            # Try to open the registry key
            $BaseKey = Open-RegistryKey -ComputerName $ComputerName -RegistryHive $RegistryHive -RegistryPath $RegistryPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            # Check if the registry key is valid
            if (-not $BaseKey)
                throw "Failed to open registry key on computer $ComputerName"

            # Perform the audit if the BaseKey is valid
            $userProfileAudit = Invoke-UserProfileAudit -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath -IgnoreSpecial

            if (-not $userProfileAudit)
                throw "Failed to audit user profiles on computer $ComputerName"

            # Catch any exceptions that occur during the process
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
            $continueProcessing = $false  # Set the flag to prevent further processing
            return  # Exit the function early if an error occurs

        # Only proceed if the flag allows processing
        if ($continueProcessing)
            # Process each SID as it flows through the pipeline
            $SelectedProfile = Resolve-UserProfileForDeletion -SID $SID -AuditResults $userProfileAudit -ComputerName $ComputerName

            if ($SelectedProfile -is [ProfileDeletionResult])
                # Output the ProfileDeletionResult directly to the pipeline
                # Skip confirmation if AuditOnly is used
                if (-not $AuditOnly)
                    if (-not $Force -and (ShouldContinueWrapper -Context $PSCmdlet -QueryMessage "Do you want to delete SID $SID from $($SelectedProfile.ComputerName)?" -CaptionMessage "Confirm Deletion"))
                        $result = Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry -SelectedProfile $SelectedProfile -BaseKey $BaseKey -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly
                    elseif ($Force)
                        $result = Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry -SelectedProfile $SelectedProfile -BaseKey $BaseKey -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly
                    # Just process without confirmation
                    $result = Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry -SelectedProfile $SelectedProfile -BaseKey $BaseKey -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly

        # Clean up resources
        if ($BaseKey)
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval.ps1' 158
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/New-ProfileDeletionResult.ps1' -1

Creates a new `ProfileDeletionResult` object with details of a user profile deletion.

The `New-ProfileDeletionResult` function generates a new object representing the outcome of a user profile deletion operation. This object can include details such as the SID, profile path, deletion status, and computer name.

Specifies the Security Identifier (SID) of the user profile.

.PARAMETER ProfilePath
Specifies the path to the user profile that was deleted (optional).

.PARAMETER DeletionSuccess
Specifies whether the profile deletion was successful.

.PARAMETER DeletionMessage
Provides a message regarding the profile deletion result.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer from which the profile was removed.

New-ProfileDeletionResult -SID 'S-1-5-21-...' -DeletionSuccess $true -DeletionMessage 'Profile removed successfully.'

Creates a `ProfileDeletionResult` object indicating that the profile for the specified SID was successfully removed.

ProfileDeletionResult object containing the details of the deletion operation.

function New-ProfileDeletionResult
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Minimal')]
    param (
        # SID is mandatory in all parameter sets
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Full')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SuccessOnly')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Minimal')]

        # Full parameter set properties
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Full')]
        [string]$ProfilePath =$null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Full')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SuccessOnly')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Full')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Full')]

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new($SID, $ProfilePath, $DeletionSuccess, $DeletionMessage, $ComputerName)
            return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new($SID, $DeletionSuccess)
            return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new($SID)
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/New-ProfileDeletionResult.ps1' 73
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/PromptForConfirmation.ps1' -1

Prompts the user for confirmation before proceeding with a deletion operation.

The `PromptForConfirmation` function asks the user to confirm before performing a deletion operation on a specified computer's registry. If the `AuditOnly` flag is specified, the prompt is skipped. If `Confirm` is set to `$true`, the function displays a confirmation message with details about the number of items to delete and the target computer. The user response is handled by the `ShouldContinueWrapper` function, which manages the confirmation prompt.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer where the deletion operation will take place.

Specifies the number of profiles to delete from the computer's registry. This is displayed in the confirmation message.

If this switch is specified, the function will skip the confirmation prompt and proceed without making any changes. This is typically used for audit or dry-run scenarios.

If this switch is specified, the function will always prompt the user for confirmation before proceeding.

.PARAMETER context
Specifies the execution context, typically used to access methods like `ShouldContinue` for the confirmation prompt.

PromptForConfirmation -ComputerName 'Server01' -ItemCount 5 -Confirm

Prompts the user to confirm the deletion of 5 profiles from the registry of 'Server01'. If the user confirms, the function returns `$true`; otherwise, it returns `$false`.

PromptForConfirmation -ComputerName 'Server02' -ItemCount 10 -AuditOnly

Skips the confirmation prompt since the `AuditOnly` switch is used, and returns `$true` to proceed with the audit operation.

The function assumes that `ShouldContinueWrapper` is available to handle the actual confirmation prompt.

function PromptForConfirmation
    param (

    # Skip prompt if in AuditOnly mode
    if ($AuditOnly)
        return $true

    # Always prompt unless Force is specified or Confirm is explicitly set to false
    if ($Confirm -eq $true)
        $QueryMessage = "Are you sure you want to delete $ItemCount profiles from $ComputerName's registry?"
        $CaptionMessage = "Confirm Deletion"

        # Use the ShouldContinueWrapper to handle the prompt
        return (ShouldContinueWrapper -Context $context -QueryMessage $QueryMessage -CaptionMessage $CaptionMessage)

    return $true # Proceed if Force is used or if AuditOnly is true
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/PromptForConfirmation.ps1' 68
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Remove-ProfileRegistryKey.ps1' -1

Removes a registry key associated with a specific SID.

The `Remove-ProfileRegistryKey` function deletes the registry key associated with a specified SID. If the operation fails, an error is logged.

Specifies the Security Identifier (SID) whose registry key is being removed.

Specifies the base registry key under which the SID subkey exists.

Remove-ProfileRegistryKey -SID 'S-1-5-21-...' -BaseKey $RegistryKey

Removes the registry key for the specified SID from the provided base key.

Boolean indicating whether the registry key was successfully removed.

function Remove-ProfileRegistryKey
    param (

        Remove-RegistrySubKey -ParentKey $BaseKey -SubKeyName $SID -ThrowOnMissingSubKey $false -Confirm:$false
        return $true
        Write-Error "Error removing registry key for SID $SID`: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Remove-ProfileRegistryKey.ps1' 42
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry.ps1' -1

Removes a user profile registry entry and backs up the registry data before deletion.

The `Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry` function removes a user profile from the Windows registry. Before removal, it backs up the registry data to a specified directory. The function also supports audit mode, where no deletion occurs but an audit log is created.

.PARAMETER SelectedProfile
Specifies the user profile object representing the profile to be deleted.

Specifies the base registry key under which the profile's SID subkey exists.

If specified, the function will only perform an audit and will not delete the registry entry.

Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry -SelectedProfile $Profile -BaseKey $RegistryKey -AuditOnly

Performs an audit of the profile without deleting it from the registry.

ProfileDeletionResult object indicating the outcome of the deletion or audit operation.

function Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # Prepare the deletion result parameters
        $deletionResultParams = @{
            SID             = $SelectedProfile.SID
            ProfilePath     = $SelectedProfile.ProfilePath
            ComputerName    = $SelectedProfile.ComputerName
            DeletionSuccess = $false
            DeletionMessage = "Profile not removed."

        # Check if BaseKey is null
        if (-not $BaseKey)
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionMessage = "Failed: BaseKey is null, cannot remove the profile."
            New-ProfileDeletionResult @deletionResultParams
            return  # Return early to stop further processing

        # If in audit mode, output an audit-only result directly to the pipeline and return
        if ($AuditOnly)
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionSuccess = $true
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionMessage = "Audit only, no deletion performed."
            New-ProfileDeletionResult @deletionResultParams
            return  # Return to allow pipeline to continue with the next item

        # Determine backup directory
        $RegBackUpDirectory = Get-DirectoryPath -basePath $env:WinProfileOps_RegBackUpDirectory -ComputerName $SelectedProfile.ComputerName -IsLocal ($SelectedProfile.ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)

        # Backup the registry key, output failure message if backup fails and skip further processing
        if (-not (Backup-RegistryKeyForSID -SID $SelectedProfile.SID -BaseKey $BaseKey -RegBackUpDirectory $RegBackUpDirectory -ComputerName $SelectedProfile.ComputerName))
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionMessage = "Failed to backup profile."
            New-ProfileDeletionResult @deletionResultParams
            return  # Return to allow pipeline to continue with the next item

        # Remove the registry key, output failure message if removal fails
        if (-not (Remove-ProfileRegistryKey -SID $SelectedProfile.SID -BaseKey $BaseKey))
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionMessage = "Failed to remove profile registry key."
            New-ProfileDeletionResult @deletionResultParams
            return  # Return to allow pipeline to continue with the next item

        # Verify the removal and update the result
        if (Confirm-ProfileRemoval -SID $SelectedProfile.SID -BaseKey $BaseKey)
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionSuccess = $true
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionMessage = "Profile removed successfully."
            $deletionResultParams.DeletionMessage = "Profile removal verification failed."

        # Output the final deletion result
        New-ProfileDeletionResult @deletionResultParams
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Remove-UserProfileRegistryEntry.ps1' 99
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Resolve-UsernamesToSIDs.ps1' -1

Resolves a list of usernames to their corresponding Security Identifiers (SIDs).

The `Resolve-UsernamesToSIDs` function resolves each provided username to its corresponding SID on the specified computer. If a username cannot be resolved, a warning is logged.

.PARAMETER Usernames
Specifies an array of usernames to resolve to SIDs.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer on which to resolve the usernames.

Resolve-UsernamesToSIDs -Usernames 'user1', 'user2' -ComputerName 'Server01'

Resolves the SIDs for 'user1' and 'user2' on Server01.

Array of SIDs corresponding to the provided usernames.

function Resolve-UsernamesToSIDs
    param (

    $SIDs = @()
    foreach ($Username in $Usernames)
        $SID = Get-SIDFromUsername -Username $Username -ComputerName $ComputerName
        if ($SID)
            $SIDs += $SID
            Write-Warning "Could not resolve SID for username $Username on $ComputerName."
    return $SIDs
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Resolve-UsernamesToSIDs.ps1' 46
#Region './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Resolve-UserProfileForDeletion.ps1' -1

Finds the user profile for a specific SID in an audit result.

The `Resolve-UserProfileForDeletion` function searches through audit results to find the profile associated with a given SID. If the profile is not found, a warning is logged, and a `ProfileDeletionResult` is returned indicating failure.

Specifies the Security Identifier (SID) of the profile to search for.

.PARAMETER AuditResults
Specifies the audit results to search for the profile.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the name of the computer where the profile is located.

Resolve-UserProfileForDeletion -SID 'S-1-5-21-...' -AuditResults $AuditResults -ComputerName 'Server01'

Finds the user profile associated with the specified SID in the audit results for Server01.

UserProfile or ProfileDeletionResult object.

function Resolve-UserProfileForDeletion
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$SID, # The SID to search for
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [UserProfile[]]$AuditResults, # The audit results
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$ComputerName       # The target computer name

    # Find the corresponding user profile from the audit
    $SelectedProfile = $AuditResults | Where-Object { $_.SID -eq $SID }

    # Handle cases where profile is not found
    if ($null -eq $SelectedProfile)
        # Determine if it's an invalid SID or just not found
        $message = if (Validate-SIDFormat -SID $SID)
            "Profile not found"
            Write-Warning "Profile not found for SID: $SID on $ComputerName."
            "Invalid SID format encountered"
            Write-Warning "Invalid SID format encountered: $SID on $ComputerName."

        # Return a ProfileDeletionResult if the profile is not found or invalid
        return New-ProfileDeletionResult -SID $SID -ProfilePath $null -DeletionSuccess $false -DeletionMessage $message -ComputerName $ComputerName

    # If profile is found, return the UserProfile object
    return $SelectedProfile
#EndRegion './Private/RemoveProfileReg/Resolve-UserProfileForDeletion.ps1' 62
#Region './Private/UserProfileAudit/Process-FolderProfiles.ps1' -1

    Processes user profile folders to identify profiles missing in the registry.

    The Process-FolderProfiles function compares user profiles found in the file system (folders)
    against those found in the registry. It identifies folder profiles that do not have a corresponding
    entry in the registry and marks them as orphaned. The function also allows the option to ignore
    special or default profiles, such as system or service accounts.

.PARAMETER UserFolders
    An array of user profile folders found in the file system (e.g., C:\Users).

.PARAMETER RegistryProfiles
    An array of user profiles found in the registry.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer being audited for user profiles.

.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles (such as system or service accounts) during processing.

    Returns an array of UserProfile objects representing user profiles found in the file system but missing in the registry.

    $userFolders = Get-UserProfilesFromFolders -ComputerName "Server01"
    $registryProfiles = Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry -ComputerName "Server01"
    Process-FolderProfiles -UserFolders $userFolders -RegistryProfiles $registryProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"

    Processes the user profile folders on "Server01" to identify any profiles missing from the registry.

    Process-FolderProfiles -UserFolders $folders -RegistryProfiles $registryProfiles -ComputerName "Server01" -IgnoreSpecial

    Processes the user profile folders on "Server01" while ignoring special or system profiles.

    This function compares profiles in the file system with those in the registry to identify orphaned
    profiles that exist only in the file system. Special profiles can be ignored with the -IgnoreSpecial switch.

function Process-FolderProfiles
    [OutputType ([UserProfile[]])]
    param (

    $processedProfiles = @()

    foreach ($folder in $UserFolders)
        $registryProfile = $RegistryProfiles | Where-Object { $_.ProfilePath -eq $folder.ProfilePath }
        $isSpecial = Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName $folder.FolderName -SID $null -ProfilePath $folder.ProfilePath

        if ($IgnoreSpecial -and $isSpecial)

        if (-not $registryProfile)
            $processedProfiles += New-UserProfileObject $null $folder.ProfilePath $true "MissingRegistryEntry" $ComputerName $isSpecial

    return $processedProfiles
#EndRegion './Private/UserProfileAudit/Process-FolderProfiles.ps1' 73
#Region './Private/UserProfileAudit/Process-RegistryProfiles.ps1' -1

    Processes user profiles found in the registry to identify orphaned profiles.

    The Process-RegistryProfiles function compares user profiles found in the registry against the
    corresponding profile folders on the file system. It identifies registry profiles that are orphaned,
    meaning they exist in the registry but are missing in the file system. The function also provides an
    option to ignore special or default profiles, such as system or service accounts.

.PARAMETER RegistryProfiles
    An array of user profiles retrieved from the registry.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer being audited for user profiles.

.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles (such as system or service accounts) during processing.

    Returns an array of UserProfile objects representing user profiles found in the registry but missing in the file system.

    $registryProfiles = Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry -ComputerName "Server01"
    Process-RegistryProfiles -RegistryProfiles $registryProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"

    Processes the registry profiles on "Server01" to identify any profiles that are orphaned in the registry.

    Process-RegistryProfiles -RegistryProfiles $registryProfiles -ComputerName "Server01" -IgnoreSpecial

    Processes the registry profiles on "Server01" while ignoring special or system profiles.

    This function compares profiles in the registry with their corresponding profile folders on the file system
    to identify orphaned profiles that exist only in the registry. Special profiles can be ignored with the -IgnoreSpecial switch.

function Process-RegistryProfiles
    [OutputType ([UserProfile[]])]
    param (

    $processedProfiles = @()

    foreach ($regProfile in $RegistryProfiles)
        $profilePath = $regProfile.ProfilePath
        $folderExists = $false
        $accessError = $false

        if ($null -eq $profilePath)
            $isSpecial = Test-SpecialAccount -SID $regProfile.SID
            $userProfile = Test-OrphanedProfile -SID $regProfile.SID -ProfilePath $null `
                -FolderExists $folderExists -AccessError $accessError -IgnoreSpecial $IgnoreSpecial `
                -IsSpecial $isSpecial -ComputerName $ComputerName

            # Add this line to include the user profile in the processed array
            $processedProfiles += $userProfile

        $folderName = Split-Path -Path $profilePath -Leaf
        $isSpecial = Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName $folderName -SID $regProfile.SID -ProfilePath $profilePath

        if ($IgnoreSpecial -and $isSpecial)

            $folderExists = Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath $profilePath -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
        catch [UnauthorizedAccessException]
            $folderExists = $false
            $accessError = $true
            $folderExists = $false
            Write-Warning "Error testing folder existence for profile: $profilePath. Error: $_"

        $userProfile = Test-OrphanedProfile -SID $regProfile.SID -ProfilePath $profilePath `
            -FolderExists $folderExists -AccessError $accessError -IgnoreSpecial $IgnoreSpecial `
            -IsSpecial $isSpecial -ComputerName $ComputerName

        # Add this line to include the user profile in the processed array
        $processedProfiles += $userProfile

    return $processedProfiles
#EndRegion './Private/UserProfileAudit/Process-RegistryProfiles.ps1' 103
#Region './Private/UserProfileAudit/Test-ComputerReachability.ps1' -1

    Tests whether a specified computer is reachable by performing a network ping.

    The Test-ComputerReachability function checks whether a specified computer is reachable by using a ping
    test. If the computer is unreachable, the function logs a warning message and returns `$false`. If the
    computer is reachable, it returns `$true`.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer to test for network reachability.

    Returns `$true` if the computer is reachable, `$false` if the computer is offline or unreachable.

    Test-ComputerReachability -ComputerName "Server01"

    Tests the reachability of "Server01" and returns `$true` if it is reachable, `$false` otherwise.

    This function uses Test-ComputerPing to perform the ping test. If the computer is offline or unreachable,
    a warning is logged and the function returns `$false`.

function Test-ComputerReachability
    [OutputType ([bool])]
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    if ($ComputerName -eq $null)
        Write-Warning "No computer name provided."
        return $false

    if (-not (Test-ComputerPing -ComputerName $ComputerName))
        Write-Warning "Computer '$ComputerName' is offline or unreachable."
        return $false
    return $true
#EndRegion './Private/UserProfileAudit/Test-ComputerReachability.ps1' 46
#Region './Private/ValidateFunctions/Test-FolderExists.ps1' -1

    Checks if a profile folder exists on a specified computer.
    The Test-FolderExists function determines whether a given profile folder exists on the specified computer by testing the path.
    If the profile path or computer name is not provided, the function will default to using the local computer.
    In the event of any errors (e.g., invalid paths or inaccessible directories), the function returns $false and logs the error.

.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile folder to check. This parameter is required. If it is null or empty, the function will return $false.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile folder is located. If not provided, the local computer is used by default.
        Returns $true if the folder exists at the specified path, and $false if it does not exist, or if an error occurs during execution.

    Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -ComputerName "Server01"
    Checks if the folder "C:\Users\John" exists on "Server01".

    Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath "C:\Users\Public"
    Checks if the folder "C:\Users\Public" exists on the local computer (since ComputerName is not specified).

    Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath "C:\InvalidPath" -ComputerName "Server01"
    Returns $false if the specified folder does not exist or if an error occurs while accessing the path.

    The function includes error handling to catch and log any exceptions. In case of an error, the function returns $false.

function Test-FolderExists
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Check for null or empty ProfilePath
    if (-not $ProfilePath)
        Write-Warning "ProfilePath is null or empty."
        return $false

    # Check for null or empty ComputerName and default to the local computer if it's null
    if (-not $ComputerName)
        Write-Warning "ComputerName is null or empty. Defaulting to the local computer."
        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Determine if the computer is local or remote
        $IsLocal = $ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Get the directory path to check
        $pathToCheck = Get-DirectoryPath -BasePath $ProfilePath -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsLocal $IsLocal

        # Return whether the path exists
        return Test-Path $pathToCheck
    catch [UnauthorizedAccessException]
        Write-Warning "Access denied when testing folder existence for profile: $ProfilePath. Error: $_"
        Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/ValidateFunctions/Test-FolderExists.ps1' 78
#Region './Private/ValidateFunctions/Test-OrphanedProfile.ps1' -1

    Tests whether a profile is orphaned.
    The Test-OrphanedProfile function checks if a profile is orphaned by evaluating the profile path, folder existence, and whether it's a special account.
    The Security Identifier (SID) of the profile being tested.
.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile folder.
.PARAMETER FolderExists
    Indicates whether the profile folder exists on the computer.
.PARAMETER AccessError
    Indicates whether an access error occurred while testing the profile folder.
.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles when determining if the profile is orphaned.
    Indicates whether the profile is a special account.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile is being tested.
    Test-OrphanedProfile -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -FolderExists $true -IgnoreSpecial -IsSpecial $false -ComputerName "Server01"
    Tests if the profile associated with the given SID is orphaned on "Server01".

function Test-OrphanedProfile
    param (

    if ($AccessError)
        return New-UserProfileObject -SID $SID -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -IsOrphaned $false `
            -OrphanReason "AccessDenied" -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsSpecial $IsSpecial
    elseif (-not $ProfilePath)
        return New-UserProfileObject -SID $SID -ProfilePath $null -IsOrphaned $true `
            -OrphanReason "MissingProfileImagePath" -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsSpecial $IsSpecial
    elseif (-not $FolderExists)
        return New-UserProfileObject -SID $SID -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -IsOrphaned $true `
            -OrphanReason "MissingFolder" -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsSpecial $IsSpecial
    elseif (-not $ProfilePath -and -not $FolderExists)
        return New-UserProfileObject -SID $SID -ProfilePath $null -IsOrphaned $true `
            -OrphanReason "MissingProfileImagePathAndFolder" -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsSpecial $IsSpecial
        return New-UserProfileObject -SID $SID -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -IsOrphaned $false `
            -OrphanReason $null -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsSpecial $IsSpecial
#EndRegion './Private/ValidateFunctions/Test-OrphanedProfile.ps1' 62
#Region './Private/ValidateFunctions/Test-SpecialAccount.ps1' -1

    Tests if a profile is considered a special or default account.
    The Test-SpecialAccount function checks whether the profile is a special or default account by comparing the folder name, Security Identifier (SID), and profile path to predefined lists of ignored accounts, SIDs, and paths.
    If the profile matches any of the predefined entries, it is considered a special account.
    The name of the folder representing the profile being tested.
    The Security Identifier (SID) of the profile being tested.
.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile being tested.
    Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName "DefaultAppPool" -SID "S-1-5-18" -ProfilePath "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile"
    Checks if the profile associated with the folder "DefaultAppPool", SID "S-1-5-18", and profile path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile" is a special account.
    Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName "JohnDoe" -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\JohnDoe"
    Tests a non-special account, which does not match any predefined special accounts.
    This function returns $true if the account is considered special, and $false otherwise.

function Test-SpecialAccount
    param (

    # List of default or special accounts to ignore
    $IgnoredAccounts = @(
        "defaultuser0", "DefaultAppPool", "servcm12", "Public", "PBIEgwService", "Default",
        "All Users", "win2kpro"
    $IgnoredSIDs = @(
        "S-1-5-18", # Local System
        "S-1-5-19", # Local Service
        "S-1-5-20"  # Network Service
    $IgnoredPaths = @(
        "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile", # System profile
        "C:\WINDOWS\ServiceProfiles\LocalService", # Local service profile
        "C:\WINDOWS\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService"  # Network service profile

    # Check if the account is special based on the folder name, SID, or profile path
    return ($IgnoredAccounts -contains $FolderName) -or ($IgnoredSIDs -contains $SID) -or ($IgnoredPaths -contains $ProfilePath)
#EndRegion './Private/ValidateFunctions/Test-SpecialAccount.ps1' 49
#Region './Private/ValidateFunctions/Validate-SIDFormat.ps1' -1

    Validates whether a given string follows the correct SID (Security Identifier) format.

    The Validate-SIDFormat function checks if a given string matches the standard SID format.
    SIDs typically start with 'S-1-' followed by a series of digits separated by hyphens.
    This function returns $true if the SID format is valid and $false if it is not.

    The SID string to validate. This should follow the typical format: 'S-1-' followed by
    a series of digits and hyphens.

    Returns $true if the SID format is valid; otherwise, returns $false.

    PS> Validate-SIDFormat -SID 'S-1-5-18'

    This example checks if the SID 'S-1-5-18' is valid.

    PS> Validate-SIDFormat -SID 'Invalid-SID'
    WARNING: Invalid SID format encountered: 'Invalid-SID'.

    This example demonstrates how the function handles an invalid SID format by returning $false
    and issuing a warning.




function Validate-SIDFormat
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Regular expression pattern for validating the SID format
    $sidPattern = '^S-1-\d+(-\d+)+$'

    if ($SID -notmatch $sidPattern)
        Write-Warning "Invalid SID format encountered: '$SID'."
        return $false

    return $true
#EndRegion './Private/ValidateFunctions/Validate-SIDFormat.ps1' 58
#Region './Public/Get-OrphanedProfiles.ps1' -1

    Retrieves orphaned user profiles from a specified computer.
    The Get-OrphanedProfiles function scans both the user profile folders and registry on a specified computer and returns profiles that are considered orphaned. Orphaned profiles are those that exist either in the file system but not in the registry, or in the registry but no longer have a corresponding folder in the file system.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve orphaned user profiles. Defaults to the local computer.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles during the profile retrieval process.
    Returns an array of UserProfile objects that represent the profiles found during the audit. Each UserProfile object contains the following properties:
    - SID: [string] The security identifier of the user profile.
    - ProfilePath: [string] The file system path of the user profile.
    - IsOrphaned: [bool] Whether the profile is considered orphaned.
    - OrphanReason: [string] The reason for orphaned status if applicable.
    - ComputerName: [string] The name of the computer where the audit was performed.
    - IsSpecial: [bool] Whether the profile is considered special or a system account.
    Get-OrphanedProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves all orphaned user profiles from both the file system and registry on "Server01".
    Get-OrphanedProfiles -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles" -IgnoreSpecial
    Retrieves orphaned user profiles from the specified folder and ignores special or default profiles.
    This function filters orphaned profiles based on the results of the Invoke-UserProfileAudit function.

function Get-OrphanedProfiles
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = $env:WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath,

    # Call Invoke-UserProfileAudit to get all profiles
    $allProfiles = Invoke-UserProfileAudit -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath -IgnoreSpecial:$IgnoreSpecial

    # Filter to return only orphaned profiles
    $orphanedProfiles = $allProfiles | Where-Object { $_.IsOrphaned }

    # Handle the case where no orphaned profiles are found
    if (-not $orphanedProfiles)
        Write-Verbose "No orphaned profiles found on computer '$ComputerName'."
        return @()  # Return an empty array

    return $orphanedProfiles
#EndRegion './Public/Get-OrphanedProfiles.ps1' 55
#Region './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromFolders.ps1' -1

    Retrieves user profile folders from a specified computer.
    The Get-UserProfilesFromFolders function scans the user profile directory on the specified
    computer and returns information about the user profile folders found. This function is useful
    for identifying profile folders stored on disk, which may or may not match entries in the registry.
    The function checks if the specified computer is online before attempting to retrieve the profile folders.
    If the computer is unreachable, it logs a warning and returns an empty array.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profile folders. Defaults to the local computer.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
    Returns an array of custom objects representing the user profile folders found. Each object contains:
    - FolderName: The name of the user profile folder.
    - ProfilePath: The full path to the user profile folder.
    - ComputerName: The name of the computer where the profile folder was retrieved from.
    Get-UserProfilesFromFolders -ComputerName "Server01" -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles"
    Retrieves user profile folders from the "D:\UserProfiles" directory on "Server01".
    Retrieves user profile folders from the default "$env:SystemDrive\Users" directory on the local computer.
    This function returns an array of objects representing the user profile folders found in the specified
    directory on the specified computer. It logs a warning if the target computer is unreachable and
    returns an empty array in case of errors during the retrieval process.

function Get-UserProfilesFromFolders
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = $env:WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath

        # Test if the computer is online before proceeding
        if (-not (Test-ComputerPing -ComputerName $ComputerName))
            Write-Warning "Computer '$ComputerName' is offline or unreachable."
            return @()  # Return an empty array

        # Get user folders and return them
        $UserFolders = Get-UserFolders -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
        return $UserFolders
        Write-Error "Error retrieving user folders from '$ProfileFolderPath' on computer '$ComputerName'. Error: $_"
        return @()  # Return an empty array in case of failure
#EndRegion './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromFolders.ps1' 60
#Region './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry.ps1' -1

    Retrieves user profiles from the registry of a specified computer.
    The Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry function queries the ProfileList registry key on the specified computer
    and returns information about the user profiles found in the registry. This includes details such as the
    security identifier (SID) and the profile path. The function checks if the computer is reachable before
    proceeding with the operation and handles errors gracefully if there are issues accessing the registry.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profiles. Defaults to the local computer.
    Returns an array of custom objects representing the user profiles found in the registry. Each object contains
    the following properties:
    - SID: [string] The security identifier (SID) of the user profile.
    - ProfilePath: [string] The path to the user profile.
    - ComputerName: [string] The name of the computer where the profile was retrieved.
    Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves the user profiles from the registry on "Server01".
    Retrieves the user profiles from the local computer's registry.
    - The function first checks if the target computer is reachable. If the computer is unreachable, a warning
      is logged, and the function returns an empty array.
    - If an error occurs while accessing the registry, an error is logged, and the function returns an empty array.

function Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry
    param (
        [string] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Test if the computer is online before proceeding
        if (-not (Test-ComputerPing -ComputerName $ComputerName))
            Write-Warning "Computer '$ComputerName' is offline or unreachable."
            return @()  # Return an empty array

        # Get registry profiles and return them
        $RegistryProfiles = Get-SIDProfileInfo -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
        return $RegistryProfiles
        Write-Error "Error accessing registry profiles on computer '$ComputerName'. Error: $_"
        return @()  # Return an empty array in case of failure
#EndRegion './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry.ps1' 56
#Region './Public/Invoke-UserProfileAudit.ps1' -1

    Audits user profiles on a specified computer by comparing profiles found in the registry and file system.

    The Invoke-UserProfileAudit function retrieves user profile information from both the file system (user folders)
    and the registry on a specified computer. It compares these profiles to identify orphaned profiles,
    profiles that exist in one location but not the other, and optionally ignores special or default profiles.
    This function is useful for auditing user profiles and detecting inconsistencies across the registry and file system.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to audit user profiles. Defaults to the local computer.

.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".

.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles (such as system accounts or service accounts) during the audit process.

    Returns an array of UserProfile objects that represent the profiles found during the audit. Each UserProfile object contains the following properties:
    - SID: [string] The security identifier of the user profile.
    - ProfilePath: [string] The file system path of the user profile.
    - IsOrphaned: [bool] Whether the profile is considered orphaned.
    - OrphanReason: [string] The reason for orphaned status if applicable.
    - ComputerName: [string] The name of the computer where the audit was performed.
    - IsSpecial: [bool] Whether the profile is considered special or a system account.

    Invoke-UserProfileAudit -ComputerName "Server01"
    Audits all user profiles from both the file system and the registry on "Server01".

    Invoke-UserProfileAudit -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles" -IgnoreSpecial
    Audits user profiles from the "D:\UserProfiles" folder on the local computer, ignoring special or default profiles.

    Get-AllUserProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"
    This alias performs the same audit as Invoke-UserProfileAudit, returning all user profiles for "Server01".

    This function performs a profile audit by comparing user profiles in the file system and registry.
    It supports pipeline input for multiple computer names and includes an alias `Get-AllUserProfiles`.

function Invoke-UserProfileAudit
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = $env:WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath,

        $AllProfiles = @()
        if ($null -eq $ComputerName)
            $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        if (-not (Test-ComputerReachability -ComputerName $ComputerName))

            $UserFolders = Get-UserProfilesFromFolders -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath
            $RegistryProfiles = Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry -ComputerName $ComputerName

            $AllProfiles += Process-RegistryProfiles -RegistryProfiles $RegistryProfiles -ComputerName $ComputerName -IgnoreSpecial:$IgnoreSpecial
            $AllProfiles += Process-FolderProfiles -UserFolders $UserFolders -RegistryProfiles $RegistryProfiles -ComputerName $ComputerName -IgnoreSpecial:$IgnoreSpecial
            Write-Error "Error processing profiles for computer '$ComputerName'. Error: $_"

#EndRegion './Public/Invoke-UserProfileAudit.ps1' 95
#Region './Public/Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry.ps1' -1

Removes user profiles from the Windows registry based on SIDs, Usernames, or UserProfile objects.

The Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry function allows you to remove user profiles from the Windows registry.
It supports three parameter sets: UserProfileSet, SIDSet, and UserNameSet. The function can be used in
audit-only mode, where no actual removal is performed, or in deletion mode where profiles are removed.

If AuditOnly is specified, the function will simply output the profiles to be removed without actually performing
any deletions. The function can prompt for confirmation before deletion if required, or use the Force switch
to bypass confirmation.

.PARAMETER UserProfiles
An array of UserProfile objects to remove from the registry. This parameter is mandatory in the "UserProfileSet"
parameter set. UserProfiles should include the necessary information such as SID, ProfilePath, and ComputerName.

An array of SIDs of user profiles to remove from the registry. This parameter is mandatory in the "SIDSet"
parameter set.

.PARAMETER Usernames
An array of usernames to resolve into SIDs and remove from the registry. This parameter is mandatory in the
"UserNameSet" parameter set.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the computer name from which the user profiles should be removed. If not provided, it defaults to
the local computer.

When specified, the function only audits the user profiles and does not perform actual deletion. It will output
information about the profiles that would have been removed.

Forces the removal of the user profiles without prompting for confirmation.

ProfileDeletionResult objects that contain information about the deletion results.

Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry -SIDs "S-1-5-21-1234567890-1", "S-1-5-21-1234567890-2"

Removes user profiles associated with the provided SIDs from the registry of the local computer.

Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry -Usernames "john.doe", "jane.smith" -ComputerName "SERVER01" -Force

Removes the profiles associated with the specified usernames on the "SERVER01" machine without prompting for confirmation.

Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry -UserProfiles $userProfileList -AuditOnly

Audits the profiles in the $userProfileList and outputs what would have been removed without performing actual deletions.

Requires administrative privileges to remove profiles from the registry.

Get-Help about_Registry
Get-Help about_Profiles

function Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "UserProfileSet")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "SIDSet")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "UserNameSet")]

        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        # Default confirm behavior to true

        # Retrieve necessary environment variables
        $RegistryPath = Test-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'WinProfileOps_RegistryPath'
        $ProfileFolderPath = Test-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'WinProfileOps_ProfileFolderPath'
        $RegistryHive = Test-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'WinProfileOps_RegistryHive'

        # Resolve SIDs if Usernames are provided
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'UserNameSet')
            $SIDs = Resolve-UsernamesToSIDs -Usernames $Usernames -ComputerName $ComputerName

            # If no SIDs were resolved, return early
            if (-not $SIDs)
                Write-Error "No SIDs could be resolved for the provided usernames."

        # Group UserProfiles by computer name if using UserProfileSet
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'UserProfileSet')
            $profilesByComputer = $UserProfiles | Group-Object -Property ComputerName

        # Handle confirmation: default behavior should be prompting unless explicitly set to false
        $Confirm = if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm'))
            $true # Default to true, always prompt unless explicitly overridden
        # Process UserProfileSet - prompt per computer
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'UserProfileSet')
            foreach ($profileGroup in $profilesByComputer)
                $thisComputerName = $profileGroup.Name
                $SIDs = $profileGroup.Group.GetEnumerator().SID
                $profileCount = $profileGroup.Count

                    # Call the confirmation prompt and skip this group if the user does not confirm
                    if (-not (PromptForConfirmation -ComputerName $thisComputerName -ItemCount $profileCount -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly -Context $PSCmdlet -confirm:$Confirm))
                        Write-Verbose "User chose not to continue for $thisComputerName, skipping."

                    # Process the profiles for this computer
                    $SIDs | Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval -ComputerName $thisComputerName `
                        -RegistryPath $RegistryPath -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath `
                        -RegistryHive $RegistryHive -Force:$Force -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly -Confirm:$Confirm
                    # Handle any errors that occur during processing of this computer
                    Write-Error "Failed to process $thisComputerName. Error: $_.Exception.Message"
                    continue  # Move to the next computer in the loop

        # Process SIDSet and UserNameSet - prompt once for the given computer name
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SIDSet' -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'UserNameSet')
            $itemCount = $SIDs.Count

            # Call the confirmation prompt and stop if the user does not confirm
            if (-not (PromptForConfirmation -ComputerName $ComputerName -ItemCount $itemCount -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly -Context $PSCmdlet -confirm:$Confirm))
                Write-Verbose "User chose not to continue for $thisComputerName, skipping."

            # Process the SIDs for this computer name
            $SIDs | Invoke-UserProfileRegRemoval -ComputerName $ComputerName `
                -RegistryPath $RegistryPath -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath `
                -RegistryHive $RegistryHive -Force:$Force -AuditOnly:$AuditOnly -Confirm:$Confirm

        # No need to manually return results; PowerShell will output naturally
#EndRegion './Public/Remove-UserProfilesFromRegistry.ps1' 177