
#Region './Classes/ProfileDeletionResult.ps1' -1

class ProfileDeletionResult {

    # Constructor to initialize the properties
    ProfileDeletionResult([string]$sid, [string]$profilePath, [bool]$deletionSuccess, [string]$deletionMessage, [string]$computerName) {
        $this.SID = $sid
        $this.ProfilePath = $profilePath
        $this.DeletionSuccess = $deletionSuccess
        $this.DeletionMessage = $deletionMessage
        $this.ComputerName = $computerName
#EndRegion './Classes/ProfileDeletionResult.ps1' 17
#Region './Classes/UserProfile.ps1' -1

class UserProfile
    [string]$OrphanReason = $null

    # Constructor to initialize the properties
    UserProfile([string]$sid, [string]$profilePath, [bool]$isOrphaned, [string]$orphanReason, [string]$computerName, [bool]$isSpecial)
        $this.SID = $sid
        $this.ProfilePath = $profilePath
        $this.IsOrphaned = $isOrphaned
        $this.OrphanReason = $orphanReason
        $this.ComputerName = $computerName
        $this.IsSpecial = $isSpecial
#EndRegion './Classes/UserProfile.ps1' 21
#Region './Private/Get-ProfilePathFromSID.ps1' -1

    Retrieves the profile path associated with a specific SID from the registry.
    The Get-ProfilePathFromSID function retrieves the "ProfileImagePath" registry value for the provided SID registry key. This path indicates the location of the user profile associated with the SID.
    The registry key representing the Security Identifier (SID) from which to retrieve the profile path.
    Get-ProfilePathFromSID -SidKey $sidKey
    Retrieves the profile path for the given SID from the registry.
    If the "ProfileImagePath" cannot be found, the function will return `$null` and a verbose message will indicate the issue.
    In case of an error during retrieval, an error message is logged and the function returns `$null`.

function Get-ProfilePathFromSID
    param (

        # Use Get-RegistryValue to retrieve the "ProfileImagePath"
        $profileImagePath = Get-RegistryValue -Key $SidKey -ValueName "ProfileImagePath"

        if (-not $profileImagePath)
            Write-Verbose "ProfileImagePath not found for SID '$($SidKey.Name)'."

        return $profileImagePath
        Write-Error "Failed to retrieve ProfileImagePath for SID '$($SidKey.Name)'. Error: $_"
        return $null
#EndRegion './Private/Get-ProfilePathFromSID.ps1' 39
#Region './Private/Get-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' -1

    Retrieves the registry key associated with a specified SID from the ProfileList.
    The Get-RegistryKeyForSID function attempts to open and retrieve the registry subkey for a given Security Identifier (SID) from the ProfileList. If the SID does not exist or an error occurs while accessing the registry, the function returns `$null` and logs a warning or error message.
    The Security Identifier (SID) for which to retrieve the registry subkey.
.PARAMETER ProfileListKey
    The opened registry key representing the ProfileList, which contains the subkeys for user profiles.
    Get-RegistryKeyForSID -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfileListKey $profileListKey
    Retrieves the registry subkey associated with the specified SID from the ProfileList.
    If the registry key for the SID cannot be found or accessed, the function returns `$null` and logs an appropriate warning or error message.
    The function relies on the Open-RegistrySubKey function to retrieve the subkey.

function Get-RegistryKeyForSID
    param (

        # Use the general Open-RegistrySubKey function to get the subkey for the SID
        $sidKey = Open-RegistrySubKey -ParentKey $ProfileListKey -SubKeyName $SID
        if ($sidKey -eq $null)
            Write-Warning "The SID '$SID' does not exist in the ProfileList registry."
            return $null
        return $sidKey
        Write-Error "Error accessing registry key for SID '$SID'. Error: $_"
        return $null
#EndRegion './Private/Get-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' 41
#Region './Private/New-UserProfileObject.ps1' -1

    Creates a new UserProfile object.
    The New-UserProfileObject function creates and returns an instance of the UserProfile class. The function takes in various parameters such as SID, profile path, and whether the profile is orphaned or special, and returns a UserProfile object with these details.
    The Security Identifier (SID) of the user profile.
.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path to the user profile folder.
    A boolean value indicating whether the profile is orphaned (i.e., exists in the registry but not on disk, or vice versa).
.PARAMETER OrphanReason
    A description of why the profile is considered orphaned, if applicable.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile is located.
    A boolean value indicating whether the profile is for a special account (e.g., system or default accounts).
    New-UserProfileObject -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -IsOrphaned $true -OrphanReason "MissingRegistryEntry" -ComputerName "Server01" -IsSpecial $false
    Creates a new UserProfile object for the profile associated with the given SID, marking it as orphaned with a reason.
    This function returns an instance of the UserProfile class, which is used for managing and reporting on user profiles across different systems.

function New-UserProfileObject
    param (
        [string]$OrphanReason = $null,

    return [UserProfile]::new(
#EndRegion './Private/New-UserProfileObject.ps1' 46
#Region './Private/Remove-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' -1

    Deletes a registry key associated with a specific SID from the ProfileList.
    The Remove-RegistryKeyForSID function deletes the registry key corresponding to a specific Security Identifier (SID) from the ProfileList in the Windows registry. It supports confirmation prompts and simulates actions with the -WhatIf parameter.
    The Security Identifier (SID) for which the registry key should be deleted.
.PARAMETER ProfileListKey
    The opened registry key representing the ProfileList where the profile's SID is located.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile registry key resides. By default, this is the current computer.
    Remove-RegistryKeyForSID -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfileListKey $profileListKey -ComputerName "Server01"
    Deletes the registry key for the specified SID from the ProfileList on "Server01".
    This function supports 'ShouldProcess', so it can be used in conjunction with the -WhatIf or -Confirm parameters to simulate the deletion.
    It also includes error handling to ensure any failure during the registry key deletion is captured.

function Remove-RegistryKeyForSID
    # Deletes a single registry key for a SID.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Check if ShouldProcess is approved (with -WhatIf and -Confirm support)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("SID: $SID on $ComputerName", "Remove registry key"))
            # Use the general Remove-RegistrySubKey function to delete the SID's subkey
            return Remove-RegistrySubKey -ParentKey $ProfileListKey -SubKeyName $SID -ComputerName $ComputerName -Confirm:$false
            Write-Verbose "Removal of registry key for SID '$SID' was skipped."
            return $false
        Write-Error "Failed to remove the profile registry key for SID '$SID' on $ComputerName. Error: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Remove-RegistryKeyForSID.ps1' 55
#Region './Private/Remove-SIDProfile.ps1' -1

    Coordinates the deletion of a profile registry key for a given SID.

    The Remove-SIDProfile function removes the registry key associated with a specific Security Identifier (SID) from the ProfileList on the specified computer. It supports confirmation prompts and -WhatIf scenarios by using the ShouldProcess pattern. The function also handles errors that occur during the deletion process and returns a ProfileDeletionResult object indicating success or failure.

    The Security Identifier (SID) of the profile to be deleted.

.PARAMETER ProfileListKey
    The registry key representing the ProfileList from which the SID's registry key will be removed.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile registry key resides. Defaults to the current computer.

.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile to be deleted, used for logging purposes in the ProfileDeletionResult object.

    An object that indicates whether the profile registry key was successfully deleted or if the action was skipped or failed. Includes the SID, ProfilePath, DeletionSuccess status, DeletionMessage, and ComputerName.

    Remove-SIDProfile -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfileListKey $profileListKey -ComputerName "Server01" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John"
    Removes the registry key for the specified SID from the ProfileList on "Server01" and deletes the profile.

    Remove-SIDProfile -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfileListKey $profileListKey -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -WhatIf
    Simulates the removal of the profile registry key for the specified SID using the -WhatIf parameter, showing what would have been done without performing the action.

    - The function supports 'ShouldProcess', allowing the use of -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters for safety.
    - In case of an error, the function returns a ProfileDeletionResult object with DeletionSuccess set to $false and logs the error message.
    - If the action is skipped (e.g., due to -WhatIf or confirmation denial), the function returns a ProfileDeletionResult with a status indicating that the action was skipped.

function Remove-SIDProfile
    # Coordinates the registry key deletion and provides a result for a single SID.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (

        # Use ShouldProcess to check if the action should proceed (with -WhatIf and -Confirm support)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("SID: $SID on $ComputerName", "Remove profile registry key"))
            # Attempt to remove the registry key
            $deletionSuccess = Remove-RegistryKeyForSID -SID $SID -ProfileListKey $ProfileListKey -ComputerName $ComputerName

            if ($deletionSuccess)
                return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new(
                    "Profile registry key for SID '$SID' successfully deleted.",
                return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new(
                    "Failed to delete the profile registry key for SID '$SID'.",
            Write-Verbose "Removal of profile registry key for SID '$SID' on '$ComputerName' was skipped."
            return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new(
                "Action skipped.",
        Write-Error "Failed to remove the profile registry key for SID '$SID' on $ComputerName. Error: $_"
        return [ProfileDeletionResult]::new(
            "Failed to delete the profile registry key for SID '$SID'. Error: $_",
#EndRegion './Private/Remove-SIDProfile.ps1' 103
#Region './Private/Test-FolderExists.ps1' -1

    Checks if a profile folder exists on a specified computer.
    The Test-FolderExists function determines whether a given profile folder exists on the specified computer by testing the path.
    If the profile path or computer name is not provided, the function will default to using the local computer.
    In the event of any errors (e.g., invalid paths or inaccessible directories), the function returns $false and logs the error.

.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile folder to check. This parameter is required. If it is null or empty, the function will return $false.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile folder is located. If not provided, the local computer is used by default.
        Returns $true if the folder exists at the specified path, and $false if it does not exist, or if an error occurs during execution.

    Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -ComputerName "Server01"
    Checks if the folder "C:\Users\John" exists on "Server01".

    Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath "C:\Users\Public"
    Checks if the folder "C:\Users\Public" exists on the local computer (since ComputerName is not specified).

    Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath "C:\InvalidPath" -ComputerName "Server01"
    Returns $false if the specified folder does not exist or if an error occurs while accessing the path.

    The function includes error handling to catch and log any exceptions. In case of an error, the function returns $false.

function Test-FolderExists
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Check for null or empty ProfilePath
    if (-not $ProfilePath)
        Write-Warning "ProfilePath is null or empty."
        return $false

    # Check for null or empty ComputerName and default to the local computer if it's null
    if (-not $ComputerName)
        Write-Warning "ComputerName is null or empty. Defaulting to the local computer."
        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Determine if the computer is local or remote
        $IsLocal = $ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME

        # Get the directory path to check
        $pathToCheck = Get-DirectoryPath -BasePath $ProfilePath -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsLocal $IsLocal

        # Return whether the path exists
        return Test-Path $pathToCheck
        Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"
        return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Test-FolderExists.ps1' 73
#Region './Private/Test-OrphanedProfile.ps1' -1

    Tests whether a profile is orphaned.
    The Test-OrphanedProfile function checks if a profile is orphaned by evaluating the profile path, folder existence, and whether it's a special account.
    The Security Identifier (SID) of the profile being tested.
.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile folder.
.PARAMETER FolderExists
    Indicates whether the profile folder exists on the computer.
.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles when determining if the profile is orphaned.
    Indicates whether the profile is a special account.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profile is being tested.
    Test-OrphanedProfile -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\John" -FolderExists $true -IgnoreSpecial -IsSpecial $false -ComputerName "Server01"
    Tests if the profile associated with the given SID is orphaned on "Server01".

function Test-OrphanedProfile
    param (

    if (-not $ProfilePath)
        return New-UserProfileObject $SID $null $true "MissingProfileImagePath" $ComputerName $IsSpecial
    elseif (-not $FolderExists)
        return New-UserProfileObject $SID $ProfilePath $true "MissingFolder" $ComputerName $IsSpecial
        return New-UserProfileObject $SID $ProfilePath $false $null $ComputerName $IsSpecial
#EndRegion './Private/Test-OrphanedProfile.ps1' 47
#Region './Private/Test-SpecialAccount.ps1' -1

    Tests if a profile is considered a special or default account.
    The Test-SpecialAccount function checks whether the profile is a special or default account by comparing the folder name, Security Identifier (SID), and profile path to predefined lists of ignored accounts, SIDs, and paths.
    If the profile matches any of the predefined entries, it is considered a special account.
    The name of the folder representing the profile being tested.
    The Security Identifier (SID) of the profile being tested.
.PARAMETER ProfilePath
    The file path of the profile being tested.
    Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName "DefaultAppPool" -SID "S-1-5-18" -ProfilePath "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile"
    Checks if the profile associated with the folder "DefaultAppPool", SID "S-1-5-18", and profile path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile" is a special account.
    Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName "JohnDoe" -SID "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001" -ProfilePath "C:\Users\JohnDoe"
    Tests a non-special account, which does not match any predefined special accounts.
    This function returns $true if the account is considered special, and $false otherwise.

function Test-SpecialAccount
    param (

    # List of default or special accounts to ignore
    $IgnoredAccounts = @(
        "defaultuser0", "DefaultAppPool", "servcm12", "Public", "PBIEgwService", "Default",
        "All Users", "win2kpro"
    $IgnoredSIDs = @(
        "S-1-5-18", # Local System
        "S-1-5-19", # Local Service
        "S-1-5-20"  # Network Service
    $IgnoredPaths = @(
        "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile", # System profile
        "C:\WINDOWS\ServiceProfiles\LocalService", # Local service profile
        "C:\WINDOWS\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService"  # Network service profile

    # Check if the account is special based on the folder name, SID, or profile path
    return ($IgnoredAccounts -contains $FolderName) -or ($IgnoredSIDs -contains $SID) -or ($IgnoredPaths -contains $ProfilePath)
#EndRegion './Private/Test-SpecialAccount.ps1' 49
#Region './Public/Get-AllUserProfiles.ps1' -1

    Retrieves all user profiles from both the registry and file system on a specified computer.
    The Get-AllUserProfiles function collects user profile information from both the file system (profile folders) and the registry on the specified computer. It compares the two sets of profiles, identifying orphaned profiles that exist in one location but not the other. The function also allows the option to ignore special or default profiles, such as system or service accounts.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profiles. Defaults to the local computer.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The folder path where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles during the profile retrieval process.
    Get-AllUserProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves all user profiles from both the file system and registry on "Server01".
    Get-AllUserProfiles -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles" -IgnoreSpecial
    Retrieves user profiles from the specified folder and ignores special or default profiles.
    This function compares user profiles found in the file system and the registry to identify orphaned profiles.
    It supports pipeline input for multiple computer names, allowing you to retrieve profiles from multiple systems.
    Special or default profiles, such as system accounts, can be ignored by using the -IgnoreSpecial parameter.

function Get-AllUserProfiles
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = "$env:SystemDrive\Users",

    # Begin block runs once before processing pipeline input
        # Initialize an array to hold all UserProfile objects across multiple pipeline inputs
        $AllProfiles = @()

    # Process block runs once for each input object (in case of pipeline)
        # Test if the computer is online before proceeding
        if (-not (Test-ComputerPing -ComputerName $ComputerName))
            Write-Warning "Computer '$ComputerName' is offline or unreachable."
            return  # Skip to the next input in the pipeline

        # Get profiles from folders and registry
        $UserFolders = Get-UserProfilesFromFolders -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath
        $RegistryProfiles = Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry -ComputerName $ComputerName

        # Loop through registry profiles and check for folder existence and ProfileImagePath
        foreach ($regProfile in $RegistryProfiles)
            $profilePath = $regProfile.ProfilePath
            $folderExists = Test-FolderExists -ProfilePath $profilePath -ComputerName $regProfile.ComputerName
            $folderName = Split-Path -Path $profilePath -Leaf
            $isSpecial = Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName $folderName -SID $regProfile.SID -ProfilePath $profilePath

            # Skip special profiles if IgnoreSpecial is set
            if ($IgnoreSpecial -and $isSpecial)

            # Detect if the profile is orphaned and create the user profile object
            $userProfile = Test-OrphanedProfile -SID $regProfile.SID -ProfilePath $profilePath `
                -FolderExists $folderExists -IgnoreSpecial $IgnoreSpecial `
                -IsSpecial $isSpecial -ComputerName $ComputerName
            $AllProfiles += $userProfile

        # Loop through user folders and check if they exist in the registry
        foreach ($folder in $UserFolders)
            $registryProfile = $RegistryProfiles | Where-Object { $_.ProfilePath -eq $folder.ProfilePath }
            $isSpecial = Test-SpecialAccount -FolderName $folder.FolderName -SID $null -ProfilePath $folder.ProfilePath

            # Skip special profiles if IgnoreSpecial is set
            if ($IgnoreSpecial -and $isSpecial)

            # Case 4: Folder exists in C:\Users but not in the registry
            if (-not $registryProfile)
                $AllProfiles += New-UserProfileObject $null $folder.ProfilePath $true "MissingRegistryEntry" $ComputerName $isSpecial

    # End block runs once after all processing is complete
        # Output all collected profiles
#EndRegion './Public/Get-AllUserProfiles.ps1' 103
#Region './Public/Get-OrphanedProfiles.ps1' -1

    Retrieves orphaned user profiles from a specified computer.
    The Get-OrphanedProfiles function scans the user profiles on a specified computer and identifies profiles that are orphaned. Orphaned profiles are those that exist either in the filesystem but not in the registry, or vice versa. The function returns a list of only the orphaned profiles.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve orphaned profiles. Defaults to the local computer.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles (such as system or service accounts) during the orphan detection process.
    Get-OrphanedProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves orphaned user profiles from "Server01".
    Get-OrphanedProfiles -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles" -IgnoreSpecial
    Retrieves orphaned profiles from the specified folder while ignoring special or default profiles.
    This function relies on the Get-AllUserProfiles function to retrieve profiles from both the filesystem and the registry.
    Orphaned profiles are returned as a filtered list where only profiles marked as orphaned are included.

function Get-OrphanedProfiles
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = "$env:SystemDrive\Users",


    # Get all user profiles (both registry and filesystem) using the existing function
    $allProfiles = Get-AllUserProfiles -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath -IgnoreSpecial

    # Filter the profiles to return only orphaned ones
    $orphanedProfiles = $allProfiles | Where-Object { $_.IsOrphaned -eq $true }

    # Return the orphaned profiles
    return $orphanedProfiles
#EndRegion './Public/Get-OrphanedProfiles.ps1' 45
#Region './Public/Get-SIDProfileInfo.ps1' -1

    Retrieves profile information from the registry for all SIDs on a specified computer.
    The Get-SIDProfileInfo function queries the ProfileList registry key on the specified computer and retrieves profile information for each Security Identifier (SID). The function returns a list of profiles, including details such as the SID, profile path, and whether the profile exists in the registry.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve profile information. Defaults to the local computer.
    Get-SIDProfileInfo -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves profile information for all SIDs stored in the registry on "Server01".
    Retrieves profile information for all SIDs stored in the registry on the local computer.
    This function returns a list of objects where each object contains the SID, profile path, and whether the profile exists in the registry.
    If a registry subkey for an SID cannot be opened, a warning is written to the output.

function Get-SIDProfileInfo
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    $RegistryPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
    $ProfileListKey = Open-RegistryKey -RegistryPath $RegistryPath -ComputerName $ComputerName

    if ($ProfileListKey -eq $null)
        Write-Error "Failed to open registry path: $RegistryPath on $ComputerName."

    $ProfileRegistryItems = foreach ($sid in $ProfileListKey.GetSubKeyNames())
        # Use Open-RegistrySubKey to get the subkey for the SID
        $subKey = Open-RegistrySubKey -ParentKey $ProfileListKey -SubKeyName $sid

        if ($subKey -eq $null)
            Write-Warning "Registry key for SID '$sid' could not be opened."

        # Use Get-ProfilePathFromSID to get the ProfileImagePath for the SID
        $profilePath = Get-ProfilePathFromSID -SidKey $subKey

        # Return a PSCustomObject with SID, ProfilePath, and ComputerName
            SID              = $sid
            ProfilePath      = $profilePath
            ComputerName     = $ComputerName
            ExistsInRegistry = $true

    return $ProfileRegistryItems
#EndRegion './Public/Get-SIDProfileInfo.ps1' 59
#Region './Public/Get-UserFolders.ps1' -1

    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from a specified computer.
    The Get-UserFolders function scans the user profile directory on the specified computer and returns a list of folders that represent user profiles. It checks whether the target computer is local or remote and returns information such as the folder name and profile path for each folder.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profile folders.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
    Get-UserFolders -ComputerName "Server01" -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles"
    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from the "D:\UserProfiles" directory on "Server01".
    Get-UserFolders -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME
    Retrieves a list of user profile folders from the local computer's default user directory.
    This function returns an array of objects where each object represents a user profile folder, including the folder name, profile path, and computer name.

function Get-UserFolders
    param (
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = "$env:SystemDrive\Users"

    $IsLocal = ($ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $FolderPath = Get-DirectoryPath -BasePath $ProfileFolderPath -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsLocal $IsLocal

    # Get list of all folders in the user profile directory
    $ProfileFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -Directory | ForEach-Object {
            FolderName   = $_.Name
            ProfilePath  = Get-DirectoryPath -basepath $_.FullName -ComputerName $ComputerName -IsLocal $true
            ComputerName = $ComputerName

    return $ProfileFolders
#EndRegion './Public/Get-UserFolders.ps1' 41
#Region './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromFolders.ps1' -1

    Retrieves user profile folders from a specified computer.
    The Get-UserProfilesFromFolders function scans the user profile directory on the specified computer and returns information about the user profile folders found. This function is useful for identifying the profile folders stored on disk, which may or may not match entries in the registry.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profile folders. Defaults to the local computer.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder where user profiles are stored. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
    Get-UserProfilesFromFolders -ComputerName "Server01" -ProfileFolderPath "D:\UserProfiles"
    Retrieves user profile folders from the "D:\UserProfiles" directory on "Server01".
    Retrieves user profile folders from the default "$env:SystemDrive\Users" directory on the local computer.
    This function returns a list of user profile folders found in the specified directory on the specified computer.

function Get-UserProfilesFromFolders
    param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = "$env:SystemDrive\Users"

    # Get user folders and return them
    $UserFolders = Get-UserFolders -ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath
    return $UserFolders
#EndRegion './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromFolders.ps1' 30
#Region './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry.ps1' -1

    Retrieves user profiles from the registry of a specified computer.
    The Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry function queries the ProfileList registry key on the specified computer and returns information about the user profiles found in the registry. This includes details such as the SID and profile path.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which to retrieve user profiles. Defaults to the local computer.
    Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry -ComputerName "Server01"
    Retrieves the user profiles from the registry on "Server01".
    Retrieves the user profiles from the local computer's registry.
    This function returns a list of user profiles stored in the registry, including their SIDs and associated profile paths.

function Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry
    param (
        [string] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Get registry profiles and return them
    $RegistryProfiles = Get-SIDProfileInfo -ComputerName $ComputerName
    return $RegistryProfiles

#EndRegion './Public/Get-UserProfilesFromRegistry.ps1' 28
#Region './Public/Remove-OrphanedProfiles.ps1' -1

    Removes orphaned user profiles from a specified computer.
    The Remove-OrphanedProfiles function identifies and removes orphaned profiles from the specified computer. Orphaned profiles are those that exist in the file system but not in the registry, or vice versa. The function can also optionally ignore special or default profiles.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer from which orphaned profiles will be removed. This is a required parameter.
.PARAMETER ProfileFolderPath
    The path to the folder containing user profiles. Defaults to "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
.PARAMETER IgnoreSpecial
    Switch to ignore special or default profiles during the removal process.
    Remove-OrphanedProfiles -ComputerName "Server01" -ProfileFolderPath "C:\Users" -IgnoreSpecial
    Removes orphaned profiles from "Server01", excluding special or default profiles.
    Remove-OrphanedProfiles -ComputerName "Server01"
    Removes orphaned profiles from "Server01" using the default profile folder path "$env:SystemDrive\Users".
    This function supports 'ShouldProcess', allowing the use of -WhatIf or -Confirm to simulate the deletion process.
    The function first collects all orphaned profiles, identifies the SIDs associated with them, and then removes the corresponding registry entries.

function Remove-OrphanedProfiles
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ProfileFolderPath = "$env:SystemDrive\Users",


    # Step 1: Get the list of orphaned profiles
    $orphanedProfiles = Get-OrphanedProfiles-ComputerName $ComputerName -ProfileFolderPath $ProfileFolderPath -IgnoreSpecial

    if (-not $orphanedProfiles)
        Write-Verbose "No orphaned profiles found on $ComputerName."

    # Step 2: Extract the SIDs of orphaned profiles that exist in the registry
    $orphanedSIDs = $orphanedProfiles | Where-Object { $_.SID } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID

    if (-not $orphanedSIDs)
        Write-Verbose "No orphaned profiles with valid SIDs found for removal on $ComputerName."

    # Step 3: Remove profiles for the collected SIDs
    $removalResults = Remove-ProfilesForSIDs -SIDs $orphanedSIDs -ComputerName $ComputerName -Confirm:$false

    # Step 4: Return the results of the removal process
    return $removalResults
#EndRegion './Public/Remove-OrphanedProfiles.ps1' 60
#Region './Public/Remove-ProfilesForSIDs.ps1' -1

    Orchestrates the deletion process for multiple profiles by SID.
    The Remove-ProfilesForSIDs function removes profiles for multiple Security Identifiers (SIDs) from the ProfileList in the Windows registry. It loops through each SID provided, attempts to delete the associated profile, and returns the results of each deletion.
    If a profile cannot be found in the registry, the function will return a result indicating that the profile was not found.
    An array of Security Identifiers (SIDs) for which the profile registry keys will be deleted.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The name of the computer where the profiles reside. By default, this is the local computer.
    Remove-ProfilesForSIDs -SIDs "S-1-5-21-123456789-1001", "S-1-5-21-123456789-1002" -ComputerName "Server01"
    Deletes the profiles associated with the specified SIDs from the registry on "Server01" and returns the results of each deletion.
    This function supports 'ShouldProcess', allowing the use of -WhatIf or -Confirm to simulate the deletion process.
    Each profile deletion is handled individually, with errors caught and returned in the final result.

function Remove-ProfilesForSIDs
    #Orchestrates the deletion process for multiple SIDs.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]]$SIDs, # Accept multiple SIDs as an array

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME  # Default to local computer

    # Open the ProfileList registry key
    $RegistryPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
    $ProfileListKey = Open-RegistryKey -RegistryPath $RegistryPath -ComputerName $ComputerName

    if ($ProfileListKey -eq $null)
        Write-Error "Failed to open ProfileList registry path on $ComputerName."

    $deletionResults = @()

    # Loop through each SID and process deletion
    foreach ($sid in $SIDs)
            # Get profile information for the SID
            $sidProfileInfo = Get-SIDProfileInfo -SID $sid -ProfileListKey $ProfileListKey

            if (-not $sidProfileInfo.ExistsInRegistry)
                $deletionResults += [ProfileDeletionResult]::new(

            # Process the deletion of the profile for the SID
            $deletionResult = Remove-SIDProfile -SID $sid `
                -ProfileListKey $ProfileListKey `
                -ComputerName $ComputerName `
                -ProfilePath $sidProfileInfo.ProfilePath

            $deletionResults += $deletionResult
            Write-Error "An error occurred while processing SID '$sid'. $_"

            # Add a deletion result indicating failure due to error
            $deletionResults += [ProfileDeletionResult]::new(
                "Error occurred while processing SID '$sid'. Error: $_",

    # Close the registry key when done

    # Return the array of deletion results
    return $deletionResults
#EndRegion './Public/Remove-ProfilesForSIDs.ps1' 93