
function Install-WinGetBinaries {

    param (

    # If the user opts not to install WinGet, throw an exception
    if (-not (((Get-ForceProperty) -or (Get-AcceptLicenseProperty)) -or $request.ShouldContinue($LocalizedData.InstallWinGetExeShouldContinueQuery, $LocalizedData.InstallWinGetExeShouldContinueCaption))) {
        ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.OperationCanceledException' `
            -ExceptionMessage ($LocalizedData.UserDeclined -f "install") `
            -ErrorId 'UserDeclined' `
            -ErrorCategory InvalidOperationException `
            -ExceptionObject $PSEdition

    # install WinGet based on
    try {
        Write-Verbose 'Installing WinGet'

        # Older versions of PowerShell / .NET are opinionated about which ciphers to support, while newer versions default to whatever ciphers the OS supports.
        # If .NET isn't falling back on the OS defaults, explicitly add TLS 1.2 as a supported cipher for this session, otherwise let the OS take care of it.
        if (-not ([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -eq [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault)) {
            [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = ([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12)

        # Get the latest released AppX bundle from GitHub and install it
        Add-AppxPackage -Path (Invoke-WebRequest '' -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Assets | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url)
    } catch {
        ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.OperationCanceledException' `
            -ExceptionMessage $LocalizedData.FailToInstallWinGet `
            -ErrorID 'FailToInstallWinGet' `
            -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation `
            -ExceptionObject $job