
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\WinGet-Utils.psm1"

[string]$PackageDatabase = "$PSScriptRoot\winget.packages.json"
[string]$IgnoreFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\winget.{HOSTNAME}.ignore"

    This is the back end handler for initializing various user-facing files
    that typically are expected to resize external to the module install
    location but symlinked.

function Initialize-WinGetResource
        # The path to an existing file. This file will be symbolically linked.

        # Points to one of the internally referernced resource files which
        # the $SourceFile will be SmyLink'd or copied to.

    $DestinationFilename = $(Split-Path -Leaf $DestinationFile)

    if (-not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SourceFile))) {
        if ((Test-Path $DestinationFile) -and -not(Test-ReparsePoint $DestinationFile)) {
            Write-Output "Backing up existing '$DestinationFilename'."
            Move-Item $DestinationFile -Destination "$DestinationFile.bak" -Force

        $SymLinkArgs = @{
            ItemType = "SymbolicLink"
            Path = "$(Split-Path -Parent $DestinationFile)"
            Name = $DestinationFilename
            Value = "$($SourceFile | Resolve-Path)"
            Force = $true

        Write-Output "Creating new symlink for '$DestinationFilename'."
        New-Item @SymLinkArgs
    } elseif (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
        Write-Output "The '$DestinationFilename' file is already initialized."
    } else {
        $currentVersion = [version]"0.0"
        if (-not[version]::TryParse((Split-Path -Leaf (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot/..)), [ref]$currentVersion)) {
            # Not installed as a module, do not try to migrate
            Write-Output "Not installed as a module. Migration of '$DestinationFilename' cannot be performed."

        $selectedVersion = [version]"0.0"
        $selectedPackageFile = $null
        $moduleVersionPaths = Get-ChildItem -Directory $PSScriptRoot/../..
        $moduleVersionPaths | Where-Object { [version]($_.Name) -ne $currentVersion } | ForEach-Object {
            $packageFile = (Join-Path $_ "modules/$DestinationFilename")
            if (Test-Path $packageFile) {
                $version = [version](Split-Path -Leaf $_)
                if ($version -gt $selectedVersion) {
                    $selectedVersion = $version
                    $selectedPackageFile = $packageFile

        if ($null -ne $selectedPackageFile) {
            $source = Get-Item $selectedPackageFile
            if ($source.Target) {
                if (-not(Test-Administrator)) {
                    Write-Warning "A symlink to '$DestinationFilename' cannot be created as a non-admin."

                Write-Output "Creating new symlink to '$DestinationFilename'."
                $SymLinkArgs = @{
                    ItemType = "SymbolicLink"
                    Path = "$(Split-Path -Parent $DestinationFile)"
                    Name = $DestinationFilename
                    Value = $source.Target

                New-Item @SymLinkArgs
            } else {
                Write-Output "Copying existing '$DestinationFilename'."
                Copy-Item -Path $source.FullName -Destination $DestinationFile
        } else {
            Write-Output "No '$DestinationFilename' detected."
            Write-Output "Create one and provide it as the argument to -SourceFile."

    Initialize the local "" needed by Restore-WinGetSoftware.
    If -SourceFile is specified, the file will be symbolically linked to the
    appropriate location. When this parameter is not specified, the cmdlet will
    auto-detect other installed module versions and attempt to find the latest
    existing "winget.packages.json". In such cases, it will make a symlink
    only if one was used previously; otherwise it will copy the previous file.

    PS> Initialize-WinGetRestore -SourceFile "./"

    PS> Initialize-WinGetRestore

function Initialize-WinGetRestore
        The path to an existing "" file. This file
        will be symbolically linked.


        When set, the cmdlet will automatically relaunch using an Administrator
        PowerShell instance. This cmdlet needs such permissions to create
        Symbolic Links.


    if ($Administrator -and -not(Test-Administrator)) {
        $boundParamsString = $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$_] -is [switch]) {
                if ($PSBoundParameters[$_]) {
            } else {
                "-$($_) $($PSBoundParameters[$_])"
        $cmdArgs = "-NoLogo -NoExit -Command Initialize-WinGetRestore $($boundParamsString -join ' ')"
        Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath "pwsh" -ArgumentList $cmdArgs

    Initialize-WinGetResource -SourceFile $SourceFile -DestinationFile $PackageDatabase

    Initialize the local "winget.{HOSTNAME}.ignore" used by various cmdlets.
    If -SourceFile is specified, the file will be symbolically linked to the
    appropriate location. When this parameter is not specified, the cmdlet will
    auto-detect other installed module versions and attempt to find the latest
    existing "winget.{HOSTNAME}.ignore". In such cases, it will make a symlink
    only if one was used previously; otherwise it will copy the previous file.

    PS> Initialize-WinGetIgnore -SourceFile "./winget.example-hostname.ignore"

    PS> Initialize-WinGetIgnore

function Initialize-WinGetIgnore
        The path to an existing winget-ignore file. This file will be
        symbolically linked.


        When set, the cmdlet will automatically relaunch using an Administrator
        PowerShell instance. This cmdlet needs such permissions to create
        Symbolic Links.


    if ($Administrator -and -not(Test-Administrator)) {
        $boundParamsString = $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$_] -is [switch]) {
                if ($PSBoundParameters[$_]) {
            } else {
                "-$($_) $($PSBoundParameters[$_])"
        $cmdArgs = "-NoLogo -NoExit -Command Initialize-WinGetIgnore $($boundParamsString -join ' ')"
        Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath "pwsh" -ArgumentList $cmdArgs

    $ignoreFile = $IgnoreFilePath.Replace('{HOSTNAME}', $(hostname).ToLower())
    Initialize-WinGetResource -SourceFile $SourceFile -DestinationFile $ignoreFile