
[string]$PackageDatabase = "$PSScriptRoot\winget.packages.json"

    Initialize the local "" need by Restore-WinGetSoftware.
    This file can be initialized by specifying the file to use which will be
    symbolically linked. Or it make auto-detect previous instances in other
    versions of the module currently installed on the system. In such cases,
    it will make a symlink if one was used previously; otherwise it will copy
    the previous file.

    PS> Initialize-WinGetRestore -SourceFile "./"

function Initialize-WinGetRestore

    function Test-Administrator
        $user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent();
        (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)

    if ($Administrator -and -not(Test-Administrator)) {
        $boundParamsString = $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$_] -is [switch]) {
                if ($PSBoundParameters[$_]) {
            } else {
                "-$($_) $($PSBoundParameters[$_])"
        $cmdArgs = "-NoLogo -NoExit -Command Update-WingetSoftware $($boundParamsString -join ' ')"
        Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath "pwsh" -ArgumentList $cmdArgs

    if (-not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SourceFile))) {
        if (Test-Path $PackageDatabase) {
            Write-Output "Backing up existing winget.packages.json"
            Move-Item $PackageDatabase -Destination "$PackageDatabase.bak" -Force -Confirm

        $SymLinkArgs = @{
            ItemType = "SymbolicLink"
            Path = "$(Split-Path -Parent $PackageDatabase)"
            Name = "$(Split-Path -Leaf $PackageDatabase)"
            Value = "$($SourceFile | Resolve-Path)"

        Write-Output "Creating new symlink for winget.packages.json"
        New-Item @SymLinkArgs
    } elseif (Test-Path $PackageDatabase) {
        Write-Output "Already initialized."
    } else {
        $currentVersion = [version]"0.0"
        if (-not[version]::TryParse((Split-Path -Leaf (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot/..)), [ref]$currentVersion)) {
            # Not installed as a module, do not try to migrate
            Write-Output "Not installed as a module. Nothing to do."

        $selectedVersion = [version]"0.0"
        $selectedPackageFile = ''
        $moduleVersionPaths = Get-ChildItem -Directory $PSScriptRoot/../..
        $moduleVersionPaths | Where-Object { [version]($_.Name) -ne $currentVersion } | ForEach-Object {
            $packageFile = (Join-Path $_ "modules/winget.packages.json")
            if (Test-Path $packageFile) {
                $version = [version](Split-Path -Leaf $_)
                if ($version -gt $selectedVersion) {
                    $selectedVersion = $version
                    $selectedPackageFile = $packageFile

        if (-not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($selectedPackageFile))) {
            $source = Get-Item $selectedPackageFile
            if ($source.Target) {
                Write-Output "Creating new symlink to winget.packages.json"
                $SourceFile = $source.Target
            } else {
                Write-Output "Copying existing winget.packages.json"
                $SourceFile = $source.Name

            $SymLinkArgs = @{
                ItemType = "SymbolicLink"
                Path = "$(Split-Path -Parent $PackageDatabase)"
                Name = "$(Split-Path -Leaf $PackageDatabase)"
                Value = $SourceFile

            New-Item @SymLinkArgs
        } else {
            Write-Output "No winget.packages.json detected."
            Write-Output "Create one and provide it as the argument to -SourceFile."