function Copy-WhiskeyFile { [Whiskey.Task("CopyFile")] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Whiskey.Context] $TaskContext, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] $TaskParameter ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $pathErrorMessage = @' 'Path' property is missing. Please set it to the list of files to copy, e.g. Build: - CopyFile: Path: myfile.txt Destination: \\computer\share '@ $destDirErrorMessage = @' 'DestinationDirectory' property is missing. Please set it to the list of target locations to copy to, e.g. Build: - CopyFile: Path: myfile.txt DestinationDirectory: \\computer\share '@ if(!$TaskParameter.ContainsKey('Path')) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ($pathErrorMessage) return } $sourceFiles = $TaskParameter['Path'] | Resolve-WhiskeyTaskPath -TaskContext $TaskContext -PropertyName 'Path' if(!$sourceFiles) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ($pathErrorMessage) return } if(!$TaskParameter.ContainsKey('DestinationDirectory')) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ($destDirErrorMessage) return } if(!$TaskParameter['DestinationDirectory']) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ($destDirErrorMessage) return } foreach($sourceFile in $sourceFiles) { if((Test-Path -Path $sourceFile -PathType Container)) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Path "{0}" is directory. The CopyFile task only copies files. Please remove this path from your "Path" property.' -f $sourceFile) return } } $idx = 0 $destinations = $TaskParameter['DestinationDirectory'] | ForEach-Object { $path = $_ if( -not [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($path) ) { $path = Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.BuildRoot -ChildPath $path } if( [Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($path) ) { $path = Resolve-Path -Path $path -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProviderPath' if( -not $path ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('DestinationDirectory[{0}]: Wildcard pattern "{1}" doesn''t point to an existing directory.' -f $idx, $_) return } $path } else { $path } $idx++ } foreach ($destDir in $destinations) { if(!(Test-Path -Path $destDir -PathType Container)) { $null = New-Item -Path $destDir -ItemType 'Directory' -Force } if(!(Test-Path -Path $destDir -PathType Container)) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Failed to create destination directory "{0}". Make sure the current user, "{1}\{2}" has access to create directories in "{0}". If it is a file share, check that the share exists and the share"s permissions.' -f $destDir, [Environment]::UserDomainName, [Environment]::UserName) return } } foreach( $destDir in $destinations ) { foreach($sourceFile in $sourceFiles) { Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext ('{0} -> {1}' -f $sourceFile,$destDir) Copy-Item -Path $sourceFile -Destination $destDir } } } |