function Install-WhiskeyNode { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] # The directory where Node should be installed. Will actually be installed into `Join-Path -Path $InstallRoot -ChildPath '.node'`. $InstallRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Switch] # Are we running in clean mode? If so, don't re-install the tool. $InCleanMode, [string] # The version of Node to install. If not provided, will use the version defined in the package.json file. If that isn't supplied, will install the latest LTS version. $Version ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $nodePath = Resolve-WhiskeyNodePath -BuildRootPath $InstallRoot -ErrorAction Ignore if( $InCleanMode ) { if( $nodePath ) { return $nodePath } return } $npmVersionToInstall = $null $nodeVersionToInstall = $null $nodeVersions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' | ForEach-Object { $_ } if( $Version ) { $nodeVersionToInstall = $nodeVersions | Where-Object { $_.version -like 'v{0}' -f $Version } | Select-Object -First 1 if( -not $nodeVersionToInstall ) { throw ('Node v{0} does not exist.' -f $Version) } } else { $packageJsonPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).ProviderPath -ChildPath 'package.json' if( -not (Test-Path -Path $packageJsonPath -PathType Leaf) ) { $packageJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $InstallRoot -ChildPath 'package.json' } if( (Test-Path -Path $packageJsonPath -PathType Leaf) ) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Reading ''{0}'' to determine Node and NPM versions to use.' -f $packageJsonPath) $packageJson = Get-Content -Raw -Path $packageJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json if( $packageJson -and ($packageJson | Get-Member 'engines') ) { if( ($packageJson.engines | Get-Member 'node') -and $packageJson.engines.node -match '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' ) { $nodeVersionToInstall = 'v{0}' -f $Matches[1] $nodeVersionToInstall = $nodeVersions | Where-Object { $_.version -eq $nodeVersionToInstall } | Select-Object -First 1 } if( ($packageJson.engines | Get-Member 'npm') -and $packageJson.engines.npm -match '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' ) { $npmVersionToInstall = $Matches[1] } } } } if( -not $nodeVersionToInstall ) { $nodeVersionToInstall = $nodeVersions | Where-Object { ($_ | Get-Member 'lts') -and $_.lts } | Select-Object -First 1 } if( -not $npmVersionToInstall ) { $npmVersionToInstall = $nodeVersionToInstall.npm } $installNode = $false if( $nodePath ) { $currentNodeVersion = & $nodePath '--version' if( $currentNodeVersion -ne $nodeVersionToInstall.version ) { Uninstall-WhiskeyTool -Name 'Node' -InstallRoot $InstallRoot $installNode = $true } } else { $installNode = $true } $nodeRoot = Join-Path -Path $InstallRoot -ChildPath '.node' if( -not (Test-Path -Path $nodeRoot -PathType Container) ) { New-Item -Path $nodeRoot -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null } $platform = 'win' $packageExtension = 'zip' if( $IsLinux ) { $platform = 'linux' $packageExtension = 'tar.xz' } elseif( $IsMacOS ) { $platform = 'darwin' $packageExtension = 'tar.gz' } $extractedDirName = 'node-{0}-{1}-x64' -f $nodeVersionToInstall.version,$platform $filename = '{0}.{1}' -f $extractedDirName,$packageExtension $nodeZipFile = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath $filename if( -not (Test-Path -Path $nodeZipFile -PathType Leaf) ) { $uri = '{0}/{1}' -f $nodeVersionToInstall.version,$filename try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $nodeZipFile } catch { $responseStatus = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode $errorMsg = 'Failed to download Node {0}. Received a {1} ({2}) response when retreiving URI {3}.' -f $nodeVersionToInstall.version,$responseStatus,[int]$responseStatus,$uri if( $responseStatus -eq [Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound ) { $errorMsg = '{0} It looks like this version of Node wasn''t packaged as a ZIP file. Please use Node v4.5.0 or newer.' -f $errorMsg } throw $errorMsg } } if( $installNode ) { if( $IsWindows ) { # Windows/.NET can't handle the long paths in the Node package, so on that platform, we need to download 7-zip. It can handle paths that long. $7zipPackageRoot = Install-WhiskeyTool -NuGetPackageName '7-Zip.CommandLine' -DownloadRoot $InstallRoot $7z = Join-Path -Path $7zipPackageRoot -ChildPath 'tools\x64\7za.exe' -Resolve -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ('{0} x {1} -o{2} -y' -f $7z,$nodeZipFile,$nodeRoot) & $7z 'x' $nodeZipFile ('-o{0}' -f $nodeRoot) '-y' | Write-Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path $nodeRoot -Filter 'node-*' -Directory | Get-ChildItem | Move-Item -Destination $nodeRoot } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('tar -xJf "{0}" -C "{1}" --strip-components=1' -f $nodeZipFile,$nodeRoot) tar -xJf $nodeZipFile -C $nodeRoot '--strip-components=1' | Write-Verbose if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { Write-Error -Message ('Failed to extract Node.js {0} package "{1}" to "{2}".' -f $nodeVersionToInstall.version,$nodeZipFile,$nodeRoot) return } } $nodePath = Resolve-WhiskeyNodePath -BuildRootPath $InstallRoot -ErrorAction Stop } $npmPath = Resolve-WhiskeyNodeModulePath -Name 'npm' -NodeRootPath $nodeRoot -ErrorAction Stop $npmPath = Join-Path -Path $npmPath -ChildPath 'bin\npm-cli.js' $npmVersion = & $nodePath $npmPath '--version' if( $npmVersion -ne $npmVersionToInstall ) { Write-Verbose ('Installing npm@{0}.' -f $npmVersionToInstall) # Bug in NPM 5 that won't delete these files in the node home directory. Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath '*') -Include 'npm.cmd','npm','npx.cmd','npx' | Remove-Item & $nodePath $npmPath 'install' ('npm@{0}' -f $npmVersionToInstall) '-g' | Write-Verbose if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { throw ('Failed to update to NPM {0}. Please see previous output for details.' -f $npmVersionToInstall) } } return $nodePath } |